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Chapter Five

Finally most of my belongings were packed into Nick’s rental car. David had offered to bring the rest up to London the following Tuesday and I was relieved to see that he thought my return to America was a good idea. I said goodbye to everyone, although it was awkward with my parents. As Nick and I walked towards his car my Dad called him back.

“Nick, I am trusting you with my daughters life,” Mr. Cox said, “You have to watch her… make sure she eats properly, or at least enough to stay healthy.”

“Sure Mr. Cox,” Nick smiled.

“I’m serious Nick. I don’t want her to go, but it’s what she wants. It’ll be hard on you Nick. You may have to force her eat.” Nick’s smile faded as he looked at his girlfriends father.

“What?” he stammered.

“You have to be prepared for this. It won’t be easy. There may be days when you’ll argue, or she’ll think she hates you, maybe say awful things. Don’t commit to this if you’re not prepared to love her… no matter what.” They stood in silence for a few moments.

“I love Ella, and I’ll do anything to help her and be with her. If we’re gonna experience some bad times, then I’ll be ready.” He shook the older mans hand, “I promise I’ll look after her.”

“What was that all about?” I asked Nick as he climbed into the drivers seat.

“Just the usual ‘look after my daughter’ stuff,” he smiled.

“The usual? You mean to say you’re always taking girls from their home countries?”

“Yep. I think you’re the twelfth. The last girl… man was she hot!” he joked.

“Jerk!” I laughed.

“You love me really,” he replied, leaning over and pecking me on the lips. As we pulled out on to the road I waved to my family for the last time, feeling sad at leaving but excited as well.

Nick and I arrived at the hotel late that night, so we didn’t get to see the other guys who were already checked in. Leaving most of my belongings in the car we made our way up to Nicks room and went directly to bed. I was so tired and was soon fast asleep, content to just be with Nick.

I woke the next morning with the sun streaming across the room. Nick’s arm was lazily slung over my waist and the light shone across his back, illuminating the short golden hairs that covered his tanned skin. His face was buried in the pillow and I watched him sleep, wondering how he was able to breathe. Nick was not expected to arrive in London until later that evening, so the guys didn’t know we were there. I decided to let Nick sleep whilst I took a shower. I pulled on a pair of jeans and my white t-shirt, and settled back down to watch Nick. He finally awoke, mumbling incoherently about how he was so tired of Mars and needed some food. I laughed as he finally sat up, squinting against the bright sun.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, grumpily.

“You,” I replied, feeling in a better mood that I had in months. Nick slowly climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door loudly behind him. A few seconds later, after turning the shower on, he returned and kissed me on the forehead.

“I forgot, Good morning,” he smiled and returned to his shower.

We made our way down to breakfast at around 10.30 – though I wasn’t really hungry. I hung back as I noticed the other Backstreet Boys already eating. It was a while since I had seen them and a lot had happened.

“Yo Frack!” Brian exclaimed, “You’re back!” They had a manly hug and the others did a few high fives. Nick turned to me and on finding me not there, ran over and grabbed me. The guys were a little surprised to see me though greeted me warmly.

“Ella, how are you?” AJ asked, standing up and hugging me. “Kerry said you still write.”

“Yeah,” I smiled, “I’m okay thanks.” Kevin and Howie embraced me, then I turned to Brian. He was staring at me oddly, but he quickly changed his expression to a smile.

“Hey Ella. It’s good to see you again,” he said in my ear as he hugged me.

“You too.” I kissed his cheek, then took the seat opposite Nick. The waiter came over to take our order. Nick ordered a full English breakfast whilst I settled for an orange juice.

“Ella, you’ve got to have more than that,” Nick said, leaning across the table and talking quietly to me, while the waiter hovered beside us.

“I’m not hungry Nick.” He frowned at me for a moment and then ordered some toast. “I don’t want any toast,” I informed him, leaning back in my chair.

“Ella, you have to eat!”

“Jesus Nick, stop trying to be my Dad.” I said feeling frustrated.

“I’m not… but you’re gonna eat something,” Nick replied.

“What’s the big deal?” AJ asked.

“Yeah Nicky, leave her alone,” Brian added. “If she’s not hungry, then she’s not hungry.” I smiled gratefully at them both.

“Butt out guys!” Nick turned back to me. “Just have a little bit.” I stood up quickly, knocking over Brian’s glass.

“Eat your own damn toast Nick. I’m going back to our room.” I ran to our room and threw myself on the bed.

“Thanks a lot guys,” Nick said once I had left.

“What did we do?” AJ asked, then not waiting for an answer continued. “Anyway she looked like she’d been ill, maybe that’s why she isn’t hungry.”

“She doesn’t eat AJ. That’s why she’s ill. She’s anorexic.”

“I thought that was all over,” Brian said quietly.

“Well it’s not,” Nick replied bluntly. “And she’s coming back with us to America.” The others were all silent for a moment.

“Where’s she going to live?” Kevin finally questioned.

“With me. I’m old enough to get my own place. Anyway, I’m sure it’ll work itself out.”

“I think you and Ella need…” Kevin began, but was stopped by Brian indicating that I was approaching.

I felt them all tense up as I returned. Nick stood up as I headed towards him, and I buried my face in his neck as I wrapped my arms around him.

“I’m sorry Nick,” I said as I pulled away. “I know you’re only trying to help. I’ll try and eat something.” He smiled down at me and I sunk back into my chair. I ate half a piece of toast, though Nick didn’t seem satisfied and I felt the other guys watching me intently during the meal.

Chapter Six
When The Time Comes
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