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Chapter Five

I slowly ate the bowl of cereal as I waited for a familiar face to appear and join me in the hotel restaurant.

“Madame, can I get you anything lese?” the waiter asked in his strong French accent. He had spoken to me in French when I first arrived, but soon realised I couldn’t understand a word he was saying and switched to English.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” He smiled and went to see the other guests.

“Good morning Ella,” Brian smiled, sitting down opposite me and pouring himself a coffee. “Dang I needed that,” he declared, miraculously seeming more awake. “So, you and Nick made up, huh?” I nodded and kept my eyes on him as I took a sip of juice.

“Did something happen between you and him?” I asked, “Usually you come down here together.” He shrugged,

“I think I bruised his ego. I called him selfish and ungrateful. I don’t think it went down too well.” I laughed which seemed to surprise him.

“He didn’t tell me about that.” I was surprised to find that they had had an argument. Brian seemed a little upset. “I’m sure you’ll sort it out soon.” I tried to sound reassuring. We sat in an awkward silence, “So what was it about?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. To be honest I was surprised Nick hadn’t told me. Brian shifted a little uncomfortably.

“You,” he finally answered.

“Me?” I was a little taken a back. “Why?” He seemed a little embarrassed.

“I guess I was just pissed ‘cos he was taking you for granted… I mean you’ve given up everything to be with him and he was screwing it up. I wish my girlfriends would do anything to be with me.”

“When she’s the right one, it’ll all work itself out,” I smiled. “Someone’ll snap you up when the time is right.” I took a piece of toast, “Besides as me and Nick have demonstrated, spending every waking moment together is not always a good thing.”

“Mmm… I guess.”

“G’morning Sunshine!” Nick bent over and kissed me softly on the cheek.

“Hey, d’ya sleep well?” I asked, as he sat down next to me.

“Yeah… okay. Would have been better if I’d woken up next to you though.” He grinned and placed his lips on mine.

“So… it seems we have Brian to thank for us making up,” I said. Obviously my attempt at getting them to make friends wasn’t too subtle, as Brian shot me an exasperated look before Nick turned to face him.

“Man, I’m sorry,” Nick began. “You were right… so.. friends?” Brian laughed,

“Of course. Now… where the hell is that waiter? I need food!” I hugged Nick as Brian ordered a huge breakfast.

“Hey baby.” Nick wrapped his arms around me and left small kisses on my neck.

“Nick.. stop… Nick! That tickles.” I squirmed out of is reach.

“Ahh… come on. I haven’t seen you all day,” Nick protested.

“But I wanted to go out…” I had been stuck in the hotel all day, venturing only as far as the restaurant. I wanted to spend some time with Nick, but not at the hotel. I wanted to go out to dinner, or see a movie… almost anything was better than staying in this damn hotel.

“Ella, I’m tired. I’ve been working all day,” he replied, taking my hands and pulling me back to him.

“But we haven’t been out in ages.” I was a little disappointed.

“Man, don’t look at me like that!”

“Like what?” I asked, kissing him passionately.

“You see,” he grinned. “If we stayed in we could do a lot more of that.”

“I don’t want to… not now. Please!? We could just see a movie…” I hugged him around the stomach. “You wouldn’t even really have to watch… if you’re tired you could sleep. I just want to get out of here… please?” Nick groaned and took my hands from around is waist.

“Okay.. okay.”

“Thank you!” I said excitedly. “We can do what you want tomorrow.”

“Oh we will… we will,” he grinned evilly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my shoes. Finally I’d be free of this hotel environment, even if it was only for a few hours.

“Hey. I have a surprise for you,” Nick said, caressing the back of my neck. I turned from the view from the cab window and smiled at him.

“And that would be…” I asked, taking his hand from my neck and entwining our fingers together.

“We can go home at the end of the week,” he announced.

“Really?” I asked excitedly. “How come?”

“Because I said so,” he laughed. “Nah… something came up with Howie so the later dates have been postponed.”

“That’ll make a lot of upset fans,” I commented, looking back out of the window at the black view splattered with bright lights.

“Postponed. Not cancelled,” Nick informed me. He ran his hand up my leg and gave me a suggestive look. I leant over and kissed him, provoking his hand to move under my skirt.

“I don’t think so… not here. Especially as you weren’t the greatest of company tonight.” He sighed and turned to the window but left his hand where it was. “Hey moody,” I smiled, turning his face back to me. “I didn’t say we couldn’t have some fun when we got back.”

“I’ll be too tired by then.”

“Okay. Your choice.” I ignored his grumpy expression and removed his hand from my leg.

I climbed into bed next to Nick and he rolled over, wrapping his arms around me. I had my back to him and he buried his face in my hair.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m just so tired… and, well… I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I replied, but didn’t turn to face him. I heard him sigh, but nothing else was said and I soon fell asleep, remembering I’d be in my own bed by the end of the next week.

To Part Four
When The Time Comes
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