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Barnhart, D.A., Bennett, P.M., Porter, B.D., & Sloan, R.S. (1994). Philosophy and science of caring. In A. Marimer-Tomey (Ed.), "Nursing Theorists and Their Work" (pp 148- 162). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

Talento, B. (1995). Jean Watson. In J.B. George (Ed.), "Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice" (pp 317-333). Fullerton, California: Appleton & Lange.

Watson, J. (1979). "Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring". Boston: Little, Brown.

Watson, J. (1988). "Nursing:Human science and human care, A theory of nursing. New York: National League for Nursing (originally published 1985, Appleton-Century-Crofts).

Watson, J. (1999). "Postmodern nursing and beyond". Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.

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