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Chapter Two

For effect this small section is told from the narrative perspective

For the first time since she arrived back he got a good look at her. She was much paler than before and her once perfect figure had been reduced to an even thinner state. Her eyes no longer had the sparkle and love for life he remembered and her smiled were half-hearted. As she leant back in the chair he noticed how David looked at her with a worried expression. She smiled reassuringly and turned her attention to him. As her eyes locked with his, Nick lowered his gaze.

~Back to Ella~

I caught Nick staring at me. His expression was unfamiliar… one of sheer bewilderment and… another emotion which I couldn’t quite define.

“Ella are you okay?” David asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m fine. I’m gonna go for a walk.” I stood up and grabbed my jacket.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” my brother said.

“Nick, you wanna come?” I continued, hoping that it would ease David’s mind.


“I don’t reckon you’ll get mobbed by fans, it’s late.”

“Exactly.” David persisted.

“Jeez Dave. Let it go!” I grabbed Nicks hand and yelled, “I won’t be long!” before shutting the front door. I let out a small sigh of relief and began walking away from the house with Nick close behind.

“Ella, are you okay?” he asked, stopping me and turning me towards him.

“I’m fine,” I smiled, “so you’ve been okay?”

“Fine,” he hesitated before continuing. “I missed you. Ella, why did you stop writing?”

“I – I don’t know Nick. It just got hard. You know, I’d see you on TV and see how happy you were. I didn’t think you’d need me anymore.”

“How can you say that? You know I loved… I love you.” I paused,

“No you don’t. Nick, you don’t know me anymore. I’ve changed.” We continued walking and sat down at a bus stop.

“Ella, you can’t have changed that much. I mean it’s only been ten months.” I rested my head back against the wall.

“I don’t know Nick. Lots of things happened since then. I’ve…” I closed my eyes, not wanting to admit the truth to Nick. I didn’t want him to see how I couldn’t cope, how I had changed my whole life for the worse because he hadn’t been in it.

“You’ve what?” Nick asked, looking at me intently.

“I’ve, Nick… I’ve been ill.” I gushed.

“I know,” he admitted.

“You know?” I asked, surprised.

“Your brother rang me.” I looked at him, finally realising the reason for his visit.

“So that’s why you’re here. Pity? I don’t need you’re pity Nick! I don’t need anyone’s pity. Not yours, not Davids, and certainly not the rest of your f****** group!” I rose from my seat and quickly walked home, leaving Nick alone at a slight loss for words.

Chapter Three
When The Time Comes
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