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Four Phases in Peplau's Interpersonal Relations Model

Orientation Phase:
~ Client had a felt need and seeks professional assistance.
~ Nurse and client meet, become increasingly more comfortable with one another while defining the problem together.
~ Nurse and client work together to understand their reactions to one another (influening factors such as culture).

Identification Phase:
~ Client selectively determines who will offer the help required.
~ Client's involvement may differ according to individual (one may be more interdependent while another is dependent).
~ Development of the nurse-client relationship.
~ Client may begin to feel a sense of belonging and increase in self-confidence.
~ Sense of helplessness and hopelessness replaced by an increasing optimistic attitude.

Exploitation Phase:
~ Nurse assists the client to access and utilize available resources, while maintaining a theraputic relationship.
~ Client benefits from what is offered to them through the nurse-client relationship.
~ Client becomes more activily involved and may gain control over some aspects of the situation.

Resolution Phase:
~ Client's needs have been met through collaboration with the nurse.
~ Resolution is achieved when client no longer identifies with the nurse nad dissolves the relationship.

Coffin, D.A. Peplau's interpersonal relations model. [Online]. Available WW: