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“I don’t get it,” I sighed, running my hand through my long, light brown hair. “Why do I have to do it? It’s not like I have any experience with it all! Look at me! I hardly think I could protect myself, let alone someone who’s twice the size of me.” Jonathan looked at me with a half amused, half annoyed expression.

“Sophie, we’ve been through this. We start the training this week, then you’ll be ready.” I was getting to the point of frustration. I didn’t understand, as much as anything.

“Jonathan, I can’t do it! I have a life you know. Find someone else. Someone who cares.” I stood up, picking up my bag and heading to the door. I squealed in pain as Jonathan grabbed my arm, his fingers digging into my skin.

“Sophie! This isn’t a choice” he told me firmly. “Be here tomorrow at 9am. If you’re not here there’ll be trouble.” He let go off my arm, which I rubbed in resentment. I gave him a dirty look and turned to leave. Stopping I turned back,

“How long will this… training take?” Jonathan focused his grey eyes on me – giving a look of sympathy and a small smile.

“In total… about eight months.” I opened my mouth in shock, tried to say something, then shut it again. I slammed the door behind me, heading home to take out my pent up aggression on something ‘productive’.

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The Protector
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