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Chapter Five

I looked at the ground as Nick and I walked silently down the road. I noticed some shattered glass laying on the pavement. The light bounced off of it, reflecting upwards.

“Ella, did you mean what you said earlier?… about loving me?” Nick asked.

“Yes,” I replied quietly. We walked in silence again for a few moments before Nick turned to me and took my hands.

“Then let’s try again. If we still love each other, it’ll work.” The feeling I got as Nick gripped my hands tightly sent shivers through me. ’Like she’ll just say yes’ Nick thought to himself.

“Could I…” I hesitated, realising what a big thing it was that I was about to suggest. “Could I go back to America with you?” Nick looked at me in shocked silence. My heart sank as Nick just stared. The hope in my eyes must have been visible because as it drifted away Nick spoke.

“You want to go back with me?” he sounded startled.

“Nick, all I want is to be with you. And you’re on a break for a while right?”

“Yeah, but…” he hesitated.

“But you don’t want that?” I felt the tears spring to my eyes.

“No, no…” he protested. “It’s not that at all. Just… are you sure? What about your family?”

“Nick, I’d miss my family, but I’m in love with you! I want to be with you.” He gently pushed the hair away from my eyes and lightly placed his lips on mine. I felt the sudden rush as my body recognised the familiar feeling. He was back.

“Run that by me again. You’re moving where?” My Dad asked, attempting to keep his temper under control.

“I’m going with Nick, Dad. To America.” I felt stronger than I had in such a long time that even telling my parents I was leaving wasn’t that daunting. My mother rose and stood beside my father.

“Ella, you’re not well enough to leave home,” she said sounding a little angry. “And it would take a lot of planning.”

“Besides,” my dad continued, “I hardly think Nick will want to be burdened with you.” Nick was sat by the TV, allowing me to explain to my parents. He watched as the fury grew inside me.

“Well I hardly think you’re one to talk,” I retorted, “After all, you only came running back ‘cos you’re other women didn’t want you.” I didn’t even flinch as I received the harsh slap from my mothers hand. She gasped. My cheek burned but I made no move to touch it. “I’m leaving. I’m nineteen and I can do what I want.” With that I turned and walked to my room, quickly pulling out my suitcase and throwing my clothes into it. I continued gathering my belongings as Nick entered my room.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling me to him for a hug. I looked up at him, his blue eyes were filled with concern.

“I’ll live.” He released me. I turned back to my wardrobe, “Nick, when can we leave?”

“Not until next week.” He sat down on the edge of my bed.

“Well… I can’t stay here. I’ll have to stay with one of my friends.” Nick sighed,

“Ella, aren’t you rushing things a bit? I mean, your mom’s right. It does need some planning.”

“You just said I had a week.”

“Okay. Well, why don’t you come and stay with me. I’m going to London tomorrow. The guys and I have to do some promotion. And it’ll mean I can help you get organised.” I smiled thankfully at him and kissed his cheek.

“That’d be great… but could we leave tonight?” Nick looked reluctant for a moment, then stood up.

“Have you got some boxes? We have a lot of packing to do.”

Chapter Five
When The Time Comes
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