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This image, "Psychic Energy System"(46"x84", acrylic on linen)was created by Alex Grey (1980). Jean Watson explores Grey's artwork within her new book, "Postmodern Nursing and Beyond"(1999). Jean Watson (1999) states:"If ever there was a vivid description of the body as being more than physical matter, Alex Grey's 'Sacred Mirrors' is it"(p. 160). "As one views the many layers of the body artistically, one also sees how alike one is with others before and after the 'skin', and also how the skin separates from one another. We also see how the physical and metaphysical merge" (Watson, 1999, p. 161).

"Psychic Energy System" (Grey, 1980) shows five out of the seven chakras. Moving from the top of the image down, the white chakra represents crown-spiritual, the amethyst represents the third eye-transcendent, the blue chakra represents the voice, the green chakra represents love, and the yellow represents emotion (Watson, 1999). Alex Grey's work is available from a variety of sources. His website can be accessed "HERE" where you can purchase his book and posters. His artwork has also been published in "Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey" (1990).

"Psychic Energy System" by Alex Grey (1980). Copied with permission.