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I'm not going to be nominated for best speller of the year so I may have a few spelling mistakes here, but hey, I'm only human.

Dessert Norns- These Norns are what I like to call the default Norns, since they are obviously so popular. However I don't know why cyberlife decided to call them "desert" Norns, since they can't take the heat, any better than the others can or so my observations have led to conclude. The desert Norn male, and female are mostly all out the same, except for small features, like the horns, that only males have. Desert Norns, come with the Creatures 2 game.

Emerald Norns- Emerald Norns, come with the Creatures 2 game as well, the Emeralds have a bit more advanced hairstyle than the Deserts. Emerald Males, have tuffs of hair sticking out of each side of they're faces, and horns placed on their heads. Emerald females, have nice Curls on the side of they're face, and another curl on the top of they're head.

Pixie Norns- I can see why these Norns were called Pixies, these Norns look like tiny little cat fairies, can't you just imagine a little tutu on one of them? ^_^ Pixie Males, and females basically share the same features, except for the eyes, Females have lowered eyelids, and long lashes, while the males open they're eye's wide. These Norns come with the game too I think.

Golden Desert Norns- Since I don't have life kit#2 I don't know much about these Norns yet. But I do know one thing, they seem to live longer than the average Norns, and both the female and male have very nice hairstyles in my opinion, also all the Golden Desert Norns, will be well...Golden in shade.

MerNorns-These Norns, are Type M and created by LisMorris and Wufuru, personally I love this Norn type I just wish they had a bigger space to live in besides the light blue ocean, and the dark blue one. Mernorns as babies can't breath underwater yet so don't go dumping one in the ocean, as childhood is really just the same, but when adolescences hits, they're colours change. Then now that they're youths you can dump them in the ocean, and they'll like it just fine. When Adulthood comes the Norns, will evolve and instead of having legs the Norns, now have tails.
To be able to have Mernorns you have to go here: Palace of the Evil Shee or here Adventures in Nornsitting Make sure you read the readme file as it will tell you all the things you need to know about your Mernorns.

Scorpio Norns- I haven't yet had a chance to try out this breed but what I've heard these Norns, will never lose a fight, The Norns were made to be antisocial so they will barely communicate with others And if one of the other Norns, do try to comunicate with them they either smack em' or walk away. But these Norns look very cool, but they don't come with the game you have to download them just go here:
Adventures in Nornsitting Make sure you read the readme file, and have fun.

Gill Norns- I haven't tried these Norns yet, but they're pretty much like Mernorns, except they don't grow tails when they mature, these Norns will suffocate on land so make sure they don't spring themselves out of the ocean. These Norns do not come with the game so you'll have to go here to get them:
Palace of the Evil Shee they're at the bottom of the page after the Mernorns so just scroll down, and please read the readme file.

Kai Norns- What else can I say but I love them! Kai Norns were desinged to care for they're young! well the mothers do anyway. For the first 20 minutes or so of the baby Norns life his/her mother will follow him/her around Albia to make sure they're safe, and well fed. These Norns are available for downloading at the following:
Palace of the Evil Shee and Adventures in Nornsitting

Blarp Norns- These Norns are a brand new speicies, Created by Larry? well anyway the Blarp Norns are camuflaged ie. you can't really see then they only have they're faces, hands, feet, and hair showing, I think they're cuter this way. So if you want Blarp Norns go to Larrys CyberNetic Albia And download them now!

Socrates- This isn't a Norn breed but, I think Socrates is good enough to deserve a mention here. Socrates was made and trained by LisMorris to obey what the hand commands her to do. Socrates will push food when you tell her, go left/right, and she can also push implements for you like the advanced science kit that all my other Norns were too stupid to get what I was talking about. But Socrates will ignore what the hand tells her to do if she's hungry or sad. And in that case she'll just act like any other Norn and complain. Socrates is unfortunatly infertile, and making her lay, an egg or splicing her will only cause problems for you so I don't suggest it. So in order to get Socrates go here:Palace of the Evil Shee

Tiki Norns- one The newest Type of Norns out there! the tiki Norns, unfortunatly the wasn't found, I hope the owner fixes that soon! cause I'm dying to try them out! to view more Tiki picts go here: The Shee Shuttle

Ettins- This is the new type of Creature for Creatures 2, Cyberlife calls them the Industious Ettins, though I don't know why, so far all they've done for me was be nice. But all in all the Ettins are really cute And Nice, but they can look fairly scary when they're angry, when they flash those choppers at you *shudders*. Did I mention they eat bugs for you.

Spotted Lizard Ettins- A new breed of Ettins for your world, cutesy of Amethyst from Norns in the Mist. I think they're really cute. Go the site to download them, it's just a small ZIP file right now and not huge like the Mernorns one.

Grendels(C2)- Grendels got a pretty bad rep. from they're C1 cousins. And also the manual did go on, and on, and on, and on about how bad Grendels were... THIS IS NOT TRUE! pardon my caps. So far all the Grendels I've gotten were nice to my Norns (besides Timbits ofcourse, but hey he didn't like other Grendels either) My first Grendels didn't bother to even so as look at my Norns, he just spent time alone down in the cellar, saying that he was lonely {Doesn't your heart just break at the mention of this???} But after I went around finding a female Grendel to spend time with him he was happy for the rest of his life. Grendels do not carry desease maybe the C1's did, but neither my Norns or Ettins got sick by hangin around a Grendel. So Please give Grendels a chance, don't push him in the nearest Ocean you can find or lock him up in the room with the Volcanoe, treat him like a scaled Norn, with red eyes. And while I'm raving, did you ever get the sad look from one of the Grendels? heartbreaking isn't it? it's like he/she's saying help me! I'm starving! and in need of someone to care for me!

Boney Grendels- They're appearence is exactly what it sounds like, they're boney and scary looking. So here's an advertisment: Are you tired of a Norn Who always slaps others without cause, slapping everying in site like the other Norns, Ettins, Grendels, and occaisonally the hand? then download the Boney Grendels, and garentee that your troubled Norn will be unconcious from pain in 2 minutes flat, and once you revive him he'll be too scared to even move never less slap...Just Kidding. The boney Grendels will be mean to your Norns for sure he'll just slap them even if they come 3 feet close to him or in the game, 3cm. You've gotta download these things though just go here: Boney Grendels Download section and they're even kinda cute, in a demonic sort of way.

Please do notify me if I'm missing any Creature Types.
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