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The Book of Albian Oddities

Welcome to the Book of Albian oddities, I only have a few pictures right now, but they're weird, most are just game glitches but others aren't, and some I just think were funny or have a story to tell so, here they are...

This is a game glitch I'm sure. so here I was one day cycling through all my norns to make sure none of them are sick, when I come across Poor Annie stuck in the borrow floor, weird part was her torso was missing. So I picked her up(with the pickup hand COB)She was releived to be out of there, and her torso was back so alls well again.

Chester was found this way, it seems he wanted to visit the birds. Another game glitch no doubt. But the weird part was I couldn't pick him up or tickle him he was just stuck. Later when I checked, he was on the dessert floor following the Albian Cactus Critter around.

Never cram alot of Creatures on one lift, or you'll end up with a funny looking hybrid. Don't worry once the lift stops they'll return to they're normal shape.

Need I say more?...

Poor Janice found herself, in peices for the windchimes. And also scared Selina halfway to death.

My poor Ron Norn, wandered off to find adventure instead he got a big headache. Surprisingly he walked away from that without the slightest hint of pain. ^_^

A Grendel giving two eggs? First thing I know Merina is sitting down ready to pop that egg out of there, the next two of them come flying out, no C-section nothing. A game glitch, and rare one too! seems all the glitches happen to me.

Another "Sky walker" this time it wasn't Marcus, this Grendel is Harvey and he loves to hang out in the Ettins garden, I found him this way.

Ya Ya, so what? the Ettins picked up the egg big fat deal...WRONG! Look at what else the Ettins is holding, an ant! aha! Creatures can only pick up one object at a time so how do you explain the flying egg? I'd like to know.

I've seen cases like this before, the walking dead or those whose souls just don't wanna leave Albia. This image kindly donated by: Keli

If you've managed to take a picture of your Creature or Creatures doing something weird or funny please send them to me, and don't forget to include your name or anything, and I'll give you credit for it.
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