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Chapter Seven

The next morning I awoke to find that Nick wasn’t there. On the table was a bunch of roses with a note attached.

Ella, I’m sorry. I do trust you, I just have to learn not to get so jealous. Watch MTV at 10 – we’ll be on. Back around 1.

Love you,


I smiled as I placed the card on to the table and looked at the clock. 9.15am. I took a long shower, then dried my hair, finally switching on the television just in time.

“Hey guys! The UK’s been missing you,” the interviewer said, “What have you all been up to?” The explained about the work for the new album and the promotion for the new single. They then performed a cappella version of ‘I Want It That Way’. They sounded wonderful.

“So do you guys have girlfriends, or are you all still single?”

“Myself, Kevin and Nick do have girlfriends,” AJ said, “And we are so glad to finally say that.”

“Are you in a serious relationship?” the interviewer directed the question at Nick. I awaited for his response.

“I’ve only recently seen her again after about ten moths, which obviously has made things difficult, but I’m real happy at the moment. We’ll see…” He smiled at the camera. I was so happy to hear him say those things, but I was annoyed as well. I started to think of it from a fans point of view. Sure, they’d want the truth and no lies, but in all honesty no one wants all the details. I knew I wouldn’t. I’d have o talk to Nick about it. I turned off the TV and grabbed an apple. David was due tomorrow to bring the rest of my things and I couldn’t wait to see him.

I was so bored by the time Nick got back that I literally threw myself at him as he entered the room.

“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked, his bright blue eyes sparkling.

“Yeah.” I hugged him, “But Nick… can I ask you to do one thing?”

“Sure,” Nick replied, throwing his jacket into a chair.

“Could you say as little about me and our relationship to the public as possible?”

“I guess… why? I thought you’d be pleased.” He seemed a little hurt by my request.

“I am! I am,” I said to reassure him. “And of course don’t lie, but couldn’t you try not to bring all the feelings and details into it?”

“Okay,” he agreed. “I guess it must be a bit weird for you… suddenly having people talking about us. At least they don’t know who you are… yet.” I smiled,

“Let’s go do something.” I took his hand, “I have been so unbelievably bored!” He picked up his jacket as I dragged him out of the room.

“David!” I embraced my brother tightly and he kissed me gently on the cheek.

“How you doin’ Ella?” he asked, smiling down at me.

“Okay. How’s everyone at home?”

“Good,” he replied, not too convincingly. “Well kind of.”

“Mom still mad?”

“Not mad… just upset. She’ll get over it.” We carried the things David had brought up to mine and Nick’s room. “So when are you leaving?” he asked me sadly.

“Tomorrow. Nick and I are catching a different flight to the other guys. A security thing apparently.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?” David asked. I nodded,

“I love Nick and I want to be with him. I’m gonna miss all you guys though. But we can write and maybe even phone sometimes.”

“Yeah.” He took my hand, “I think this’ll be good for you. Just… look after yourself.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

“Bye David,” I smiled, hugging him for the last time. “Say bye to everyone for me?”

“Sure Ella,” he replied, his eyes watering slightly. “Good luck.” I smiled and took Nick’s hand.

“I’ll look after her,” Nick said. Then we turned, leaving England behind.

When The Time Comes: Part Two
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