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Chapter Three

I awoke to a set of piercing blue eyes. Nicks. He was at by the side of my bed, gazing at me. I rolled over to face away from him and waited for him to leave.

“Ella, I came because I care,” he said softly. We sat in silence. His words hung in the air, lingering on my mind. “Please,” Nick said, breaking the silence, “Tell me. Why did you do this to yourself?” I lay not speaking, not wanting to explain. “Come on Ella, make me understand all this,” he continued, raising his voice. I sat up in bed and turned to face him. The frustration and anger I had held in for so long finally releasing themselves.

“You want to know? You really want to know? I love you. I love you so much and I see you on TV and stuff, all happy and I’m not with you. Nick, I needed you. I couldn’t cope not having you there. Everyday it’d get worse, as we grew farther apart. And I just told myself that you wouldn’t want to know. You could have anyone… why would you want me? An unstable, pathetic, stupid, ill…”

“Ella…” Nick said, trying to stop me.

“Completely dumb, over emotional…”

“Ella, shut up!!” Nick said, grabbing me by the arms. I fell silent, holding in the sobs threatening to escape. “Ella, listen to me. I… to be honest I don’t really know how to deal with this, but I want to help you.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. “I want to help you,” he repeated into my hair.

“Ella, are you okay?” my ten year old brother Jamie asked, quietly from the door. I turned to him and smiled.

“Fine, I could do with a hug from my little bro though.” He screwed up his face.

“You know I don’t hug!”

“Come on. I really need one.” I opened my arms towards him. He grinned and hugged me. It was a rare occurrence that we would show sibling affection. I reflected upon that as an indication of how awful I must look. “Thanks Jamie.” He smiled up at me, then looked over to Nick. They had never met before.

“Is this him?” Jamie asked, standing up straight in an attempt to reach Nick’s height, but didn’t even come close.

“Yeah,” I answered, “Nick, this is my brother Jamie. Jame, this is Nick.” Nick smiled and held out his hand.

“I don’t like you,” Jamie told him.

“Jamie, don’t be rude.” Unfortunately my brothers never listened to me.

“I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done to Ella. She was fine before,” the ten year old told the tall blonde.

“Jamie, get out!” He stared at me, and left glaring evilly at Nick. “Sorry,” I said, hoping Nick wasn’t too annoyed.

“Well, I guess your family aren’t too impressed with me.” I grabbed some clothes and began to leave to take a shower. I turned back for a moment,

“Don’t worry. Amanda will love you.” I told him and left before he could respond.

Chapter Four
When The Time Comes
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