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Chapter Five

It was a week before Nick spoke to the others. They were all sat, like they were before… He suddenly spoke, surprising everyone.

“Sam…” His voice sounded hoarse, only just under control. “She… Ella… what did you talk about? Before…” They all looked to Sam, awaiting his response. His face paled and he stuttered over his words.

“Nick, I… I don’t know if I can talk about it… I mean… I can still… still see it.” He looked at Nick’s face and realised, “Okay, I’ll tell you… but I’ll have to tell you everything…” He drank some water and breathed deeply. “She didn’t say much… but she knew…”

“Knew what?” Kerry asked, not really wanting to interrupt.

“That something was going to happen. She told me… she told me something was wrong.” He sighed, “and then she said your name,” Sam told Nick. “And then she ran… I called after her… I did… I thought it would help… but when she stopped… the car…” He spoke quickly, trying to keep the images away. “I can’t get it out of my head. This recognition… she knew and then, when it hit her… she screamed for you again…” Tears began rolling down his face, “Jesus, I still see it. Everyday… and night.” Nick sat motionless throughout his explanation. Sam looked him in the eye. “Nick, she was running to you… she thought you were in trouble… she really did love you Nick.” A single tear rolled down Nick’s cheek. He stood and left without saying a word.

When The Time Comes
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