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The Roy Adaptation Model

Sister Callista Roy developed the Roy Adaptation Model. The first publication of the Roy Adaptation Model was in 1970 (Andrews & Roy, 1991). Today, some “schools and agencies are committed to Roy’s model” (Dugas & Knor, 1995, p. 324).

The Basic Elements of Roy’s Model (taken directly from: Dugas & Knor, 1995, p. 320/322)

Major Theme "Adaptation"

Person "A biosocial being in constant interaction with the environment who has four modes of adaptation: 1.physiological needs 2.self concept 3.role function 4.interdependence"

Environment "All conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding and affecting the development and behavior of persons or groups, having both internal and external components and constantly changing"

Health "Health is a function of the degree of change and the state of the person experiencing the change"

Definition of Nursing "The science and practice of promoting adaptation in individuals, or groups in order to help them achieve health"

Goal of Nursing "To assist the patient achieve a higher level of wellness"