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Chapter Six

Note: Dates do not necessarily correspond with actual events.

“But we are two worlds apart, I can’t reach to your heart when you say that I want it that way,” I sang as I wrote a letter to Kerry, explaining all of the recent happenings. “Tell me why, ain’t nothing but a heartache, tell me why, ain’t nothing but a mistake.” As I sang the last word I heard muffled laughter behind me. I turned to see Nick leaning on the doorframe watching me.

“You know,” he said, wandering into the room, “that song sounds kinda familiar.” I smiled,

“Well, you’re not the only one who can sing ya know.” He sat down on the bed and continued to watch me write. I hummed the Backstreet Boy song that I now loved, and finally sealed the envelope to Kerry. “I need to post this today,” I told Nick.

“Uh-huh,” Nick muttered. I sighed and pulled on my coat.

“Well I’m gonna go and find a post box. I wanted to go to a newsagents as well.” I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my purse.

“I wanna come,” Nick whined.

“Sorry babe. You know you can’t. You’d be mobbed. I can get you whatever you want,” I offered.

“I just wanted to spend time with you.”

“Well I won’t be long,” I smiled and pecked him on the lips. I left the room key for Nick and headed for the door.

“Wait. Take my cell phone… just incase,” he grinned. I took it from him and left.

The cold air hit me hard. London wasn’t the best place to be in Winter. I pulled my coat close around me and crossed the street, lowering my head against the bitter wind. I finally found a post box and on my way back from the shop I saw a huge billboard with a massive poster advertising “Millennium” – the Backstreet Boys new album. It was weird to see Nick so… large. And so… famous. Why the hell was he with me? Stop it! Stop questioning yourself. Nick told you not too! I said to myself. I finally made my way back to the hotel, noticing I had been gone for an hour and a half. Nick wouldn’t be best pleased.

“Hey,” I said as I entered our room. I was waiting for the big lecture about being gone so long. It didn’t come. Instead Nick turned, handed me a piece of paper, and left. I stood confused for a moment, then opened what resulted to be a letter. A letter I had received from Brian about three months after I had left America. This meant Nick had been going through my things.

Dear Ella

I hope you are well and will respond to this letter. We all miss your smile lighting up the place. I broke up with Nicole… I really miss you and I hope you’ll come see us all again soon.

Please write.

Love always,


I folded the letter. I suddenly realised why Nick was mad. To anyone else it would appear that Brian and I had something going. Far from it though, we had grown incredibly close but like brother and sister. Nothing more. I ran to Howie's room, thinking Nick would have gone to talk to him. No one was there so I tried Kevin's, again no answer. I then went to AJ's and Brian's. They were all there. All trying to calm Nick down.

“Nick. Two things,” I said calmly. They all jumped a little in surprise upon my entrance. “One, never, never go through my things again. And two,” I continued in a kinder tone, “There is nothing going on between me and Brian.”

“I’m not stupid Ella!” Nick said, sounding frustrated and angry. “I mean he tells you he’s broken up with his girlfriend and then say how much he really misses you. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.”

“Well you’ll find that there is nothing to ‘put together’,” I sighed, “Nick, you’ve got to trust me. I love you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” I decided to leave him alone for a while so I went down to the hotel bar.

Chapter Seven
When The Tiem Comes
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