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My last two months in Florida were packed with shopping trips, amusement parks and swimming. All of which reminded me of Nick, and just made me miss him more. Kerry was coping well considering, though AJ did call everyday. Nick called as often as he could but could never talk for long. An update on events, and a series of ‘I miss you’s’ and ‘I love you’s’ and it was back to waiting for his next call.

Returning to England was not what I needed. As I began to miss Nick more and more, I became more and more depressed. It was then that my Dad decided he wanted to be part of our lives again. My Mum accepted him back, much to the shock and annoyance of us kids. My life went from bad to worse when I saw Nick on television, all smiles and laughter. I wanted more than anything to be with him, yet I couldn’t bring myself to return his calls or answer his letters. It was then that my eating problems returned. I knew it wouldn’t stop until I was back with Nick – but my head told me he didn’t want me anymore… I never did listen to my heart.

Chapter One
When The Time Comes
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