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I looked around the club, filled with gorgeous girls, fit guys… everything you could possibly want. Finally I had attempted to get in and here I was at the Over 21’s club on Garley Street in Orlando. And it was just as brilliant as they all said. I walked over to the bar, being careful not to bump into anyone. I was immediately served, I guess ‘cos I was female, and I sat down on one of the stools at the bar.
“Hello.” I turned round and found myself facing one of the most gorgeous guys I had ever seen. He smiled at me, revealing a perfect set of white teeth.
“Hi,” I finally replied. He leant close to me, close enough so that I could smell him. It was over powering, suddenly I wanted nothing more than to be with him, touch him.
“I’m Nick,” he breathed in my ear, “What’s your name baby?” I tried to keep my breathing under control but this guy was having an effect on me that I had never experienced before.
“Beth,” I said, not daring to say more incase I made a fool out of myself. He held out his hand to me,
“Care to dance?” I nodded and excepted his hand. He pulled me on to the dance floor and held me close. His lips were dangerously close to my ear. I have no idea what came over me but I placed my hand on his neck and pulled his ear close to my own mouth.
“Can we go somewhere a little more private?” He pulled away and smiled down at me. Without saying a word he led me out of the club.

I kissed him back, our tongues fighting against each other. He pushed me back on to the bed, still kissing me urgently. I ran my hands through his soft, blonde hair and moaned against his lips as his hands explored my body. I felt his warm breath on my ear and he ran his tongue down my neck. I moaned again, feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure before everything went black.

I sat up, but fell back again as dizziness engulfed me. Once my head had cleared I sat up, but slowly this time. I felt weird. And I had no idea where I was. I stood up and began to approach the door.
“So you’re up?” I whirled round and found myself inches away from Nick. “I missed you,” he said, before forcefully pushing his lips against mine. I struggled against him until he finally pulled away. “You can’t win against me,” he smiled, revealing a pair of fangs. I gasped and took a step back. “You’ll learn.” He took my hand and pulled me out of the room. I followed silently. He led me into a large room. A large table stood in the center with four guys and two girls seated around it.
“Hey Nick,” one guy said, standing up and approaching us.
“AJ.” AJ circled me then placed his hand on my cheek. He ran his fingers down to my neck. My breathing quickened. I was growing scared by this behaviour. “That’s enough.” Nick pulled me past AJ and sat me down at the table. He quickly introduced the other people in the room and handed me a glass of red liquid.
“What’s this?” I asked quietly. Nick smiled whilst everyone else looked up in surprise.
“You have not told her?” Venetia asked.
“No.” Nick turned back to me. “It’s blood. Not fresh, but you can feed properly later.” I stared at him, letting this information sink in. “You’re a vampire now.” I didn’t speak. “Drink,” Nick encouraged. Though I was sickened by the thought, I had an overwhelming thirst and the smell of the blood only increased it. I drank hungrily, savoring the taste of the thick red liquid, not leaving a drop behind. I licked my lips as Nick grinned.
“So Beth, how old are you?” Brian enquired, leaning forward and examining my face.
“Sixteen,” I replied without thinking.
“Sixteen? Catching ‘em young, huh Nicky?” Kevin laughed. Nick suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, roughly forcing me around to face him.
“Sixteen? What the hell were you doing in that club?” He demanded.
“I wanted to have some fun,” I replied. “Like you, or so I thought.” He slapped me hard, the blow sending me flying to the floor.
“Don’t ever disrespect me!” Nick warned, his eyes flashing with anger. “Do you hear?” I nodded weakly. “DO YOU HEAR?”
“Yes,” I said quietly.
“Stand up!” I slowly got to my feet. He pulled me to him, once again looking down at me with affection. “Drink from me… old blood won’t keep you strong for long.”
“I– I don’t want to,” I stuttered, not liking the idea of having to actually bite someone. He smiled, which surprised me.
“It won’t hurt.” He saw my doubtful expression. “Here, I’ll show you.” He took my hand and raised my wrist to his lips. He licked it and I once again grew scared. He dug his fangs into me, causing me to gasp momentarily. He drank only a little from me, then licked my blood off his lips. “You see?” I nodded and took his hand. “No, here.” He tilted his head and bent down, offering me his neck. I could smell his blood, which caused a tingly sensation to run through me. I licked his neck and gently caressed his cheek, digging my newly acquired fangs into him. He blood flowed freely into my mouth, and I swallowed quickly. Finally he pushed me away.
“Mmm,” I ran my tongue over my teeth. “I was hungry.” He smiled and grabbed my neck, parting my lips with his tongue and kissing me with passion. This time I responded and didn’t push him away.

I looked around the room Nick had shown me into. I guessed it was his room. It was sparse, only containing a double bed and desk. I turned to the door as Nick entered the room.
“So…” I began quietly, still a little nervous. He looked at me questioningly. “Are you, like, my master?” He nodded. “So I have to do as you say?” He nodded again. “So, are there rules?”
“Rules?” he asked.
“Like… I don’t know. I’m not allowed in sunlight. That kinda thing.” He laughed,
“Nah. That’s a made up one. Though you can’t feed in daylight.” He approached the bed. “That’s why I go to clubs.”
“Oh.” I sat down next to him on the bed.
“Plus clubs usually mean older women, which equals less resistance.”
“Sorry,” I said quietly.
“It’s okay.” He ran his hand down my cheek and softly began caressing my neck. “You didn’t actually put up any resistance. Which is odd.” He leant over and ran is tongue over my lips. “Another rule… no one else feeds from you. You’re mine.” I nodded and kissed him.
“Do I only feed from you?” I asked. He laughed at my lack of knowledge.
“No… but you only feed from mortals when I tell you.”
“Okay.” I smiled as he pushed me down on to the bed and began kissing me.
“We never did finish what we started the other night,” Nick said. I kissed him urgently.
“So-vampires-still-do-that?” I asked between kisses.
“Are you kidding?” Nick pulled off his shirt, “I couldn’t live without it baby.” He laughed as he pressed his lips against mine.

“Look at her,” Nick said to Brian, standing over the bed. I was lying on the bed, still naked, but laying on my stomach. I kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep.
“But man.. sixteen!” Brian responded. Nick sighed,
“I didn’t know at the time… but it doesn’t matter. She’s good. Loyal.” I could tell by his voice that he was smiling. “She is so perfect.”
“Yeah,” Brian agreed. “Watch out though. I think AJ has his eye on her.”
“Well, tell him to keep away,” Nick warned angrily, “or he’ll regret it.”
“Okay. I’ve gotta eat. You coming out tonight?”
“And Beth?” Brian enquired.
“I’ll take her tonight. I have to teach her.” Brian nodded and left the room. I moaned and rolled over as I felt Nicks warm breath on my neck. “Get dressed. We’re going out.”
“Where are we going?” I asked as he kissed me.
“To a club. You’ve got to learn the routine.” I nodded. “I’m hungry,” he said, licking my neck. I groaned as he plunged his teeth into my neck. He stopped finally, leaving me a little light-headed. “Here.” He cut his wrist and let me drink from him. He kissed me, then handed me a tight, white, quite revealing dress. I stared at him. “Put it on,” he urged. “It’ll make it easier to catch prey.”
“Prey?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Guys,” he smirked. “But remember, no matter how much you want it, you only go with who I say.” I nodded and climbed out of bed.

“Stick close to me,” Nick said as we walked into the club. All eight of us arrived together and attracted a lot of attention. Venetia and Barlna (the other girl) were dressed a lot like me, all three of us revealing a lot of skin. The five guys all turned heads, dressed to kill… literally. AJ, Kevin and Howie immediately took to the dance floor, closely followed by Venetia and Barlna. Nick placed his hand on my ass and squeezed gently.
“Go dance.” I smiled. “I’ll be watching you.” I nodded and went to dance, immediately guys surrounded me.
“Well, she’s got her pick,” Brian commented as he and Nick got a drink. Nick nodded.
“Unfortunately she’s gonna take a while to learn.” Brian raised his eyebrows,
“She will?”
“She’s already forgotten what I told her… but, as I said, she will learn.” A brunette caught his eyes. “Catch ya later.” He quickly followed the girl, intent on his victim.

I was pushed up against the car as his hungry lips claimed mine. The cold frame from the car body chilled my skin as the guys hand went up, under my dress. I moved my lips to his neck, and took a deep breath before drinking from him.

“Shit!” Nick exclaimed, turning around in circles whilst scanning the crowd. “Where the hell is she?” After having fed for the night he had returned to the club and become agitated at Beth’s disappearance. He saw Kevin waving at him, he gestured to the emergency exit. Nick nodded and ran towards it.

The guy slumped to the ground, still conscience. Shit! What do I do? Before I could do anything I was thrown out of the way. I stood up to see Nick leaning over the guy, draining him. As the life left him, the cute victim slowly faded. Before I knew it Nick was in front of me, his eyes blazing. He hit me hard, sending me back into the wall. My head hit the concrete, but Nick quickly pulled me up.
“You’ve disobeyed me,” he hissed angrily.
“I’m sorry,” I whimpered.
“Silence.” He slapped me hard.
“Hey!” Nick turned as two guys approached us, obviously trying to come to my rescue.
“What?” Nick released me and turned to them. I slumped down to the floor. As a fight broke out all went black.

I woke in Nick’s bed. He slept next to me. Silence. He lay on his back his hands by his sides. I straddled him and leant down, my mouth close to his ear.
“Nick?” He stirred. “Nick!” He eyes opened. His icy blue stare fixed on me.
“What is it?” he asked coldly.
“I want you to forgive me,” I said quietly.
“I do forgive you,” he replied.
“No. You haven’t though.” He went to protest. “Nick, let me pleasure you baby.” I leant down and softly bit his lower lip. “Please?” I whispered against his lips.
“I’m not stopping you.” He ran his hands down my back. I smiled before beginning to kiss my way down his body.

Nick ran his hand up my leg, stopping a the top of my inner thigh, then moving it back down again. I could feel AJ’s eyes on me so I turned and kissed Nick. When I pulled back AJs gaze was still on me. We were all watching a movie in the main room.
“So, how old are all you guys?” I asked curiously. It was moments like these that made me feel somewhat ‘normal’ again.
“I’m oldest,” Barlna answered. She smiled, “I’m 382.”
“Wow! I exclaimed. Okay, maybe not so normal.
“I’m 377,” Venetia grinned.
“233,” Kevin sighed.
“231,” Howie laughed, “And I feel old.”
“229,” Brian added.
“AJ?” I enquired.
“I am 226.” He winked at me.
“Nicky, baby? How old are you?” He kissed my forehead.
“I’m 224 and counting.”
“Jeez. Sixteen seems kinda young now,” I giggled. They laughed.
“So, are we going to a club tonight?” Brian asked.
“Too right,” AJ answered.
“I think I may sleep for a while,” I said, standing up. “Do you mind?” Nick shook his head.
“Go ahead baby. I’ll wake you when it’s time to go.” I nodded and left the room.

I opened my eyes to find AJ’s face inches from mine.
“Ni-“ He clamped his hand over my mouth.
“Sshh… I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, “But Nick will hurt both of us if he finds out!” I stopped struggling. “That’s better,” AJ smiled. “You know, Nicky’s mean wanting to keep you all to himself.” He ran his tongue over my neck. I moaned against his hand. “He should learn to share… don’t ya think?” I didn’t respond. Keeping his hand over my mouth, he forced himself on me. I didn’t move, not wanting to betray Nick or anger AJ. The door suddenly flew open. Before AJ could react Nick pulled him off of me and threw him against the wall. Grabbing him by the throat Nick pinned him to the wall.
“This is your warning – stay away,” Nick said through gritted teeth. “Next time you won’t live. You understand?” AJ gurgled a response, and after being released ran from the room. Nick turned to me and beckoned me over. I looked down but stepped closer to him. I braced myself for punishment. I was surprised when he put his finger under my chin and raised my head, forcing my gaze to meet his. “It’s okay baby,” he said, taking my face in his hands. “It wasn’t your fault.” He wiped away my tears with his thumbs. “I think you’re ready for the next stage.”
“Next stage?”
“Thoughts. I can teach you to send me your thoughts, and I can send you mine. That way, nothing like this will happen again."
“Okay.” He smiled,
“We’ll start tomorrow. Now,” he grinned, “we hunt.” I smiled back at him. “But you and me will go on our own tonight.”
“Why?” I asked, slightly confused.
“Because I say so. Come on, get changed.” I kissed him and turned to look through the few clothes I had.

“Hey sweet thing!” I turned to face the guy. His black hair fell over his blazing blue eyes.
’Go with him!’ I heard Nick’s voice urge. I approached him and his friends whistled.
“Can we go back to your place?” I whispered into his ear.
“I… uh…” he stuttered, obviously not used to such a forward proposition.
“Okay,” I laughed. “You got a car? A car could be fun.” He smiled,
“Sure, come on.” He took my hand and his friends watched in amazement as he led me away.
“So, do you do this a lot?” Toby, the guy, asked as he kissed down my neck to the top of my breasts.
“Sometimes,” I replied breathlessly.
‘I think you’re having too much fun,’ Nick’s voice broke into my thoughts.
‘So now?’
‘Now!’ I pushed Toby underneath me and he smiled up at me.
“You are beautiful,” he declared as his hands roamed all over me. I mumbled a reply, then sucked on his neck. He moaned and tensed as I bit into him. I drained him and climbed out of the car. Adjusting my dress, I smiled triumphantly and ran to Nick. He licked my lips,
“Well done baby. You’re learning well,” he said.
“I love you,” I told him, looking up into his clear blue eyes. He smiled and kissed me, pressing his lips forcefully against mine.
“I love you too baby. Let’s go.” He grabbed my had and took me home.

“Yes?” he answered, circling my belly button with his finger.
“Why am I here?” He sat up abruptly, causing me to panic. “I… I mean, how come I didn’t just die. All the others we fed off disappeared, so how come I didn’t?” He smiled and laid back down.
“’Cos I wanted you,” he replied, much to my surprise.
“You did?”
“I wanted a companion… and there was this feeling with you that I hadn’t had before.” He kissed my bare shoulder. “The others were mad at me for converting you… but they soon came round.”
“So, I was wondering… who’s the leader of your group?”
“Well me and Kev are the most powerful,” he answered, “We had the same maker.” I turned over on to my stomach and he gently stroked my back.
“So you could kill AJ, but he couldn’t kill you?” He nodded in affirmation.
“You’re full of questions today.” He smiled, then slowly began to leave kisses down my back. I giggled and he flipped me over, quickly climbing on top of me.

I flopped down on to the couch next to Venetia, who looked over and smiled at me.
“Sounded like you and Nick were having fun earlier,” she smirked. “You’re lucky. Not many get Nick as their master.”
“How many has he…”
“Converted?” I nodded. “Only two, and that’s including you. Honey, I’d watch your step.” She warned. My blood would have run cold, if it had not already been so.
“What do you mean?”
“Her name was Clarty… and she was a beauty,” Venetia admitted. “But, that was all she was, as Nick eventually found out.” I raised my eyebrows. “Nick was besotted, but she wasn’t loyal and she often disobeyed him.”
“What did he do?” I asked, remembering the several occasions Nick had punished me.
“Nothing…” she paused for effect. “At first. He didn’t want to strike her. Too beautiful and all. So eventually, me and Barlna taught Nick that he had to punish her… she went to far… let other vampires feed from her. Nick turned mad… he punished her, and refused to let her feed from him ever again.” I was silent for a moment.
“And you can’t survive without your masters blood… right?” I asked. She nodded,
That is, until you reach 102.” I let the information sink in.
“So he kinda killed her?”
“Yeah.” Venetia stood up, “So, watch yourself. I like ya… wouldn’t want anything like that to happen to you.” She left the room, leaving me to think of what she had said.

To anyone else who saw me and Nick walking down the street, we were your average teenage couple. A teenage couple that turned heads. I thought that this was all down to Nick, but he soon informed me that he doubted the guys were all looking at him. I laughed as Nick blew across my ear and neck. We were walking down the busiest street in Orlando, on one of the first days we had gone out together. Usually our days were spent in the bedroom, but today Nick was taking me out… for a ‘normal’ day.
“Baby, that dress would look great on you,” Nick said, pulling me into the shop after him. He picked up a black dress that looked like it should be worn on the catwalks.
“Nick! I would look hideous in that. My body just wouldn’t go in it.”
“Ah come on… just try it on baby. Please…” I looked at his pleading face, for the first time seeing him as my boyfriend rather than my master. I sighed,
“Okay, wait here.” I quickly went into the changing room and changed into it, surprised that it actually fitted. I went back on to the shop floor.
“Oh baby, you look fine,” Nick commented, grinning at me. A guy who was shopping with his girlfriend looked over, his eyes widening as he looked me over. The dress hugged every curve, emphasizing my slim waist and adequate bust. Nick saw him too and his eyes flashed over with anger. The guy quickly looked away.
“Nick, if you want me to wear this you gotta expect other people to notice,” I said, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him close. He placed his hands on my waist.
“Right now I’d like to see you out of that dress. Baby, you are making my pants feel too tight.” I laughed,
“I’ll go change.” I quickly changed into my own clothes and rejoined Nick. He took it to the counter and bought it. “I thought you didn’t like other guys looking at me in it?” I smiled.
“I don’t, but you can show me in the bedroom… plus I like knowing other guys want you, but you’re mine.” I laughed as he kissed me thoroughly, attracting the attention of the other shoppers. I pulled away, feeling breathless. “Shit. Baby, let’s go home or else I’m gonna have you have you right here.” I took his hand and we quickly went home.

“Are you and Beth going out alone tonight?” Brian asked Nick.
“I dunno… yeah, I guess.”
“Well we’re gonna go to the club on Garley Street so we’ll be there if you want to join us. There’s usually some cute hunnies there up for some fun.” Nick smiled,
“That’s where I picked up Beth.” Brian laughed,
“Man, you’re crazy for this girl huh? You’re worse than you were with Clarty.” Brian stopped laughing when he noticed Nick was no longer smiling.
“You know not to mention her name to me… ever.”
“I’m sorry man… I didn’t think.” Nick was quiet for a moment,
“I haven’t told Beth about her. But Beth would never betray me, right?” Brian nodded. “She’s loyal… I’ll never have to punish her like I had to punish Clarty.”
“Yeah, okay man.” Brian stood up to leave. Nick sighed,
“If you see Beth can you tell her to come see me?”
“Why don’t you send for her through her thoughts.”
“She hasn’t go that completely mastered yet.” Nick smiled and laughed. “But it’s cute. Anyway will you do that for me man?”
“Course… see ya later.” Brian left, kicking his own stupidity for mentioning Clarty.

I walked outside to the car park that night, in search of Nick. I saw him over in the corner with two girls, one kissing his face, the other exploring the rest of his body. Jealousy surged through my body and I wanted to rip the girls throats out.
‘Beth, you can have one of them.’
‘No thanks. You seem to be managing fine.’
‘What did you say?’
I saw him push the girls away from him and begin to walk towards me. Both girls followed him in protest. He stopped in front of me and grabbed me by the throat. Both girls looked on wide eyed.
“Hey, what did she do?” One made the mistake of asking. Nick released me and grabbed this girl, quickly digging his fangs into her. The other girl screamed and began to run.
‘Get her!’ I raced after her,
“Wait, please help me!” The girl stopped and I almost felt bad. She came back and grabbed my arm. “Wait!”
“What is - ” I pulled her to me and plunged my fangs into her neck. I had never fed from a female before. She was sweeter than the many men I’d had. I released her when I felt her body go limp, and wiped away the blood that had trickled down my chin. I turned round, coming face to face with Nick. Before I could speak he back-handed me, causing me to stumble back.
“Will you never learn?” He said coldly, grabbing me by the arm and roughly pulling me to him.
“I’m sorry. I was - ” I began but he cut me off.
“You were jealous. Just like every other dumb female. I can f**k as many girls as I want and make you watch if I choose to do so!” He pulled me into a side alley. “You have no say. I am your maker, and you take orders from me! Understand!?”
“Yes Nick.” He nodded, pleased.
“Good. Now let’s get out of here before the police arrive.” He took my hand and pulled me after him.
“Police?” I questioned, stumbling because he was walking so fast.
“Didn’t you hear that girl scream?” he asked without turning back to face me. “If you’d just done as I said, this wouldn’t have happened.” Nick stopped and looked down at my face when he heard me sniffle. “Don’t cry. It’ll be fine.” I nodded and now walked beside him as we went into a different club.

I brushed the hair away from Nick’s face as he kept his eyes closed against the bright morning sun. He looked so angelic that the label ‘vampire’ definitely didn’t seem fitting. I traced the outline of his lips and smiled to myself as his own lips curled up into a small smile. I leant forward and placed small kisses on his forehead, eyelids, the tip of his nose and finally his lips. He opened his mouth and gently kissed me back. I enjoyed the taste of his soft lips against mine and moved over him to make it more comfortable. I pulled away and his eyes were still closed, but the smile still played on his lips. I gently kissed his chin and then covered his whole face in kisses. I ran my tongue carefully over his lips and he finally opened his eyes.
“I love you,” I whispered against his lips. He kissed me as if I was so delicate that I’d break if he applied too much pressure.
“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you,” he replied, placing kisses on the soft skin next to my lips. I smiled as he ran his tongue along my jaw bone. “Feed from me baby,” he said softly. I looked down at him, his beautiful blue eyes burning into my soul. I kissed his lips once more before moving down to his neck. He arched his back as I began to feed from him. His blood trickled down my throat, almost as fulfilling as it was to kiss him and taste his skin. Maybe that was wrong. Weren’t you supposed to love the taste of blood if you were a vampire? Wasn’t it wrong to prefer the taste of the outside? I finally pulled away and lowered my lips to Nicks. He used his tongue to lick the taste of his blood from my lips. He smiled up at me and I moved up, offering him my neck. He took it and greedily fed from me.

I sat down next to Brian at the large table. He smiled at me and offered me bread. I took some and thanked him. There was an awkward silence. During the time I had spent with Nick I had come to realise that Brian and Nick were the closest, best friends. I decided to take this opportunity of us being alone to ask Brian a few questions.
“Brian, can I ask you something?” I asked, finally breaking through the morning silence.
“Sure,” he replied, after having swallowed a mouthful of bread.
“Well there’s two things actually… do you prefer the taste of blood, or the taste of skin?” He looked at me surprised,
“Have you been talking to Nick?” he asked, which caught me a little off guard.
“No… why?” He shrugged,
“Because you only prefer the taste of the skin to that of blood when you are very powerful. You see, I still prefer blood… in fact I doubt that I will ever change… seeing as I am 229.” He smiled, “Was Nick telling you how he prefers the taste of skin then?” I shook my head,
“No… I… it was just I… I prefer skin.” He looked at me , shocked.
“Oh my God! I should have realised before. Of course, being made by Nick would have given you more strength anyway… but I wouldn’t have guessed it would happen so soon?”
“What has happened? I don’t understand?” I asked worriedly.
“You are becoming powerful,” Brian explained. “Nick is a direct descendant of the Queen. The Queen of Vampires I mean. Kevin and Nick, although not as humans, are vampire brothers… both having the same maker. Do you see?” I was silent for a moment, letting this news sink in.
“So if something were to happen to the Vampire Queen, then Kevin would become King?” I asked. Brian nodded,
“And if something happened to him Nick would be next. But it is highly unlikely to happen. You’re in line either with or after Nick.”
“How could I be with Nick?”
“Love… which I think is between you to. You see, okay… how can I make this less complicated to explain. Well, thinking of it as who is in line for the throne, like the mortal way, then you are the equivalent of Nick’s daughter. But you are in love right?” I nodded, a smile creeping on to my lips as I thought of Nick. “So, it is actually like you are his wife… do you see?”
“Kind of… so I am getting powerful?” Brian nodded.
“What I don’t understand,” he said, a frown appearing on his face, “is why it happened so soon. Kevin took 58 years to become as powerful as he is, while Nick took only 50. But you are already preferring the skin… and it’s only been a year. I just don’t understand.” I grew excited,
“Brian, we could investigate. Find out why. Oh my… I just don’t know what to do. Should I talk to Nick about it do you think?” I asked. Brian shook his head,
“No. Not yet anyway. I’ll start to look into it for you.” I nodded and bit my lip from asking further questions. But there was one more.
“Mmm?” He looked up at me again.
“Can you tell me about Clarty?” His face froze.
“Where… where did you hear about her?” I was slightly confused by his reaction,
“Venetia told me about her a while ago.” Brian quickly stood up,
“She shouldn’t have done that.” He walked over to the door then turned back. “I’ll look into that other matter for you Beth. But I warn you, never, and I mean never mention Clarty to Nick. That is if you want to live.” I nodded, swallowing the panic that had formed in my throat. I had taken in a lot of information in the space of twenty minutes and I wasn’t able to discuss any of it with Nick, as much as I wanted to. I had to make sense of this on my own, and of course with a little of Brian’s help.

I actually felt a little scared as I followed Taylor, a guy who I’d picked up in the night club, up to his hotel room. I hadn’t wanted to go but he was very persistent, and I hadn’t been able to find Nick anywhere. So I had gone with him. He pulled me into a room and closed the door.
“Hey Taylor,” a guy said, obviously his friend. He was laying on the bed watching the TV.
“James.. I’d like you to meet Beth.” James scrambled off the bed.
“Hey gorgeous,” he said, coming up to me. I took a step back.
“You don’t mind if James joins in, do you?” Taylor grinned coming up behind me. He kissed my neck and pulled the strap of my dress off of my shoulder. James stepped closer and began to pull up my dress. I felt really uncomfortable with the situation. I tried to get away, but James stood firmly in my way.
“Look guys, I’m not up for this,” I said. “Please just let me go.”
“Ah, come on. You know you want this,” Taylor muttered against my skin. “If you didn’t want it you wouldn’t have come up here.” I struggled to get away.
“Just let me go.” I pushed James away, who lashed out and slapped me. Anger rushed through my body. Conjuring up all my strength I pushed James away, sending him flying backwards through the air and into the far wall. He groaned and slumped down to the ground.
“Holy shit!” Taylor exclaimed, stepping away from me. I grabbed him by the throat and held him up against the wall, his feet off the floor. “I – I’m sorry.”
“Sure ya are,” I grinned, revealing my fangs. His eyes grew wide. Without hesitating I drained him. Turning round I found James conscious and watching me, panic showing in his eyes. I approached him and he made an attempt to move. He screamed out in pain when he found that his arm was broken. He managed to scramble to his feet.
“Please… I, Oh my God!” he stuttered. I pushed him against the wall, but he didn’t struggle. Shock I guessed. I dug my fangs in, allowing him to drop to the floor once his body went limp.

I ran through the front door feeling breathless. I had shocked and amazed myself at the strength I had acquired. Luckily Brian was the only one back, so I quickly went and spoke to him.
“Hey Beth, you’re back early,” Brian said, flicking TV channels.
“Brian. Something happened tonight,” I said, sitting down.
“Wait,” he looked worried, “Where’s Nick?”
“Oh no,” I replied quickly. “He’s fine… but Brian, two guys tried it on with me tonight and I… I threw one across the room and held the other up off the floor. It was like… I had this amazing strength…” Brian just stared at me,
“You threw him?” I nodded. “Through the air?” I nodded again. “And the other guy?”
“Stand up. I’ll show you,” I offered, standing up myself. To my surprise he seemed hesitant. “Brian, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He smiled and stood up. I held both his shoulders and raised him up off of the ground with ease.
“Holy f**k!” he exclaimed as I lowered him. “I mean Kev and Nick can do that, but they’re so much taller. How tall are you?”
“5’9,” I replied. “Brian, what is happening?” His face paled a little as he realised. “Brian! What is it?”
“Beth, what is your surname?” He asked quietly.
“Huh?” I was completely confused.
“Quickly. What is it?” Brian urged.
“Senger,” I told him. “What has that got to do with anything?” I hadn’t thought it possible, but Brian had become even paler once I mentioned my name.
“Wait here. I’ll only be a minute.” He hurried out of the room and returned a few minutes later, carrying a book which had turned brown with age. “Page 402. Read it.” I took the book from him and turned to page 402.

‘Senger’ is the Vampirian word for powerful. It means to be powerful, possess power. Sengers are of a limited number, though are extremely powerful once recognised. Sengers are the most powerful vampires in existence, meaning they generally rule over others. They posses a great strength and are capable of killing all other vampires.

I stopped reading and looked over at Brian, who was watching me carefully.
“Are you telling me I am a Senger Vampire?” He nodded.
“There’s more. Turn to 648.” I did as he said and began to read.

Converting: Part Six
It is possible that a ‘dormant’ vampire can be converted. This is highly unlikely to occur as there are very few ‘dormant’ vampires in existence. In severe cases incredibly powerful vampires can be ‘made’ – SENGERS (refer to page 402 for definition).
If a ‘dormant’ Senger is converted by a ‘normal’ vampire then the Sengers strength will be of large proportions, though not dangerously so. In the unlikely case of a powerful Vampire – King/Queen vampire, direct descendant of Vampire King/Queen, or Senger – converting a ‘dormant Senger’, then training must ensue . The strength must be controlled or the Vampire race may be threatened. These type of vampires are called ‘SENGARIAN FIATES’.

“Beth,” Brian’s voice broke through my thoughts. “You’re a Sengarian Fiate. You could wipe out the whole Vampirian existence. Holy shit… you’re more powerful than the Queen.”

Nick gently caressed the back of my neck as I read through a book about the Queen of Vampires.
“Why are you reading that?” Nick asked, running his hand down my back. I shivered from his touch and shrugged,
“I was just interested.. after all you are a descendant.” Nick smiled and kissed the back of my neck. I tried to concentrate on reading. Brian had told me to read up on the leaders of the Vamparian race, so I was. I hadn’t told Nick what we had discovered. “Nick, cut it out,” I said, smiling but really wanting him to stop. He continued kissing my shoulder.
“Come on Beth. You’ve been reading that book all day… let’s go have some fun.”
“Just let me finish reading this.” Nick took the book from my hands and threw it on to the floor. I went to protest but Nick pressed his lips firmly against mine. I struggled against him. “Nick, I just want to finish…” He kissed me again.
“You can read it later,” Nick mumbled against my lips. I went to protest again, but realised it would only infuriate Nick. I opened my mouth and let him kiss me thoroughly. He laid down on top of me, kissing down my neck and across my collar bone.
“Oh, sorry guys,” Brian said, coming into the lounge. Nick groaned and got up off of me. I sat up and smiled at Brian,
“Hey Bri. How’s it going?” He sat down on the other seat.
“Okay. Nick, Venetia said she needs to talk to you… when you’re free.” Nick stood up,
“I won’t be long.” He kissed me and left the room.
“Brian,” I began quietly. “Did you find out anything?” He nodded,
“We have to go and see the Queen.” I bit my bottom lip,
“I have to tell Nick.” He shook his head.
“You can’t… not yet. We’ll go tonight.” Brian stood up to leave, “Get away from Nick at the club and meet me outside at 9.30.” I nodded and watched him leave.

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