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Part Five

I woke the next morning to bright sunlight streaming through the partially opened curtains. My eyes automatically squinted in an attempt to protect me from the dazzling rays. I didn't move for a moment, allowing my body to adjust to being awake. I felt like I had been asleep for days. Looking over at the clock I realised it had in actual fact only been several hours. I kicked the covers off of my legs and sat up groaning as my tender muscles protested against movement. I stood up with some difficulty, my legs weak under the strain of my tired body, and shuffled to the bathroom. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see myself but I forced my eyes to the mirror.

"I swear Buffy never had this problem," I said to myself, analysing the bruises which covered my face. How was I supposed to cover them up? Knowing it would be a near impossible task I turned on the faucet and splashed water on to my face, soothing my skin. Every inch of my body urged me to go back to bed, but I had a job to do and it wouldn't be the last time I'd have to cover the after effects of protecting Nick.

Nick. I sighed as I remembered the fear on his face. He wasn't just scared of the situation - he was scared of me. I could see the wariness in his eyes, the reluctance to be near me. Maybe that was why I was supposed to keep a distance until I was needed. "At least I won't have to worry about getting too involved with him now," I told myself, still peering at my reflection.

At last I felt presentable, or as near to that as I was going to get, and I made my way down to breakfast. Luckily there weren't too many people about, considering I had woken quite early. I grabbed some food from the breakfast buffet, gaining curious glances from the staff, and sat down at a table in the corner. It was strange how some people chose to ignore whilst others made it their business. I had only been sat down for a few minutes when a woman, who seemed to have some sort of authority, approached me looking worried.

"Are you okay Madame?" I attempted to smile but it made my cheek burn from the movement. I waved my hand in a dismissive way,

"I'm fine thank you." She looked sceptical but chose to leave me be, as there was little else she could do.

"Sophie! Jesus, what happened?" Brian slid into the seat opposite me and reached out his hand, gently touching my face. I pulled back and looked up to meet his shocked blue eyes.

"I'm fine Brian." He frowned,

"You don't look fine! Who did this to you?" I looked down then, unable to meet his eye whilst deceiving him.

"I… I had a visit from my ex-boyfriend last night… but really, I am fine." There was silence. I could feel Brian staring at me. Shocked.

"You can't let him get away with this. You have to… call the police or something." I shook my head, still intent on the plate in front of me.

"No Brian. I can't do that. Please," I looked up then, pleading with him to understand, to let it go. "Just forget about it." Brian seemed aghast at this idea.

"Sophie, look what he's done to you! I can't believe that someone could do this to another human being, let alone a woman." He appeared completely upset and angry, a countenance which made me feel even more guilty for misleading him. I reached out and tentatively laid a hand over his, squeezing gently.

"Brian, I don't want to do anything about this. He's gone, and that is all that matters. A few bruises will disappear and be forgotten in a few days. If I pursue this then I could be dealing with him for a lot longer than that." I let go of his hand and stood up. "I'll see you later." I hurriedly left the room, feeling completely awful at having lied to Brian.

"Sophie." I let out a small yelp as the voice completely startled me.

"Nick." I noticed his eyes flicker across my face, assessing the damage. "How are you?" I asked after a moment. His clear blue eyes met mine and he took my hand, pulling me to sit beside him on one of the comfortable chairs in the reception.

"I'm okay, considering the circumstances. How are you?" His hand gently brushed my cheek, but I didn't pull away.

"I'll live." I winced slightly as his fingers touched a particular tender spot on my cheek bone.

"I suppose you will." Nick's hand left my face and he once more gripped my hand. "Sophie, I can't understand any of this, and I am completely powerless to do anything about it except wait to see what happens next. What am I supposed to do?" I chewed on my lower lip, unsure of how to respond. I ran my thumb over the smooth skin on the back of his hand. Finally I shook my head and met his gaze.

"I don't know Nick. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing." I sighed, the movement causing my ribs to ache. "As for you… I just don't know. I was sent here for a reason… to protect you from whatever it is that is trying to get you." He looked at me for a few minutes as if the answer may lay hidden in my eyes. Whatever he found made him carefully pull me into his arms, mindful of my injuries, and just hold me, my face buried in his chest. Nick ran his hand soothingly down my back.

"We can face this together," he whispered, his breath tickling my sensitive skin. I felt safe, held in his arms, protected against everything, but I reluctantly pulled away.

"We're not supposed to face this together," I said sadly. "I wasn't allowed to tell you any of this. You're not supposed to know why I'm here." Nick looked sad and tired. I ran my hand over his cheek, giving myself a little comfort with the contact. "I wish we could do this together - I really do." Nick reached up and trapped my hand between his and his cheek.

"Then we can," he stated quietly but firmly. "You've already broken the rules by telling me. We may as well benefit from my knowing." He stood up, offering me his hand. "I'm going to have breakfast now, but I'll come to your room in about ten minutes." He bent down and brushed his lips softly over my forehead.

"I told Brian…" I gestured to my face. "I told him that it was my ex-boyfriend. I didn't know what else to do." Nick gave me a reassuring smile and nodded,

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." I gave him a small smile, so as not to crease up my bruises and cause any unnecessary discomfort.

Nick leant against the firm mirrored wall of the elevator. He rubbed a hand over his eyes in an effort to wipe away the weariness he felt. He hadn't slept well. That was an understatement - he hadn't slept at all. He was worried. Worried for himself, worried for his bandmates, worried for his family and worried for Sophie. But it wasn't just worry, it was fear. He had never felt so helpless, so utterly powerless. There was no understanding. He didn't understand the situation and, it appeared, neither did Sophie. What scared him most was the fact that he had to be dependent upon her. For protection, for comfort, for answers. The protection she had given him, on more than one occasion. The comfort came more reluctantly, but being with her gave him some reassurance. But the answers… She had no answers and that scared him. She was the protector, she was supposed to know.. wasn't she?

Nick stepped out on to her floor and walked slowly to the room that held the only other person who knew his fear. That shared knowledge brought them closer, whether they wanted it to or not. She let him in, turning back to stand by the window, gazing out at the peaceful world - so full of light and radiating calm. But he felt anything but calm. He didn't know what to do.


"Brian's worried." Nick spoke after a few moments of silence. I continued to stare out of the window, transfixed on a point beyond my vision. "Sophie?" I turned to face him then, hearing the desperation and despair in his voice. "How is this going to end?" The worry and fear evident in his clouded eyes broke my heart. I should've be able to ease him, but I couldn't.

"I…" I couldn't say it again. I couldn't tell him that I didn't know. I may have been trained to become a good fighter, to be physically strong enough to help him, but my mind was no way nearer to knowing what was to happen.

I breathed deeply, pulling myself up to my full height and hardening my face to try and convince him of my words, as well as myself. "When I defeat him Nick. When he's gone then no one will be able to hurt you." Nick was silent, watching me intently, taking in every aspect, from my assuring face to my trembling hands. His eyes came to rest once more on mine and the corner of his mouth turned up briefly, hinting at a smile.

"You promise?" I nodded, certain that no matter what I would do all in my power to make it true.

"I promise."

My hand rested on the clothes rail as I closed my eyes, blocking out the scene in front of me. Backstage was a bustling, loud place at the best of times but at that moment it was becoming too much to bare. Every part of me wanted to give up and go home, make someone else take on the responsibility that had been thrust upon me allowing me no choice to refuse. Today was ten times worse. Everyone knew, or thought they knew. From the pitying looks to the sympathetic words… I was becoming more and more agitated. But worse than those was the side glances, almost disapproving that someone could allow such a thing to happen. I ignored them, reminding myself that this way was better than them all knowing the truth - not that that would have been acceptable anyway.

"Sophie." Nick's warm hand rested on top of mine as his soft voice spoke from a few inches away. "Is everything okay?" I opened my eyes and turned towards him, nodding briefly,

"Yeah. I just can't wait for this day to be over." Nick smiled and let his hand drop to his side.

"Me too. I thought-" My cell phone rang loudly interrupting Nick.

"Sorry." I pulled it from my pocket and answered it quickly. "Sophie Moore."

"Sophie, it's Jonathan. Thing's okay?"

"Yes." It was unlike him to ask how things were. Did he know that Nick knew? Nick was watching me with interest, his eyes unwavering from my face.

"We have a big problem Sophie. He's obviously found out about Michelle, and to say he's angry would be an understatement… you have to get out of there." I was scared, not so much by the news but by the fact that Jonathan sounded panicked.

"I can't just leave." Nick looked shaken at this prospect but didn't say anything. I tried to reassure him with a smile but it was difficult considering I wasn't feeling particularly assured myself.

"You have to Sophie. There's no choice. He's not just after Nick anymore, he's after you." I swallowed, hard. The idea was beyond scary and I felt the fear tingling through me.

"I can't leave Nick," I told him desperately, trying to speak quietly so that Nick wouldn't hear.

"Take him with you." I didn't respond. Take him with me? How would I pull that off? Any other guy then the possibility wasn't so daunting, but a Backstreet Boy? It would be a lot more difficult to escape when a large proportion of the population knew his face. "Sophie?" I looked at Nick. His eyes were wide as he waited for me to explain.


"I don't know Sophie, but it's got to be soon. Tonight if you can. The fact that anyone can get a hold of Nick's schedule makes it all the more easier for him. You've got to get away. Call me when you know what you're doing." The phone clicked off and I replaced it into my pocket, feeling numb and dazed.

"Sophie..? What is it?" Nick's panic-stricken voice demanded. "Are you leaving?" I didn't move for a moment, but then I slowly shook my head. Nick grasped my hand tightly. "Thank god."

"No Nick," I responded quietly. "We're both leaving.

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