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Nightingale's Conceptual Model

As a theorist, Florence Nightingale developed her own conceptual model. The following concepts are quoted from the book Nursing Foundation: A Canadian Perspective by DuGas, B. W. & Knor, E. R. (1995).

MAJOR THEME "Unique role of the nurse"
PERSON "An individual who has the recuperative powers within self to restore own health"
ENVIRONMENT "Involves those external conditions that affect life and the development of the individual, with a focus on ventilation warmth, odours and light, and diet"
HEALTH "Absence of disease and the ability to use one's own abilities to the highest potential, with emphasis on the reparative process of getting well"
DEFINITION OF NURSING "A profession for women, separate and distinct from medicine, using nature's laws of health in the service of humanity"
GOAL OF NURSING "To place patient in the best condition for nature to act by providing an environment conducive to healty living and a nourishing diet"