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Chapter Nine

My heart sank as I saw Cali’s car parked outside Nicks house. I tried to keep my emotions under control as I made my way inside.

“Finally, you’re here.” Cali’s voice rang out through the room. To my surprise Nick embraced me tightly, giving me a long, lingering kiss.

“Cali says she has a surprise for us,” Nick said rolling his eyes and finally pulling away. As I noticed the smug, contented look on her face I got that awful sinking feeling.

“Well, now I have everyone’s attention,” Cali began, looking at each individual in the room. Her gaze lingered on Nick before resting on me. A purely evil smile played on her lips. The Backstreet Boys seemed totally oblivious to her evil intentions. “I found this today,” she said, pulling the book, my book, out of her bag, “at Mary Beths. I thought maybe you’d like to take a look at it Nick.” Nick looked at me with a slightly confused expression as he accepted the book.

“What is it?” AJ asked as Nick began to silently flick through the book. Finally he looked at me, his face displaying a disbelieving look. I felt sick, knowing that this was the end. The end of us.

“Nick.” My voice broke the silence, but the other occupants in the room just stared, having now seen what Cali had, so willingly, shown Nick. Stared at someone they thought they had known. “It’s… it’s not like you think.” Nick watched me, unmoving, as I approached him. I could see Cali watching the scene unfold, taking joy in my suffering. “Nick, I love you,” I said, gently taking his face between my hands. Gazing up into his eyes, glazed over with unwept tears, I saw all the pain, hurt and confusion I had caused.

“I thought,” he began, stopping only to swallow the lump building in his throat. “I thought you were the one person who finally loved me, for me.” I felt the tears begin to fall from my eyes as I realised just how much I had hurt him. “I would have done anything for you. Absolutely anything.”

“I do love you for you,” I whispered. “I just loved the Nick I didn’t know before. When I finally met you I fell in love again.” Nick looked down at me, trying to control all his emotions and decide what to do.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be with you anymore,” he said finally. I breathed in deeply, forcing myself not to argue or protest. It had been inevitable, what else was I to expect? I reached up and kissed him softly on the lips, receiving hardly any response from him… but at least he didn’t pull away.

“I love you,” I whispered in his ear, before retrieving my book – the making and destruction of everything. I left the room without looking at anyone, leaving an almost eerie silence behind.

“I guess that’s what the promise was about,” Nick finally said. Brian nodded and stood to go and comfort his friend. Before he could, Nick silently left the room, leaving four shocked and worried friends.

Her Obsession
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