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Chapter Two

“Ella?” Nick whispered, laying next to me in the bed that night. We were staying at Kerry’s so as not to wake Nick’s family by coming in late.

“Mmm?” My eyes were closed and Nick was lightly stroking my cheek.

“Do you want to live with me?” I opened my eyes and turned on to my side, my face now inches from Nick’s.

“I don’t know Nick… I want to live with you… but I don’t want to always rely on you.” I kissed his lips gently, lingering slightly for a moment. “It’s not fair. On you.”

“Ella, I love you. I want you to rely on me,” he smiled.

“You really are way to good for me,” I laughed quietly, “but seriously, maybe it would be better if we didn’t live together… yet.” Nick grinned at my final word. He leant over, gently brushing his lips across my bare shoulder.

“Okay… as long as I get to stay over whenever I want.” I snuggled up against him and he wrapped his arms around my tiny frame.

“I love you Nick,” I whispered against his neck. “And you’ll be able to stay over anytime.” He sighed and pulled me closer than I thought humanly possible. I fell asleep, realising how lucky I was to have him.

~A month later~

“Christ, what have you got in here?” Nick asked, heaving the large box into the now untidy room. During the past month I had got myself a job, as a waitress in an Orlando restaurant – not the best job ever but it paid quite well, and I had finally sorted my living arrangements. I had moved in with Kerry. Her parents had bought her the house when she decided to leave home and did not charge her rent. Only the usual bills had to be paid, which was why my job was satisfactory to pay my half.

“That is…” I checked the label, “my stereo.” Nick dumped it on the floor, creating a loud thud. “Nick! Be careful!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry,” he replied, not too convincingly, as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. “Mmm, you smell good,” he murmured into my hair.

“Thanks.” I pushed him away and turned back to my many boxes. “This is gonna take forever,” I sighed, beginning to rummage through one of the smaller boxes.

“Have you eaten today?” Nick asked suddenly from behind me. I hesitated from giving my usual answer. The answer I had always given my parents. It had become easier to lie, coming up with a meal off the top of my head. But Nick deserved for me to be honest with him.

“I had a cup of tea when I got up… but no, no food.”

“I’ll go make you some toast or something,” Nick said, quickly exiting the room before I could protest. I stood thinking for a moment before slowly returning my attention to the cluttered room.

“Hey Ella.” I looked up from my now reasonably clear floor to find Brian holding a plate of food and glass of juice.

“Hi Bri!” I smiled, “How are you?”

“Good thanks,” he replied, placing the items on the desk in the corner. “Nick told me to give you these and make sure you eat something.” Brian laughed, smacking himself lightly on the forehead, “Oops, I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that last bit.” I laughed and picked up the juice, glad as it rid me of the dryness inside my mouth. “The moving in going okay?” Brian asked, sitting down on the freshly made bed.

“Yep… sorry Bri, I’ll only be a sec. I’m dying for the loo!” I began to leave the room to go to the bathroom, but turned back when I heard Brian laughing hysterically. “What?” I demanded.

“You – you – " he began, laughing between each word, “dying – for – the – loo.” I gave him an odd look, not quite understanding the joke. Noticing my blank look he calmed himself a little. “Sorry, it’s just… I dunno, a really weird expression.”

“O-kay.” I left the room, slightly insulted that he found the phrase so funny.

Chapter Three
When The Time Comes
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