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Chapter Six

I hadn’t spoken to Nick in six days. He had called, but I had always ‘been out’. The boys were leaving the next day so I decided I should go and see him.

“Ella?” I looked up from the couch to see Kerry with a plate of sandwiches. “Will you please eat something?” I shook my head,

“I’m not hungry… but… are you going to see AJ at rehearsal?” She nodded, setting the plate down in front of me. “Well, I’ll come with you then.” Her face broke into a smile. She had been worrying constantly about me since my fall out with Nick, and was obviously delighted that I was finally ‘seeing sense’.

I watched Nick from the doorway, going through the dance steps to ‘Larger Than Life’. I laughed to myself when he messed up and seemed a bit sulky. I had missed him over the last few days, which seriously made me wonder how I would cope when he was away on tour for months.

I ran my hands under the cold tap water and pushed my hair back away from my face. My face seemed thinner than before and for the first time I could see what it was now obvious everyone else was seeing. My arms were a lot thinner and now all I could see was a skinny girl. Something I never imagined I’d be, and I suddenly decided I didn’t want to be that. I definitely didn’t want to risk losing Nick. I pushed open the rest room door and walked out into the bright yellow corridor.

“Kerry said you were here.” I turned to see Nick walking down the hallway towards me. He seemed a little apprehensive but offered me a small smile.

“Yeah…” I attempted a smile back. “I was just coming to see you.”

“Yeah?” He stopped a little in front of me, his blue eyes gazing down at me.

“I’m… sorry. For everything. Brian was right.” Nick didn’t say anything, expecting more. “I have been unfair. I guess if I do love you as much as I say I do, I shouldn’t expect to always have my own way… I’m just… sorry.” Without saying anything Nick stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me to him and I hugged him tightly. I finally pulled back. “I’ll come with you. To be honest I think I need to be around you.” I laughed a little.

“Ella, please don’t ignore me ever again. I thought I’d go insane when you wouldn’t talk to me,” he said softly.

“I’m sorry Nick. What more can I say?”

“You don’t have to say anything… besides I’m hungry. We gotta go eat.” He grinned and grabbed my hand, pulling me back down the corridor, out into the bright sunlight.

“You know that wasn’t the only reason,” Nick said, taking a bite of his hamburger. I picked a little at the bun on my burger and looked at him questioningly. “The eating thing… I mean that’s part of it, but more than anything I would miss you like crazy if you didn’t come.” I smiled,

“I’m coming Nick… we’ll be okay.” He leant over and kissed me softly.

“I love you Ella,” he smiled.

“I love you too.”

“Are you gonna eat that?” Nick gestured at my burger.

“I don’t think I could stomach it… but maybe I could pick up a sandwich on the way back?” I suggested. He looked at me for a moment, then gently squeezed my hand.

“Sure, we could do that.” I smiled back at him and suddenly became eager to leave for the tour.

Part Three Chapter One
When The Time Comes
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