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Chapter One

I looked around me, still astounded by the amount of people that filled the venue. The boys were up on stage doing their last set, but to be honest I was more interested in watching the reactions of the crowd. It was intriguing, watching them scream, dance, sing-a-long. I smiled as the girl next to me did all the dance steps to ‘Everybody’. She smiled back at me, then returned her attention to the stage… to watch her idols.

“Are you sure you don’t mind doing this?” I asked for the third time as we walked along the hotel corridor.

“No, it’s fine,” Brian replied, laughing slightly at my nervousness. “Ella, why are you nervous? You’ll catch on almost straight away… I’m sure of it.” I smiled at him,

“I guess… you don’t think Nick’ll mind, do you?”

“Nah. Anyway, it’s helping you. And it’ll kinda benefit him too.” I nodded as we exited the building through the back exit, and climbed into the taxi.

“Where have you been?” Nick, asked, looking up from his lap top as I entered our hotel room.

“Hello to you too,” I laughed, quickly pecking him on the lips.

“Sorry,” Nick smiled, “Hey… now, where have you been?”

“Out with Brian,” I said, pulling off my sports top.

“Okay. That could sound bad, seeing as you’re all sweaty.” I stepped out of my shorts and grabbed some fresh clothes from my suitcase.

I am learning how to play basketball,” I replied proudly. Nick stifled a laugh. “What is so funny?” I demanded.

“Nothing.” He stood up, “Really. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.” He went to hug me but I stepped back.

“Don’t. I’m all sweaty and I don’t appreciate you laughing at me. I’m doing this so I won’t feel like I shouldn’t eat. I’m so glad that that amuses you.” I went into the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind me.

I wiped the mist from the mirror and examined my reflection. My face wasn’t as drawn as before and my limbs weren’t as bony. I still had a long way to go, and I still had days when I found it near impossible to eat. I pulled on my strappy dress and hung up the now wet towel. Nick was sat on the bed as I re-entered the room, his gaze transfixed on his hands. He didn’t say anything as I picked up my brush and quickly brushed out the tangles before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my sandals and put them on before turning to Nick.

“Do you want to go and get something to eat?” I asked, picking up my purse.

“Sure.” He looked up, his blue eyes no longer holding the image if fun and laughter. “I am really sorry,” Nick said quietly, feeling a little ashamed. I looked at him and smiled, gently pushing his blonde hair away from his face.

“It’s okay. I guess it is quite funny.” I smiled up at him before gently kissing his soft lips.

“No, I shouldn’t have laughed. I should be supportive.” He gently stroked my cheek, then kissed my forehead, almost forcefully. “So, are we gonna play a game sometime?” I smiled and took his hand, leading him out of the hotel room.

“Not for a while. I’m still learning… plus it’s more to keep fit than for fun.” He kissed me again before grasping my hand and forcing me to run with him to the elevator.

Chapter Two
When The Time Comes
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