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Chapter Three

I wearily sat down in the boys dressing room, intending to only rest for a moment before returning to help Ellen. I woke with a jolt as someone grabbed me, pulling me quickly from the seat.

“What the h-” I began to demand, but a pair of big, strong hands gripped around my neck, squeezing hard. I kicked, trying to free myself, but for some reason my mind wouldn’t clear enough to know what to do. Before, whenever faced with this kind of situation, which to count was about three times (not strangling, but being attacked or having to attack), I had just known what to do on instinct, but as I struggled for air my head wouldn’t tell the rest of my body what to do. The lack of oxygen slowed me down and I made a vain attempt to push the person away. Although it didn’t help me gain air, I managed to manoeuvre into a position where I was looking directly into the man’s face. He resembled the guy who had attacked Nick, but it wasn’t him… I could feel myself become light headed as the air stopped reaching my lungs.

“You know what – I really could do with a long bath,” the door to the dressing room swung open, although my attacker didn’t appear at all fazed. “Jesus Christ!” Both Nick and Kevin ran forward, pulling the guy away from me. It took the both of them, he was surprisingly strong. I fell to the floor, holding my neck as I gasped for breath. I rolled on to all fours, one hand held against my heart as it’s pace slowed slightly. I heard the struggle behind me, and the sound of punches being thrown.

“Sophie… shit! Are you okay?” Nick’s concerned face appeared next to me. I nodded, sitting back slightly, the skin of my neck feeling incredibly sore. He reached out and brushed the tears gently from my cheeks. I flinched. This was the first caring contact I had had with anyone in years. And until that moment I hadn’t realised that I was crying - whether it was a result of the shock, lack of air or simply from being damn scared I wasn’t sure. I rose slowly to my feet, feeling both Kevin and Nick watching me. The guy had smacked Kevin – leaving his lip slightly swollen – and then managed to escape from them. I smiled.

“Thanks guys.” I closed my eyes briefly, breathing deeply.

“Who was that?” Kevin asked, poking at his lip, then – realising that it hurt – stopped. I shook my head.

“I don’t know…” Nick was looking me over carefully, and I quickly wiped my wet cheeks. “Please… don’t tell anyone – I mean, it’s not something I want to get out…” Nick held my arm, reassuringly,

“But, we have to tell the police. That guy tried to kill you.” I looked into his eyes – filled with shock and fear. I licked my lips, their dryness annoying me,

“No. I’ll talk to Mr…. I mean, I’ll talk to Uncle Andrew. He’ll know what to do.” Nick shook his head,

“Well… at least let me help you see to your neck.” He gently touched it, and I backed away. “Sorry… does it really hurt?” I didn’t answer. “I bet it does,” he continued, answering for himself. “Come on.” Taking my hand, allowing for no protests, Nick pulled me out of the dressing room, to one of the exits. “Hey Chris – can you drive us to the hotel?” Chris smiled and nodded, looking at me carefully,

“Are you okay?” I nodded and Nick pushed me into the van.

“But what about the others?” I asked. “Won’t they need a lift back?” Nick slammed the door shut,

“Yeah. But Chris can come back for them. They’re all gonna shower first anyway.” I didn’t bother asking anymore. Nick was adamant, and I doubted very much that anything I could say would stop him from helping me.

I watched Nick carefully put some sort of cream on to a piece of cotton wool and then gently hold the side of my face as he applied it to my neck. He was focused on applying the stuff – which was actually making the skin feel a lot less tender – and I studied his face closely. His brow was furrowed slightly in concentration, and his lips looked pouty. I bit my lower lip, for two reasons. One to try and stop myself from thinking the thoughts I was thinking, and two to stop me from wanting to lean forward and kiss him. He has a girlfriend!! I told myself. Yeah, and that’s the reason that you can’t kiss him – dumb ass! His hand felt so soft and warm on my face and I began to wander what it would feel like on the rest of my body.

“Shut up!” Nick looked up. Damn it! Was that out loud?

“I didn’t say anything,” he said. His face was so close, and with his hand cupping my face it was the perfect opportunity. Nick just looked at me. It was one of those moments – you know, when you both just look at each other for what seems like forever, and then slowly move towards each other, ending up in a heart wrenching kiss. I cleared my throat and Nick looked away, lowering his hand. “Well, I think that’s all we can do. If it’s really bad though we could take you to the hospital?” I shook my head,

“I’ll be fine… thanks.” My voice was still a little off – I guess from my throat being squeezed so hard. Nick stood up, putting the lid on the bottle and placing it on the dresser. I was surprised when, instead of leaving, he sat down on the bed next to me.

“Sophie… what’s going on? I mean, that guy looked just like the guy who attacked me outside the store.” I stood up, loving the closeness but then hating it at the same time.

“It wasn’t the same guy,” I stated. Nick followed me around the room with his eyes.

“This only started when you came along… why is someone trying to kill us?” I turned to look at him. I wanted to tell him, I wanted someone else to know. Someone I could actually talk to – who’d be scared, like me, and who would not have any clue what they were doing… like me. But I knew I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed. His innocent blue eyes looked over at me. I swallowed hard, picking up a glass and going into the bathroom. I came back into the room swallowing the water with difficulty as my throat still ached. Nick continued to look at me for answers.

“I don’t know Nick… maybe this guy, or guys, just like to kill… and have picked us.” He looked confused,

“Just picked us..?” I nodded – not really having any idea of what I was talking about. I had to get away from the truth somehow.

“Yeah… for the thrill. Like… I don’t know, have you ever grabbed someone – probably a girl… yeah, a girl,” I said, picking up on a thought. “Who you really love, but for some reason you’re really frustrated or angry with her, and so you shake her. Really hard, and squeeze… until you’re really hurting her. And then, you either have to stop – or finish what you’ve started?” I had been looking past Nick throughout my weird ramble, but now I looked directly at him. He stared back at me for a moment – his eyes searching my face. Standing up, he quickly crossed to the door.

“I… I really have no idea what to say to that,” Nick confessed. He quickly left the room. I had scared him, I had actually scared him away with my stupid made-up theory. I think I’d scared myself a little. I laughed to myself, and picked up the phone. Jonathan would have to hear about the days events.

Brian looked at Nick, trying to decide if he was kidding.

“You can’t be serious. And if she did say that I bet she was just joking… you know, trying to scare you,” he told his confused looking friend.

“Brian, I’m telling you… she just went off on one. And I mean, what she said, to a point I understood. But then she said something like, then you either have to stop – or finish what you’ve started.” Nick said it so dramatically that for a moment Brian was silent, then he laughed,

“You’re way to melodramatic Nick. I bet she wasn’t even serious! The girl was almost murdered – could be, she was shaken up and just panicked.” Nick was silent as he considered Brian’s suggestions. Finally he sighed and stood up,

“You know you’re right. I should really go and apologise. I just left her alone after some guy almost killed her! What an idiot!” He left quickly, leaving Brian to laugh to himself, before throwing himself on the bed to catch up on some sleep.

I opened the door, pulling my t-shirt down to cover the fact that I was only wearing a pair of panties underneath. I had been trying to sleep, but my mind kept wandering, so in truth I was glad of the interruption.

“Nick,” I said in surprise. He smiled and I opened the door further to let him in. “I kinda thought I scared you away – sorry about that.” He laughed,

“Nah – I should be the one apologising. I shouldn’t have just left you like that. You’re obviously shaken up about what happened today.” I was surprised that he had thought of that – I hadn’t.

“Oh… yeah, right.” I sat down on the bed, and he did the same.

“Sophie… I don’t know what’s going on… and I am… well, I guess I’m scared. Because someone seems out to get us. And I don’t understand why. What did we do?” He hesitated, looking at me, “It seems like it’s my fault that they’re after you – they did attack me first.” I smiled,

“Don’t worry. And it’s not your fault. We were just both in the wrong place at the wrong time.” We were silent for a moment. “Nick – I… well, I want to say thanks. For today. I don’t think I’d be here now if it wasn’t for you.” Suddenly tears began streaming down me face and I began to shake. Delayed shock. I had been fine. Nick scooted closer to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me against him, trying to calm me down.

“Sshh. It’s okay,” he kept repeating soothingly. I began to calm down slightly, leaving me sniffling against Nick’s chest.

“I’m sorry,” I said beginning to pull away. He held on to me, looking into my eyes. I realised a little too late that he was going to kiss me. For a moment I kissed him back, relishing in the softness of his lips against mine – as if they belonged there. Sense arriving I struggled against him. Nick pulled back, confused,

“What? What’s wrong?” His arms still held me, and I tried to disentangle myself from him,

“Please let go.” He did and I stood up, touching my lips lightly, the tingly sensation making me feel a little dizzy. “We can’t…” I tried to think why. “I mean, you have a girlfriend.” Nick looked surprised,

“How did you know?” I bit my lower lip, not knowing what to say. “Even the guys don’t know.” I gulped,

“I just thought you did… you act like you do.” How lame was that?

“What? Guys with girlfriends always kiss other girls?” He had me there. Nick stood up, “Sophie… I know I don’t know you that well… but I like you, and that kiss - well I have never felt so…”

“Dizzy?” I suggested. He nodded,

“Yeah, dizzy from just one kiss before. Kisses on a different part of my body – now that’s different,” he grinned, and once again I felt myself smiling back. “Sorry. Anyway, Lana - that’s my girlfriend – isn’t really someone who you can stay with for long.” I nodded, wanting to point out that he’d been out with her more than once, but realising that letting on that I knew even that much would complicate things. Nick stepped towards me, bending down for another kiss.

“But you have still got a girlfriend,” I said, his lips inches from mine. He groaned,

“But I won’t. Not after tomorrow… I’ll call her,” he told me.

“Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then,” I said, before I had a chance to fully comprehend what I was implying. He looked at me for a moment – his expression one I couldn’t interpret. Then he grinned and kissed my cheek,

“I guess I will.” Nick walked to the door, “you sure that you don’t want me to stay tonight – you know… to protect you from those guys.” I shook my head and laughed,

“As you said before – I can take care of myself.” He opened the door, turning back just before leaving,

“By the way,” he smirked, “Nice panties.” I laughed throwing a pillow at him, but it hit the door instead as he quickly closed it behind him.

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