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Chapter Four

~2 weeks later~

Nick finished putting the towels and food into the car and came back inside. He kissed my cheek and grinned.

“What?” I laughed nervously. Kerry fell on to the couch next to AJ and Brian grabbed a cushion and sat down on the floor next to Kevin.

“I got you a present,” Nick said, taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

“Oh, what is it?” I asked excitedly. I watched as he rummaged through his top drawer. He pulled out a plastic bag and handed it to me. I pulled out what was inside. A bikini. I forced a smiled, I’m not a bikini person.

“Thanks.” He frowned,

“You don’t like it?” he said, looking disappointed which made me feel bad.

“No. No, I do… it’s nice.” He smiled,

“Go put it on… you can wear it today.” I hesitated. “Please?”

“Okay.” He kissed me,

“I’ll wait downstairs. Come down when you’re ready to go.” I went into the bathroom and put on the bikini. It was nice enough and I looked in the mirror. That was a mistake… I looked fat, I felt fat. I hadn’t weighed myself since my eating had got better, but the scales seemed to be calling out to me. I stepped on them. I was over the weight I would allow myself to be. I pulled off the bikini, repulsed by myself. I put my clothes back on and threw the bikini back into the plastic bag. I stopped and calmed myself down a little. I slowly made my way downstairs.

“You ready to go to the beach?” Nick asked, standing up.

“I don’t feel too good,” I said, not looking directly at him. “You guys go. Have fun.” Nick looked down at me, worry etched on his face.

“Are you okay?” He stroked my cheek.

“I just have a headache.” I forced a smile, “Really. You guys go.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asked. I nodded.

“We’ll see you later then,” Kerry gave me hug and the others followed her outside. Nick lingered.

“I’ll stay with you,” he said.

“No Nick. You go. I don’t feel great, so I won’t be great company.” I kissed his cheek, “Really, go!” He smiled.

“Okay, we’ll be back about five, there’s loads of food so make sure you eat… bye.” Nick kissed my forehead and joined the others. The mention of food made me feel sick, so I went to the bathroom and forced up my breakfast. Laying down on my bed I closed my eyes and tried to forget about it. But I couldn’t, I felt awful.

“Ella! We’re back!” Nick called. I brushed my hair and went downstairs, putting a smile on my face.

“Hey guys, did you have a good time?” I asked, joining them all in the lounge.

“Yeah, it was fun,” Howie replied. I smiled and sat down.

“Where’s Nick?”

“In the kitchen with Brian,” Kevin replied. “You feeling better?”

“Yeah thanks.” I turned as Nick came into the room. “Hey.”

“Ella, did you have anything to eat while we were out?” My smile disappeared.

“No. I wasn’t hungry.”

“I’ll get you something,” Nick said, turning to go back into the kitchen.

“No thanks.” He ignored me and left anyway. “I don’t want anything,” I said when Nick re-appeared.

“You’ve got to have something,” Nick said firmly.

“I don’t want anything,” I repeated, trying not to sound angry. Everyone seemed to sense my tone and they fell silent.

“Look Ella, I’m not going through this with you again,” Nick informed me, forcing a plate of food into my hands.

“I don’t want it.” I placed it on the table and turned to leave.

“Ella,” Nick said, angrily grabbing my arm. “You have to eat.” Sam stood up, laying a hand on Nick’s shoulder.

“Hey man, calm down. You’ll have something later, right Ella?” I nodded and pulled away from Nick.

“I’m going for a walk.”

“Ella… I do this because I care… and I promised you family,” Nick said softly.

“I know… but you don’t own me, and you can’t tell me what to do.” I left before he could respond.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go after her,” Sam offered.

“Thanks,” Nick smiled wearily and went back into the kitchen.

I ran my hand along the low wall, still feeling angry and upset. I knew Nick was only trying to help, but I just needed to get through it my way.

“Is it okay if I walk with you?” I turned to see Sam. I nodded and we continued walking in silence. Suddenly I had the worst feeling and my body froze. Sam turned back looking confused.

“Something’s wrong,” my voice didn’t sound like usual.

“What?” Sam asked, approaching me.

“Something’s wrong.”

“Ella, what are you talking about?” My mind began racing and suddenly it hit me,

“Nick!” I exclaimed. Then I could move again. I turned and began to run.

“Ella!” Sam yelled after me. I hesitated. It was then that I saw the car speeding towards me. I then realised it wasn’t Nick… it was me. I screamed as the car made impact. Screamed for the one person who really cared. I screamed for Nick.

Sam watched as Ella’s helpless body smashed into the windscreen and flew across the roof of the car. He looked in shock at her motionless figure. Recovering his senses he pulled out his cell phone and rang for an ambulance. He then waited and watched as the driver felt for a pulse, and a small cry escaped his throat as he finally saw her face. Almost unrecognisable, except for her eyes. Still open. Still screaming. Sam closed his eyes and heard the wail of the sirens getting closer.

“I’m sure they’ll be back soon Nick,” Brian said as he saw Nick peer out of the window for the hundredth time.

“Yeah,” he replied absent-mindedly. Nick wandered into the kitchen to get a drink. He heard Brian open the front door and he joined him after throwing away the empty milk carton. Nick noticed the expression on Brian’s face. One of shock, sadness… and sympathy. The two policemen on the doorstep shifted uncomfortably.

“Mr. Carter?” one said and proceeded to introduce himself. “I’m afraid there’s been an accident. Miss Cox…”

“Ella,” Nick stuttered.

“I’m sorry sir. The car… just didn’t see her.” Nick inhaled deeply. “She was already gone when the ambulance arrived.” Nick choked as sobs rose in his throat. Brian took Nick inside and held him whilst he cried. Kevin spoke to the officers, informed the others and left to collect Sam.

Chapter Five
When The Time Comes
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