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Chapter One

I ran up the pathway and belted through the door, leaving AJ and Nick to follow behind carrying my suitcases.

“KERRY! We’re back!” I yelled. She embraced me with force.

“God, I missed ya girl. So… how was it?” she asked excitedly.

“Interesting.” She looked at me questioningly. “I’ll tell you later.” She nodded.

“Hey baby, where’s my hug?” Kerry squealed and almost knocked AJ over as she ran into his arms.

It was past midnight by the time the guys finally left, but Kerry insisted that we stay up and talk. She handed me a spoon, sat down and placed a large tub of ice-cream on the kitchen table.

“So now,” she began, “How was it?” I swallowed the mouthful of ice-cream.

“As I said… interesting.”

“Come on… detail!”

“Well for one, Nick and I argue and disagree a lot more now,” I said regretfully. It was true, we fell out at least once a day.

“Good,” Kerry replied.

“Excuse me?” I almost spat out the contents of my mouth.

“You two were like, perfect. A little disagreement here and there adds a little spice to the relationship.” I shrugged,

“One thing’s for sure. I am damn glad to be back. I missed my bed, this place and being able to talk to you.” She smiled,

“It was pretty quiet without you… in fact… now I know I should have discussed this with you first,” she said, getting up, “as you live here too and all.” That got me a little worried.

“What? You got another roommate?” I joked.

“Well, kinda,” she replied, opening the door to the extension. “Ella, meet Crazy. Crazy, meet Ella.” As she said that, a gorgeous Labrador puppy bounded into the kitchen. Usually I wasn’t too keen on animals, but the golden fur and cute brown eyes instantly won me over.

“Oh Kerry, he’s gorgeous!” Kerry laughed,

“I was so lonely… and I saw him in the pet shop and I just couldn’t resist.” After the excitement of meeting the new member of the household I continued to fill Kerry in on all that had happened on tour.

“So, what are you gonna do about a job?” Kerry asked me, as she handed Nick a can of cola. I shrugged.

“I don’t know. I can hardly go back to the café… plus I never particularly liked that job anyway.” Nick shifted on the couch next to me.

“Well you may as well stay unemployed seeing as we’re back on the road in three weeks,” he told me. Kerry gave me a look, wondering why I hadn’t told him yet. AJ was watching this exchange with interest.

“Well, I was meaning to talk to you about that,” I began to explain, taking Nick’s hand in mine. “And you guys are only gonna be gone for, like a month, right?” I saw AJ nod, but Nick didn’t respond. “So I thought I’d stay here.” Nick pulled his hand away from me. “Nick, please don’t be mad.”

“I’m not mad,” he stated.

“You sound mad,” I replied. “This’ll be good for us,” I continued, trying to convince him. “A little time apart, and it’ll make it easier for me to get a job while you’re away. Plus we’ll still be able to talk on the phone.”

“Whatever,” Nick said, standing up quickly. “I said I’d spend some time at home today,” and he left, without the usual goodbye.

“Gee that went well,” Kerry said sarcastically.

“See,” I said, picking up the empty cans of drink, “all we do is argue.” I went into the kitchen and threw the items in the trash before returning to the lounge.

“Me and AJ argue all the time too,” Kerry said, trying to be comforting. Crazy jumped up and settled on my lap.

“Kerry, you argue about who’s gonna take the first shower,” I replied, “we argue about whether to do it, whether to break up, whether or not we should spend time together.” Crazy, obviously sensing my mood, began to lick my face, causing me to break out in laughter. “Man… I need to loosen up,” I told myself.

“Too right,” AJ agreed. Then receiving a punch from Kerry apologized, and began to make out in front of me.

Chapter Two
When The Time Comes
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