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Chapter Two

My head jolted up off of the table as the tour bus went over yet another bump in the road. We were in Germany and had been travelling for four hours. I had fallen asleep whilst writing to Kerry, and I now gazed out of the window at the tall buildings. We were almost there.

“Hey Ella,” Kevin said, sitting down opposite me.

“Hi Kev. How are you feeling?” I asked, tapping my pen lightly on the table.

“Okay. How about you? What do you think of life on the road?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Ah, it’s okay. Not all it’s cracked up to be… but I realised how lucky I am. On a bus with five incredibly good looking, talented guys.” Kevin smiled,

“You know I never really got to know you before… and to be honest I thought Nick was making a mistake, you know with everything that comes with your relationship… but I was wrong. He’s a lucky guy and I hope we get to be good friends.” I leant over the table and hugged him,

“Thanks Kev. That means a lot.” I sat back down, “but I’m the lucky one. Nick’s special and I love him so much. I’m just glad he loves me back.”

I watched as a group of girls swarmed round Nick, getting autographs, hugs and kisses. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tiny bit jealous. I was, but I no longer felt so threatened. I smiled to Nick as he looked up and his bright, blue eyes sparkled as he smiled back. I followed Janet, one of the dancers, inside and flopped down into one of the comfortable chairs in the hotel lobby. I had been amazed by the amount of fans that had spoken English so well. A few had approached me, asking if I was Nick’s girlfriend. So far everyone had been sweet about it, so I wasn’t feeling at all insecure.

“Hey Ella, we were gonna go get a drink at a bar down the road,” Alice, another dancer, said. “D’you wanna come?” I looked undecided for a moment. “The guys are gonna be a while and you can always leave a message for Nick.” I smiled and stood up,

“Sure. Why not?” I grabbed my bag. “I’ll only be a sec.” I quickly approached Denise (McLean) who was talking to the hotel receptionist and asked her to inform Nick of my where abouts when he eventually made it inside.

I stumbled into the hotel room, loudly closing the door behind me. I sensed some movement before a lamp by the bed was switched on, it’s brightness blinding me and causing me to cringe.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Nick asked, quickly climbing off of the bed.

“Sorry Dad,” I replied, before falling into a fit of laughter over my completely un-funny joke.

“Shit. How much have you had to drink?” Nick examined my face closely.

“Oh Nick!” I sighed, in my state of drunkenness. “You are so sexy!” I giggled before pulling him down to kiss me. I forcefully pushed my lips against his and attempted to pull off is boxers. He stopped me and pulled away.

“I think you need to sleep this off,” he said, leading me over to the side of the bed and sitting me down on it.

“I’m not tired,” I replied as he took of my shoes for me.

“Yeah, I know.” He gently pulled off my top and helped me out of my trousers before laying me down on the bed. He finally climbed in next to me and I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his chest. He rhythmically stroked my arm and smiled down at me as he watched my sleeping figure.

“And how are you feeling this morning?” AJ grinned as I sat down at the breakfast table, already occupied by AJ, Brian and Nick.

“Fine, thanks,” I smiled, grabbing a piece of toast and an orange juice.

“Really?” Nick asked, disbelievingly.

“Really,” I confirmed.

“No fair,” Brian exclaimed with a smile, “Why don’t you have hang over?”

“I never get them.” I took a sip of juice.

“Lucky,” Nick said, but squeezed my hand. “Yet you seem to get horny when you’ve had a few.” I felt myself go a bit red. “Don’t worry,” Nick laughed, “Nothing much happened. You couldn’t figure out how to undress me!” I smiled sarcastically before taking a bite of toast.

Nick sat down next to me on the tour bus and gently cupped my face.

“You have no idea how much I want you right now,” he said, pulling away slightly and speaking softly into my ear. I laughed quietly.

“What? On a bus with your four best friends in ear shot?” I asked, laying my hand teasingly on his upper leg. He groaned,

“I know. You’re right.” We sat in a comfortable silence as the bus drove us to the next venue. Nick began sorting through some papers on the table.

“Do you ever think about getting old?” Nick looked up from the page of lyrics,

“Yep,” he grinned, “with you.” I smiled but remained serious,

“But aren’t you scared?” I asked. “I don’t want to grow old!”

“Not even if it means you get to spend more time with me?” Nick asked, pretending to hurt.

“Well, yeah… I guess… but we may not work out.” I regretted saying that as soon as the words left my mouth.

“Are you serious?” Nick exclaimed, appearing hurt, confused and angry.

“Well… I don’t know. We may not,” I answered softly. Nick stood up. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the back of the bus before we get into an argument. That kinda hurts to know you think we won’t work out!”

“I said ‘ may not’” I repeated, but he had already retreated to the back. I sighed in frustration and silently cursed my own stupidity.

Chapter Three
When The Time Comes
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