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Chapter Three

~3 months later~

“Hey Nicky! Where shall I put your awards?” I yelled from the front door.

“In the back room,” he called from upstairs. I dumped the box in the room at the back of the relatively large house in Orlando. After the biggest argument we’d ever had, Nick and I had got closer, weird as it may sound. We realised all the things that caused the disagreements and annoyed each other could easily be fixed. I tried to be more out-going and spontaneous… and Nick… well he stayed being Nick. He just told me everything, and I mean everything. And so, here we were, moving into our new Orlando home. I loved it, and I had got myself the perfect job. I now worked in an advertising agency. Okay, so right now I just made coffee and took calls, but hopefully I’d eventually get a promotion. It also meant I could put some money towards the bills… although Nick had bought the house and didn’t really want me to pay anything towards it.

“Hey baby,” Nick put his arms around me and pushed his lips against mine. I placed my hands on the back of his head and deepened the kiss.

“HELLO?! ELLA! NICK!” I pulled away and smiled up at him.

“In the back room,” I called.

“Hey you two,” Brian greeted. “I thought I’d come over and see if you needed a hand.”

“I actually think we’re almost done. Thanks anyway Bri,” I replied. “But you could do me a small favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Take Nick out for the day?”

“Hey!” Nick exclaimed, “Why d’ya wanna get rid of me?” I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Because if you stay you’ll distract me and I’ll never finish unpacking my things.” I brushed my lips gently across his. “You and Brian go…” I tried to think of something to suggest. “Play basketball, or swim, or shop…”

“Come on Nick,” Brian laughed, “Let’s go play b-ball. We haven’t played one-on-one for ages.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later Ella.” He kissed my forehead and followed Brian, and they began arguing about who was the better player. I laughed and began to sort through my stuff.

I climbed into the large bed next to Nick and switched off the light, leaving a blue coat of light covering the room, though we were still able to see.

“We’re gonna be okay, aren’t we?” I said, pulling myself closer to Nick. He pulled the white sheet up over us.

“You know Miss Cox, I think we may just be.” He ducked under the cover and lifted it up, looking down at me. “You know I love you, right? And I’m glad you’ve finally got some flesh on ya, for me to kiss.” I laughed as he began kissing my neck and shoulders. I pulled him up to face me and brought his soft lips down to mine.

“I love you too,” I said between kisses.

“I am never letting you go.” Nick began to leave kisses all over me, a smile spreading across my face. I realised how happy I finally was.

Right, now if you want this story to finish here, with it’s happy ending then STOP reading. I didn’t end it here… my ending may not be how you wanted this story to end… but… if you wanna read on go ahead…

Chapter Four
When The Time Comes
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