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Chapter One

~ eight months later ~

I looked up at the building which would introduce me to the life I didn’t want. I quickly moved out of the way of the doors as a group of girls went hurrying inside, carrying pictures and what looked like V.I.P passes around their necks. I sighed, readjusting the strap of my bag to a more comfortable position.

“Well… here goes nothing.” I pushed open the glass doors and walked into the grand reception area. A friendly woman looked up from her desk and smiled.

“Miss Moore?” I nodded and approached the desk. “We’ve been expecting you.” Trust Jonathan to have made sure I was shown where I was supposed to go straight away – anything to stop me running away. Mrs. Leyson, the receptionist, phoned through and moments later I was met by an important looking gentlemen in a black suit.

“Thank you,” I smiled.

“Miss Moore,” the man extended his hand to me, which I extended to him with a smile. “I’m Mr. Fox. Would you like to follow me?”

My role had been explained to me in great detail. I was to be the wardrobe assistant – like they needed one. But it was just a cover of what my real job entailed. Mr. Fox scratched his head, covered in a mass of thick grey hair.

“Well Miss Moore - ”

“Sophie. Please call me Sophie.” He nodded,

“Sophie, your training means you are fully capable for this job, and you do understand that under no circumstances are you to tell anyone. And I mean anyone why you are really here.” I nodded. “If he knew the real reasons for your sudden appearance I doubt he would give you the chance to help… not that he will know anyway… hopefully.” He stood and walked in front of his desk. “Well that’s it, for now.” He handed me a cell phone. “In case of serious problems,” he stated. “And we would like to thank you in advance for your help… and discretion.” I shook his hand and left the room, to be greeted warmly by another lady, who led me to the exit.

“Now sweetie, at first you just have to watch me… then as time goes on you’ll get more responsibility,” Ellen Hargrave, the Backstreet Boys wardrobe person, told me with a smile. “Under the circumstances to why you’re here, we’ll take it slow.”

Maybe it’s time to explain. I am Sophie Moore – nineteen years old from Orlando, Florida. I have been chosen – who by? Even I don’t know – to guard, protect etc. Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys. Except he can’t know that that’s why I’m here. No one can. Except Jonathan – my mentor, who I kinda look up to as a brother, and Mr. Fox (I’m still confused as to exactly what he has to do with everything!) So everyone to do with the Backstreet Boys thinks I’ve been hastily employed because of problems in my personal life – seeing as I am Mr. Fox’s ‘niece’ it was all easily arranged. So I am assistant wardrobe designer (basically – right now – I give my opinion and help set the stuff out ready for the boys to wear). I haven’t met them yet. I doubt I will for a while. But I reckon I know almost all there is to know about Nick Carter. I even know roughly what time he goes to bed, if he has a shower – when he has a shower – and all that stuff. Just in case. And I guess you’re wondering who (or what) I’m protecting him from. I mean, eight months is a long time to be in training. And it’s hardly a security issue. The truth is even I’m not sure. As soon as I know, you’ll know…

I searched through the racks for the outfit Ellen had asked me to find. It was needed for the next costume change and I couldn’t find it anywhere.

“Sophie!!! Hurry up – we need that costume now!” Ellen’s voice carried across the busy backstage area. I started to look through the racks again. I swear it wasn’t there! The more I looked, the more frustrated I became. Ellen was helping the boys get into their costumes.

“Where the hell is it?” I muttered to myself.

“Hey, did you find it?” an unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I turned quickly. He smiled, “Sorry if I startled you, but I have to be on stage in, like one minute.”

“I am so sorry! I can’t find it. I’ve been looking for ages.” He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“It’s not you fault. Here, let me help.” We both began looking through the racks, him at one end and me at the other. “I’m Brian by the way.” I smiled,

“Sophie.” He shook my hand, quickly. “Ah-huh!” I exclaimed in triumph. I held out his costume, which was in serious need of an iron, having been stuffed into the corner, on the floor. Brian eyed it, making a silly face.

“Ah well, a few creases won’t kill me!” He smiled, “Gotta go. See ya later Sophie.” I watched him run quickly over to the other side, pulling the costume over the vest top and pants he was already wearing. The other guys look relieved, teasing Brian about the many creases, and what looked like footprints that covered his costume.

I knocked on the dressing room door. Why am I feeling scared? I asked myself, annoyed with my stupid feelings. The door opened and I had to look up a bit to see the handsome face that greeted me.

“Hi, I’m Sophie… could I speak to Brian please?” He smiled and gestured for me to enter.

“I’m Kevin, and that’s AJ,” Kevin said, waving his hand towards the guy sat on the couch.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“Hey,” AJ shook my hand. “Brian’s just taking a shower.”

“Oh…” I stuttered. “I can come back later.” I couldn’t believe how nervous I felt. I was almost afraid to be there in case I met Nick. Once I’d met him maybe the whole protection thing would have to start.

“You can wait,” Kevin offered. I shook my head, quickly heading towards the door.

“No, it’s fine. Thanks anyway.” I pulled the door open and almost ran out of the room, but was prevented by a sturdy figure about to enter. “Oh God…. I’m sorry,” I said quickly.

“That’s okay.” I took a step back, finding myself looking up at Nick Carter… damn it! He smiled, “So, who are you?”

“Sophie… nice meeting you… but I have to go.” He seemed a little confused, as did the other guys in the room.

“Hey Sophie!” I looked past Nick to see Brian, a towel hung around his neck.

“Brian,” I said, sounding a little relieved. “Hey. I just came to say sorry for earlier. I swear your costume was there when I’d checked earlier. I don’t know what happened.” He smiled, his blue eyes sparkling.

“It’s fine… really. Sure I looked like I’d been sleeping in them, but other than that… nah just playin’. Serious don’t worry about it.” I smiled,

“Thanks… well I better go. See ya around.” I hurried away.

“Jonathan, I was a nervous wreck,” I said desperately into the phone. “What am I going to do? You expect me to protect him – I can’t even talk to him… what do I do?”

“Calm down!” Jonathan’s voice flowed back over the line. “You’ve got to toughen up Soph. And don’t worry. Act how you would if you were really there as a wardrobe… whatchamacallit.” I knew Jonathan was smiling. “You’re doing fine.” I heard someone enter the room behind me.

“I’ll speak to you later… bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and turned round.

“Hey.” I prevented the shocked look from arriving on my face, instead smiling pleasantly I stood up.

“Hi… Nick, right?” He nodded,

“Brian wanted to know if you’d like to hang out with us… I mean the rest of the guys and some of the dancers… we heard… well… anyway, we thought you’d maybe like to hang out with some people more your age. Ellen’s cool and all… but you know.” Wow! He was worse than me on the stuttering thing! I smiled,

“No… thanks… I’m fine. I have some stuff to do.”

“Oh. Are you sure? It’d only be for an hour or so. A few drinks..?” I picked up my coat, pulling it on.

“No, really. It’s fine. I should get going. I’ll see you around Nick.” I left him alone in the room – I felt like I had made the wrong decision, but I could hardly change my mind.

I threw my coat down on the bed and looked at the clock. Only 9.30 pm. I was just about to check out what was on television when someone knocked on the hotel door.

“Brian… hey.” He smiled but looked worried.

“Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Nick?” I frowned.

“No… why?”

“I don’t know… it’s probably nothing. But he went out to get some food for us all, and hasn’t come back… and he didn’t take security.” Surprising both myself and Brian, I pushed past him and hurtled down the stairs. I ran out into the street, seeming to sense which direction to go in. I found Nick leaving the store carrying bags of food.

“Hey Sophie…” he smiled, although seemed a little surprised to see me.

“Thank God,” I sighed in relief. He looked confused.

“Wh-” he was interrupted by a guy almost appearing from the shadows and lunging at him. Nick dropped his purchases and tried to defend himself. Without thinking I spurred into action. My kick-boxing and other training skills almost immediately beat the man down. He looked at me, his eyes almost seeming red in the light. Then he turned and ran away. I turned back to find Nick, his mouth hanging open.

“Are you okay?” I asked, examining him for any damage. He looked down at me.

“Fine…” he reached out and wiped my forehead, pulling back to show blood on his hand. “But I think we should take you to the hospital.”

“I’ll be fine.” I shrugged off his concern. “We better get back.” I helped Nick with the food and we hurried back to the hotel. I saw him to his room, “you’ll be okay?” I asked quickly.

“Yeah… Sophie… where did you learn to fight like that?” He looked at me, completely intrigued. I shrugged,

“I used to do kick-boxing…” He seemed a little sceptical but smiled. Nick leant forward and gently kissed my cheek. Taken a back I must have looked scared or something because Nick flushed red.

“Sorry… it was just to say thank you.”

“Oh… well I’ll see you around Nick.” I turned and walked away, in a way relieved that my first time at protecting Nick had gone so well.

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