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Chapter Two

“Hey Ella. How are you sweetie?”

“I’m good thanks,” I replied as I followed Jane into the kitchen, “And how about you? Glad that Nick’s back?” She smiled, obviously thinking about her eldest son.

“Of course. I know he’s nineteen… but ya can’t help but miss them.” I smiled and sat down. “But, I guess I’ll have to get used to it as he’s moving out.”

“He’s moving out?” I asked. She looked at me, surprised that I didn’t know,

“Yes… I thought you would’ve been moving in with him.”

“Well we haven’t discussed anything… so is he here?” Jane shook her head.

“He’s taken Angel and Aaron out for the day. Do you want to wait?”

“No. Could you just tell him I stopped by.” I stood up, “and that if he wants, he can come round later.”

I walked home, inhaling the fresh Florida air and letting the exceptionally hot sun beat down on me. He was moving out. That was news to me… maybe he hadn’t mentioned it because he didn’t want to move in with me anymore… we were still arguing. And I was sure this would cause yet another disagreement.

I tapped on the keys of Kerry’s laptop, typing up my C.V. Kerry and AJ were watching a movie on TV behind me, and Nick was in the kitchen getting a drink. I hadn’t brought up the topic of him leaving home up yet. I was hoping he would mention something.

“Come on, let’s watch the movie.” I felt Nick’s warm lips on my neck.

“No… I want to finish this first.”

“You have forever to do that,” he replied, his mouth close to my ear.

“Nick! Cut it out. I need to finish this,” I said, pushing him away.

“Christ! It’s not that important,” he said, under his breath.

“Maybe not to you,” I stood up angrily, “but this could decide whether or not I get a job. Some of us weren’t lucky enough to be in a good job by the time we were thirteen… or whatever age you were. Some of us have to do a job we hate for shit money!”

“Jesus! Calm down!” Nick defended. “You’ve been so flippin’ moody recently!” Our raised voices were enough to catch Kerry and AJ’s attention. “You’re so unpredictable. One minute you want me, the next you’re pushing me away. Make up your mind about what you want!”

“Me?” I exclaimed, feeling infuriated and way beyond angry. “You’re the one who’s buying a house and moving without even a word to me!” He opened his mouth, probably to insult me further, but stopped himself.

“How did you know about that?” he asked more calmly.

“Your mom told me by accident today,” I replied, feeling my temper becoming more under control. Nick looked over at AJ and Kerry, who were still staring at us, and then turned back to me.

“Let’s go and talk about this in the kitchen.” I followed him out of the room and sat down. Crazy immediately pushed his face into my lap and I petted him affectionately. “Can you leave the damn dog alone for one minute!” I looked up, Nick’s tone of voice catching me by surprise.

“Okay… you want to explain?” I asked, actually feeling a little intimidated by Nick, something I’d never felt before.

“I was looking for a house… I didn’t say anything ‘cos I didn’t know what was happening with us. And the way things are going right now, I’m not sure if it would be a good idea… us living together.” I was quiet for a moment.

“Well instead of not saying anything, why didn’t you just tell me that!” I finally responded.

“I just did!”

“Ugh! You’re so annoying!” I almost screamed.

“I’m annoying? All you ever do is moan at me! I can’t get anything right. And you’re so infuriating. Everything has to be exactly right! All planned. Nothing can just be spontaneous with you!” Nick yelled back.

“Excuse me? The most spontaneous thing you ever did was buy a watch that took your fancy. Not that that was a problem for you, seeing as you don’t think about costs and you take money for granted. And you say I have to have everything planned?” I asked, not actually wanting an answer. “I don’t remember planning to come here. If I remember rightly I was pretty spontaneous in leaving England and my family!”

“Oh! So now you’re regretting it!?”

“No! I never said that!” I almost screamed, tears beginning to run down my face. “I’ll never regret coming here with you,” I continued, my voice not as loud as before. “I love you Nick… but I don’t know what’s happening to us.” I just sat there as tears cascaded down my cheeks, feeling completely lost. Nick fell down on his knees in front of me, his eyes also watering. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his neck, quieting the sound of my sobs. We sat there for hours, just holding each other, neither letting go or speaking.

Chapter Three
When The Time Comes
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