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Chapter Five

I gazed up at the ceiling, seeing shapes form on the white paint. I had been in America for just over seven months and Nick and I had grown a lot closer. The boys had been doing a lot of promotional work and rehearsing for their up-and-coming tour. Although we had not seen a lot of each other, Nick would sometimes visit me at work and I would occasionally go and watch them rehearsing. I was now laying in bed... contemplating. The Backstreet Boys tour began in a week and Nick had asked me to go with them. It would mean giving up my job, but it would also mean being with Nick. Yet I was still undecided, and that seemed to be bugging Nick.

“Can I come in?” a voice called through the closed door. Although I heard it my body didn’t respond. Whether it was through tiredness, laziness, or just too much thinking. “Ella?” Brian sat down on the side of the bed and looked down at me. I still didn’t move. “You okay?” I moved my head to look at him and smiled.

“I’m fine,” I replied, pulling myself up into a sitting position. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to ask you a question…”

“Uh-huh?” I said, getting out of bed and pulling on my jeans.

“I know it isn’t any of my business… but Nick is so worried, so it worries me.” Brian appeared a little apprehensive.

“Can you turn your back a sec?” I quickly pulled on my t-shirt and then sat down next to him. “Okay, spit it out Bri.”

“Well, as I said… Nick’s worried… about your eating…” I tensed up. Since Nick asked me to go on tour my eating had become a second priority – basically meaning I didn’t eat much.

“Did Nick send you round?” I asked, standing up.

“No,” Brian replied quickly, “I care too Ella. You’ve got to stop all this.”

“All what?” I demanded. “There is nothing to stop, and you’re right. It is none of your business.”

“Don’t have a go at me!” Brian replied, raising his voice. I was slightly taken a back. I had never heard Brian raise his voice before, and for it to happen because of me scared me a little. “You’re the one who is completely messing up your own, and Nick’s life!”

“Hey! What’s going on?” Nick stood in the door way. “Ella? Brian?” I looked at Brian who had already turned to explain.

“I was trying to help.”

“I don’t need your help!” I almost shouted.

“It’s not all about you,” Brian told me. “You’re affecting Nick too!”

“Shut up Brian! This has nothing to do with you!”

“Ella, calm down,” Nick said calmly. “Brian is only trying to help.” I looked at him,

“What is wrong with you guys? I am fine. Everything is fine,” I said.

“No, it’s not,” Nick said softly.

“Is that why you want me to go on tour with you? To keep an eye on me?” I asked. My mind was becoming over-run with awful thoughts as to why Nick would want me to join them. He didn’t answer. “Well, if that’s the only reason, then I think I’ll stay here, thank you!” I stormed out of the room, pushing Nick out of the way in the process.

Chapter Six
When The Time Comes
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