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Forever: continued

“What took you so long?” Brian asked as he climbed into the cab after me.
“Sorry. Nick wanted to dance. I had to scope out some girl for him before he’d let me go,” I explained. Brian nodded and we sat in silence as he directed the cab to our destination. I climbed out and looked around. We were in the rich area of Orlando and the house Brian led me up to looked more like a mansion. He rang the doorbell and we were shown in by an incredibly cute guy. He smiled at me, his eyes looking me over. Brian held my hand as we were shown into a beautifully furnished room.
“Brian. How are you sugar?” I turned to where the voice had come from to find an elegant women, looked to be in her early thirties. Her slim figure was barely concealed in a revealing dress, with slits up to her hips and an open middle.
“Fine, thank you Letia. And what about you? There has been no news for a while.” She smiled.
“I am fine. And nothing much has happened to report on.” She looked me over, making no effort to hide the fact that she was pleased by my appearance. “You’ve brought a beautiful girl with you I see. And her name is..?”
“Beth,” Brian answered cautiously… “Senger.” Queen Letia froze.
“Did I hear you right Brian?” He nodded. “And you converted her?” she asked, walking over to me and running her hand across my neck.
“No,” Brian seemed scared. “That’s why we came to see you. Her master is Nick. Nick Carter.” Letia froze. Her hand still touched lightly on my skin and I forced myself not to step away.
“Nick Carter,” she repeated. Brian nodded,
“She already has amazing strength… and I knew we had to come and see you.” The Queen nodded and finally walked away.
“Does anyone else no about this?” I shook my head,
“Only you and Brian,” I said, speaking for the first time. She looked at me then nodded.
“Beth. You do realise the power you possess. Right now you could probably kill me. As much as I hate to admit it.” She smiled, “But seeing as Nick is your master I expect you have been taught to obey.” I nodded. “Good. Brian, you will have to bring Nick to me… but don’t tell him. I will do so myself. Beth you will stay here with me until I have spoken to Nick.” I agreed and Brian kissed me lightly on the cheek.
“You’ll be fine,” he whispered. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He nodded to Letia and left quickly. I watched as Letia floated around the room.
“Well Beth. It has been a long time since something like this has happened.” She gestured for me to sit down and I did so. She sat down opposite me. “Do you love Nick?” Her question startled me a bit but I quickly regained my composure.
“Yes,” I replied. “I do.” She smiled.
“They always do… Nick has always been a woman’s man. Even when he was mortal.” I became intrigued as she began to tell me about Nick’s mortal life. A singer - I never would have guessed.

“Brian, this better be good. ‘Cos right now, I’m about ready to kill you.” Brian smiled but didn’t reply as the cab once again pulled up outside Letia’s home. “What the hell are we doing here?” Nick demanded.
“Nick, come on. Letia wanted to see you… she’ll explain once we get inside.” Nick appeared to be sulking when he entered the room. I quickly went over and embraced him. He hugged me back though seemed surprised to see me.
“Beth? What the hell are you doing here? What’s going on?” He jumped slightly when Letia spoke.
“Nickolas. Calm down. All will be explained in good time. Can I get you a drink?” Nick shook his head at the older woman and took my hand. “Please, all of you, sit down.” We did as she said, and I noticed that Nick seemed worried. An emotion I had never witnessed in him before. “Well I think you have some explaining to do Nick,” Letia said, her glass steadily held in her hand.
“I do?” he asked, completely confused. I squeezed his hand.
“Nick, you obviously don’t realise what you have done. You converted Beth?” Nick nodded. “Did you ever enquire as to what her surname is?” He shook his head and turned to me.
“Why? What is it?” I bit my bottom lip,
“It’s Senger.” Nick looked at me wide eyed. He quickly stood up, pulling his hand away from my grasp. “Nick… don’t be mad at me. It’s not my fault.” He stared at me coldly.
“But you didn’t tell me.” I stood up and approached him, which wasn’t a good idea. He struck me hard across the face, catching me off balancing and making me stumble backwards.
“Nick!” Letia said firmly, “I would be careful if I were you. Don’t you understand? She is a Sengarian Fiate! She could kill you in a second.” Nick stared at me, not really being able to comprehend. After all I was your average looking girl. I was sixteen and looked delicate. Nick couldn’t believe that I could harm him. He took my hand.
“Sorry,” he whispered. I wasn’t used to Nick apologising. I smiled but didn’t reply.
“Now,” Letia said, ignoring Nicks response. “We have to decide what to do. The only way this can be handled and controlled is if Beth is watched. We have the two choices. Either she can stay here… under my care, or Nick. You can look after her. You seem to have done a good job so far.” Nick turned to her, still holding my hand. I admired his profile and wanted to kiss him, I refrained.
“She can stay with me. I’m guessing I’ll have to bring her here weekly?” Letia nodded.
“No one else is to know right now. Brian and you must keep it quiet.” She looked at me, “Beth, you must control your strength, otherwise you put everyone in danger.” I nodded,
“I’ll try.” She smiled.
“You all better go. Come back every Tuesday at 9.30.” Nick nodded and pulled me out of the room. Brian followed after us.

I watched Nick watch the television. He hadn’t really spoken to me since our encounter with the Queen. I pushed his hair out of his face, but he didn’t move. I quickly straddled him, blocking his view of the TV. He sighed,
“Beth. I’m not in the mood. Okay?”
“Okay,” I replied, but didn’t move. I laid my head against his chest. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Brian thought it would be best.” Nick didn’t answer. “Why are you so mad?” I asked, looking into his blue eyes. He lightly touched my face.
“You’re my girl… but now you’re not gonna need me anymore. And I guess that’s just hard for me to except.” I smiled and softly kissed him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispered. I leant forward,
“I’m hungry.” He smiled and offered me his neck. I licked it and drank from him. “Your turn,” I stated. I pulled myself up a little and put my neck near his mouth. I could feel Nick’s warm breath on my skin and I shivered. I moaned as he put his teeth in. “Can we go to the bedroom?” He grinned and nodded.

Barlna made me jump as she demanded to know what I was doing.
“I – nothing.” I stuttered. She didn’t look impressed.
“It doesn’t look like nothing. It looks to me like you were looking through my things.”
“Sorry… I just couldn’t find a book… I thought you may have it.”
“Get out,” she said loudly. “Don’t ever come into my room again.” I sighed and started to leave. As I passed she grabbed my arm. “Just ‘cos Nick is your maker, doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.”
“Let go of me,” I said through clenched teeth. Barlna tightened her grip. She had never seemed to like me, whether it was because of jealousy over Nick or because of some other issue she had. “Barlna, let go!” She still didn’t release me so I pushed her. I had been so angry that she flew back into the wall. She hit it hard and slumped down. She looked at me wide eyed.
“My God!” She exclaimed, getting to her feet. “What the hell are you?” I didn’t answer and walked away. Deciding to leave the house for a while.

“Nick, if you don’t tell me, I am gonna go see Letia!” I heard Barlna scream as I walked down the hall to mine and Nick’s room.
“Barlna, calm down.” I heard Nick reply calmly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And if you want then go see Letia. Just don’t expect to get a warm reception.” Barlna let out an infuriated cry and came out into the hall. She gave me a cold look before pushing past me. I entered the room to find Nick staring out of the window.
“Nick.” He turned to face me, looking angry.
“You can’t be so careless Beth.”
“I didn’t mean too. Anyway it’s not like I hurt her. You have done a lot worse to me.” He didn’t seem impressed by that comment and in an instant was standing in front of me.
“I am your master. I can do what the hell I want to you.” He grabbed my arm and forcefully kissed me. “Don’t test me… I can still hurt you Beth… and maybe you can hurt me just as much. But you won’t will you?” I shook my head and bit my bottom lip.
“I am sorry. I can’t help it. When I get angry I don’t realise my own strength.” Nick smiled.
It’s okay… just watch it.” I leant up and brushed my lips across his. “It’s Tuesday. We better go.” He took my hand and led me out of the house.

I laughed and squirmed in Nicks arms as he kissed my neck. I pulled away from him as the door was opened by Letia’s man servant. He led us into her lounge and left us alone to await Letia’s arrival.
“Good evening Beth, Nick.” Letia floated into the room, looking breathtakingly elegant.
“Hello Letia,” Nick replied. I looked past her to the doorway.
“Kevin?” He stepped into the room and smiled.
“Hi Beth.” Letia gestured for us all to sit. “Letia’s been telling me about what you have become,” Kevin said. I looked to her but she simply smiled.
“There have been developments,” Letia said, fixing herself a drink and walking to the window. “I can no longer be Queen.” Nick looked at me, worried.
“Why?” he asked quietly. She turned to face us.
“I have been asked, by the Vampirian Council to step down… after my escapade with Mr. Tom Levey. They weren’t impressed with the idea of me marrying him… seeing as he is not a powerful vampire. So I am stepping down… which means there will need to be a new ruler.” I saw Nick look to Kevin who shrugged.
“So that would be Kevin… right?” I asked. Letia smiled at Kevin.
“No… Kevin has declined the position.” Nick looked shocked,
“Why?” he questioned.
“I don’t want to be King… plus I think you and Beth would be more suitable for the job.” Kevin smiled at me.
“I – but…” I stuttered, not knowing what to say.
“Kevin can only turn down the position because you and Nick are next in line…” Letia smiled kindly at me. “That is… if you and Nick marry. Plus together you will be very powerful rulers… no one will be able to go up against you, and so the Council has agreed you becoming King and Queen of Vampires would be most beneficial. After all nobody could ever defeat you.” I looked at Nick, who was searching my face for my own reaction.
“Well… I’m up for it… that is if Nick wants to marry me?” I laughed lightly. Nick moved closer to me,
“Of course I want to marry you… but are you sure you want to do this. We’ll have to rule… forever… unless something really bad happens.” I nodded. He leant down, caressing my lips with his own, gently using his tongue to open my mouth. We kissed until Letia coughed. “Sorry.” She smiled.
“It is settled then. You will marry… as soon as possible. That way we are all happy. Kevin,” she said, turning to the dark haired man, “You will live with them… you will get a bigger house than mine… seeing as there is a King and Queen. Kevin will be your most powerful man… and the others… Brian, AJ, Howie, Venetia and Barlna will remain where they are… obviously welcome, at your decision, in your new home.” Letia hugged us both and took Kevin’s hand. “We will go see the Council now. I will send word about the final dates and everything.” Nick and I left, leaving Kevin and Letia to settle everything.

I watched Nick as he walked out on to the balcony outside our new bedroom. I joined him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his bare shoulder.
“I love you Nick,” I whispered against his skin, causing his flesh to get goose bumps. I smiled and kissed his shoulder before sliding myself round his body so I was facing him.
“I love you too Beth. Bet you never thought you’d be a Queen by the time you were seventeen.” I grinned,
“You’re right there.” He kissed my lips softly.
“We can live here together. Forever.” I smiled up at him, placing my hand lightly on his cheek.
“Do you reckon Brian will take up your offer?” I asked, leaning my head against his chest. Nick shrugged,
“I hope so… yeah, I’m sure he will. Who wouldn’t want to live here with us?” I snuggled against him and realised that we ruled the Vampire World… forever.

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