[A nEw BeGginNinG]
© 2000 Teri
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... prologue ...
It's been a little over 2 years since Justin was killed. I've done everything to move on. It's been hard. Courtney was put in jail for the murder of Justin and Jenni. Also the attempted murder of Ashlee.

It took me a while to get over the pain and loss of Justin, but I'm finally dealt with most of the pain. I have a beautiful 18 month boy named Justin Randall. Some of the hardest times have been looking at him and seeing Justin in him. The guys have been there for me. Ashlee had her baby a girl. It happened to have them on the same day. Ashlee named Jennifer Lynn.

Chris and Jodi got married she also expecting a baby in 2 months. Joey and Ali are still seeing each other. Lance and Ashlee are to be married in two days. As for Jc losing Jenni hurt him bad, but strangely enough me and him found something in each other and fell in love. I love Jc very much, but he could and will never replace Justin in my heart. Now it's time for a new beginning.

... chapter 1: sTaRtinG oVeR ...
Teri sat there and watched her son sleep. Teri did this on many ocassions, but looking at him sleeping so peaceful reminded him of his father. She loved Justin so much, but did she tell him too late?

"Hey sweetie you okay?" Jc asked sitting next to her.

"I'm fine babe. Why you ask?" Teri asked.

"I know that this is hard. Watching him sleep and how it reminds you of Justin. I can tell when you think about him. Your eyes are half sparkle, have gloom. Teri, I know how much you loved Justin and how much it hurt losing him, because I felt it too with Jenni," he said putting his hand on hers.

"I know Jc. I try so hard to not let all these memories overflow in me, but sometimes I look at Justin and he looks so much like him. Jc you know what you are to me. A new beginning. I feel in love with you. I never thought I'd feel love, but I did. You've been there for me and Justin. You've been so good to me. I love you so much.......We need to get ready for the wedding. SInce we are suppose to pick Jenni up at Lance's and Ashlee's," Teri said.

"We also have to get this munchkin up too," Jc said. He woke up Justin. He was just like his dad he had to have something in him beofre he became cheerful.

"Mommy, are we going to see Jenni?" Justin asked after Jc had gotten him dressed.

"Yes, we are and we have to drop Jc off there and pick Ashlee, Amanda, and Jenni up and drive to the church," Teri said.

**JC's View**
I finished getting dressed and went into my drawer and got the small box out of there. I was going to ask Teri to marry me. I hope it's not too soon.

I love her so much and I love Justin so much. He reminded me of my best friend Justin's father Justin Timberlake. He died a little over 2 years ago, Right after Teri found out she was pregnant.

Jc was sitting in the back of the bus when Justin came up to him. "Hey Jc. I need to talk to you man," Justin said.

"What about Curly?" Jc asked.

"I'm going to ask Teri to marry me. Do you think I should? I love her so much," Justin said then bringing out the box.

"Curly, Iknow you love her don't have to convince me of that. I also know she loves you too. I think you should. Good luck man," Jc said.

Just after that conversation they were home. Teri told Justin she was pregnant and they got into a fight and right before he was shot. Justin asked her to marry him. Teri still wears the ring, but on her right hand.
**End Flashback

"Jc Honey, you ready?" Teri asked walking into the room. I quickly stuck the box in my pocket and walked over towards her and kissed her softly.

"Sure am Beautiful." They walked out the door hand in hand with Justin.

... chapter 2: suRpriSe ...
**JC's View**
Teri dropped me off at Ashlee and Lance's and picked up Ashlee, Amanda, and Jenni. (Note: Amanda is a good friend of Teri's and Ashlee's) "Hey man how are you?" Jc asked Lance.

"Nervous. What if Ashlee decides she doesn't want to be with me?" Lance asked.

"Lance, man you two have a beautiful little girl together. She loves you. There is no way she doesn't want to marry you," Jc said trying to get Lance to feel better. Jc walked into the kitchen and sat down. What if Teri doesn't want to marry me? Justin isn't my son. Though I wish he was. I know she still loves Justin.

Joey walked in the kitchen and saw Jc sitting there. "What's wrong Jc?" Joey asked.

Jc sat there for a minute and then began to talk, "Do you think I'm betraying Justin by being in love with Teri?" Jc asked. "Seriously Joe."

"Man, at first I was like that's the girl Justin loved the mother of his son, but then I realized that you really did love her Jc and Justin would understand because she loves you too. You can see it man. Why you asking?" Joey said.

"Because I'm going to ask her to marry me, but I'm not sure what she'll say," Jc said.

"Man, go for it. You two love each other very much and I know Justin wants to see both of you happy and if it's together he wants that." Joey said.

They talked for awhile longer then headed for the church.

**Teri's view**
I sat in the room that Ashlee was changing in waiting for her to get done so I could help her. All of the sudden I felt my stomach get a little wussy. Ashlee exited the room. I now felt like I was going to puke.

"Excuse me Ash," I said walking past her. I ran into the bathroom and threw up whatever I had.

"You okay Ter?" Ashlee asked.

"Yes I actually feel much better," I said.

"Teri when was your last cycle?" Ashlee asked. I sat there and thought. There was no way I could be pregnant again. I sat there and thought and I couldn't believe it.

"It's been 2 months I think," I said.

"Teri, you need to go to the doctor," Ashlee said.

I paid no attention to what Ashlee was saying and finished getting dressed. What would Jc say would he react the way Justin did? I asked myself.

"We need to talk Justin," I said.

"About what?" he asked.

"We'll do it in there." I said. All four of us walked back with the others.

"We've got some news," Ashlee said. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen.

"Ashlee and I are.........pregnant," I said. Everyone had stunned look on their faces except Justin, he looked pissed.

"That's great baby," Lance said hugging Ashlee.

"What do you think Curly?" I asked.

"How the hell could this happened? I bet you wanted to get pregnant. Are you sure it's even mine we haven't been together in two months," Justin said. Everyone was shocked by his reaction.

"Did I fucking plan this? NO. Did I cheat on you? How the hell can you even think that let alone ask me that? You are the only guy I've ever slept with. If you don't want this baby then screw you. You can stay out of his or her life and mine," I said crying walking out the door......
**End Flashback**

I closed my eyes fighting the tears. I remembered that day so well the day that changed my life. I lost Justin that day. I was not going to lose Jc. Maybe the only way not to was to lose the baby. I thought in my head then I realized I couldn't do that. There was knock on the door. I answered it. It was Jc and Justin.

"Hey baby doll," Jc said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey babe. How's my little guy doing?" I said looking at Justin.

"Fine Mommy," he said giving me a hug and a kiss.

"Lance is ready. Is Ashlee?"

"Yes she is." I said. The wedding started and was over quickly. Jc, Justin and I headed to the reception. I didn't know what going to happen there.

... chapter 3: i LoVe yoU ...
**Jc's View**
'Today is the day I'll ask her,' I said to myself. 'I love her...and Justin. Ashlee & Lance looked so happy. I hope me and Teri will be that happy.'

**Author's View**
Jc looked across the room and saw Teri with Justin noticing how much he looked like Justin and Teri. A song began to play and Jc walked over to Teri. Jc knew this was their song. It was the song that was playing while they first danced after Justin died....something had happened that nite and they kissed. He began to fall in love with her ever so slowly. The song did have some painful memories for them both. Hearing Justin's voice brought back memories.

"May I have this dance?" Teri asked Jc. He didn't say a word, he just took her in his arms and pulled her closer than he had ever done before. Jc leaned his mouth to his ear and whispered, "I love you, my angel."

"I love you, my protector," she whispered holding on tightly. He knew then that is was right. He kissed her on the cheek and pulled himself away.

"Teri, there's something I need to ask you something."

"What?" Teri questioned.

Jc dropped to one knee. Everyone stopped and watch. "Teri Jo Stevens. My angel, bestfriend, and love of my life. You saved me when I thought my life was over. That first kiss was magical. You've been there for me when I needed you," Jc pulled the box out and held it towards her, "Will you marry me?"

Teri stood there in shock for a second. and grabbed his hand, he then put the ring on. "Yes Jc, baby yes," Teri said with tears in her eyes then she said, "I love you."
