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Chapter One


I glanced quickly around the room. It was quite sparse, even more so than the others. The only furniture being a desk and two wooden chairs. I was waiting for Dr. Spencer, though I had been forced to attend the appointment. It was ten months since I had last seen Nick and about eight since last having any contact with him at all. The door finally opened and I watched as a tall man entered wearing a white coat and carrying my medical records. He shook my hand as he introduced himself, then sat down opposite me.

“Well Miss Cox, I don’t think your parents were wrong in saying you needed help.” Dr. Spencer said, looking over my records. “I can’t help you unless you’re willing to help yourself.” I switched off, as he said all the things the other doctors had said. Nobody understood why. They’d all ask ‘why do this to yourself?’ and ‘why hurt yourself?’ The simple answer was Nick. He had been the one thing that made me happy. Then he was gone. Sure we’d talk for two minutes every week, but that was hardly enough. My parents reconciliation was an added problem. They would argue and my father’s return was not easy to get used to. But slowly we had. Amanda, my 16-year old sister, had gone off the rails since my father’s return into the family. David was now twenty, though still lived at home, if only to keep an eye on his younger siblings. He worried about Amanda, would try and look after me, though left Jamie, pretty much, to his own devices.

The drive home was silent. My mother had spoken to the doctor and seemed upset all the way back. I had become weaker since my eating disorder had worsened and found it difficult to stay awake for a whole day. As we pulled up outside the house I noticed an unfamiliar car parked. I decided to go straight upstairs to avoid questions from my family, but David called to me as I entered the house.

“Ella, come in here!”

“No, I’m going upstairs,” I yelled back.

“There’s someone here to see you.” I paused, who would have come to see me? I thought as I reluctantly made my way to the lounge. I opened the door and almost collapsed. There he was, the one guy I thought I would never see again. His blonde hair was slicked back and his blue eyes twinkled as he stood up to greet me. His strong arms wrapped around my waist and I hesitantly hugged him. He pulled away and looked at me.

“It’s good to see you Ella.” Nick said finally.

“Yeah,” I said, pulling away from him and approaching David, who squeezed my hand in reassurance.

“So what have you been up to?” David asked, breaking the silence. Nick sat on the couch opposite us, his hands tightly entwined. David and Nick talked for a while whilst I sat in shock. Why is he here? I thought, nervously holding David’s hand. A million thoughts ran through my head as I listened to Nicks much missed voice.

Chapter Two
When The Time Comes
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