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Chapter One


I stared up at the house which brought back so many happy memories. I was surprised by how little it had changed, yet it did look different. Maybe the change had been in me. So much had happened, not all for the best, but I think I was a better person for it.

“Thanks,” Nick handed the driver some money and smiled at me. “You ready?” I nodded, accepting his outstretched hand.

“Are you sure your mom is okay with this?” I asked nervously.

“Yep, besides,” he continued as we walked up the drive, “I told her it was only temporary.” He leant over and kissed my cheek. “Hey, don’t look so worried.” I held his hand tightly as we entered his house, once again getting that warm feeling I remembered so well.

I fidgeted in the passenger seat, receiving an amused smile from Nick.

“What?” I demanded, “I haven’t seen her in AGES… I mean what if she has a new best friend… or … or… I dunno.”

“You worry way too much,” Nick informed me, keeping his eyes on the road. “I spoke to AJ earlier, and he said Kerry can’t wait to see you.” I grinned and leant over, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“You’re the best.” He smiled and turned a little red. I looked out of the window, smiling as I saw places I hadn’t seen in over ten months. As Nick parked the car in Kerry’s driveway I raced to the front door, pushing the doorbell continuously. We both squealed when she opened the door and hugged each other until Nick joined us.

“D’you think we could move this inside?” he laughed.

“Oh Ella, how have you been?” Kerry asked, leading me into the lounge. “Girl, you are too thin, but don’t worry we’ll get fit together. You know eat good, exercise… I’m sure Nick prefers a but of meat on a girl.” If anyone else had approached the subject I would have got angry, but Kerry just made me laugh… talking a mile a minute.

“Yeah, that’d be good,” I replied, which seemed to surprise Nick, who was hovering by the door.

“AJ’s out back,” Kerry told him, then turned back to me. “So, you’re here for good?” As I began to explain Nick went to join AJ.

~That Evening~

I felt Nick looking at me again. His constant concern for me was sweet, but also on the verge of annoying.

“So, where are you planning on living?” AJ asked me. The four of us were sat in a small restaurant, talking of old times and discussing the future.

“You can come live with me Ella,” Kerry said quickly, “Just like we planned before… remember?” I looked helplessly at Nick, who in return looked expectant.

“I don’t know what’s happening yet,” I replied, trying to sound casual. “Things have been happening so fast, I don’t really know what I’ll do.” Nick and Kerry seemed a little hurt. Trying to change the subject slightly I continued, “But I know one thing… first thing tomorrow I’m gonna go out and get a job.”

Chapter Two
When The Time Comes
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