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Definition of Feminism

Peggy L. Chinn and Charlene Eldridge Wheeler define feminism as " a world view that values women and that confronts systematic injustices based on gender" (1985, p.74).

Attributes of Feminism

a concern with action, political or personal, the struggle for equality,

valuing the individual, respect for the individual,

an awareness or consciousness of oppression which may be experienced by women directly or men vicariously through women's experiences (Allan, 1993, p. 1549).

Allan, H. T. (1993). Feminism: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 18, 1547-1553.
Chinn, P. L. & Wheeler, C. E. (1985). Feminism and nursing: Can nursing afford to remain aloof from the women's movement? Nursing Outlook,33 (2), 74-77.