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Chapter Eight

She was so close now. She almost felt ill from the anticipation and excitement. Now she was in the same room as him she wanted nothing more than to possess him.

She could feel him watching her as she glided across the room, smiling at her friends and new acquaintances. She hugged her friend and wished her a happy birthday before exiting to get some air. She smiled contentedly to herself as the cool, evening air encircled her.

“Hi.” She turned towards the voice and her eyes lit up as she smiled at him.

“Hi,” she said, almost shyly, wanting to capture this moment, the moment that she had been envisioning for years.

“I’m Nick. Nick Carter.” ‘Oh I know who you are,’ she thought as she accepted his hand and shook it.

“I’m Mary Beth. Mary Beth Aberay.”

Chapter Nine
Her Obsession
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