[beTweEn tWo WoRldS]
© 1999 Teri
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... prologue ...
All her life 19 year old Teri Smith was in and out of foster homes. When she was just two her father had beaten her mother to death and tried to beat her and her sister to death at the time her sister was 7. Teri was too young to remember her sister what she looked like, but she kept a picture of her by her side. For the past 17 years she was in and out of 22 homes. That 22nd home that she was in she wished it would have been her first. Her foster parents were great and decided to adopt her at 16.

Her life was hard both ways. After the first home she was in she never heard anymore about her sister. Teri was in trouble alot as she was a kid growing into a teenager. Now being the summer of 1999, Teri's foster parents had got her a job. A job that any other girl would go crazy about a job for the 1999 Summer of Boys Tour or something like that. It was where she was a bodyguard for the boybands *N Sync and Backstreet Boys. She had heard of them because like 9 of her best friends were in love with them. She just didn't want to be proved wrong because she told her friends and her parents they were probably egotistical jerks, but who knows she could be wrong.

She had gotten them tickets to the concert in San Francisco. Teri was looking forward to hating this summer, but who knows it might be a real adventure.

... chapter 1: heLlo ...

Teri woke up to the sound of her mother's voice awakening her. "Sweetie, you need to get up. You can't be late on the first day," Mrs. Smith said.

"I know Mom," she said. She got up and showered and headed for the Ritz hotel. Later in the day she was to go home and pack.

~~Pent House at the Ritz~~
"So Johnny when's the new bodyguard going to get here?" Justin asked his manager.

"She's suppose to be here in ten minutes," he said. All the guys stopped what they were doing.

"We are getting a chick. I wish she's beautiful, but our luck she's this muscular girl who looks like a man," Nick said.

"Actually, she's 19. Very pretty and has muscles, but nothing that would scare you away. Damn she's hot," Justin said.

"How the hell do you know this Curly?" AJ asked.

"Because Johnny just showed me a picture of her," he said and handed te pic to AJ for him and the rest of the guys to see and they all agreed she was beautiful.

About a minute later there was a knock on the door. Justin got up and answered it. "Hello beautiful," he said as he opened the door.

"Hi, I guess you are Justin. So I'm at the right place?" Teri said.

"Yes, but I didn't catch your name babe," Justin said. The mention of Justin calling her babe brought awful memories back.

"Babe, I promise I'll never hurt you or the girls again,"
**End Flashback**

"Excuse me are we awake in there," An older guy who I think was Chris and Laura was the one in love with him.

"You know I might have forgotten that I didn't throw you my name that's why you didn't catch it and also, don't you dare call me babe again if you want to keep those good looks of yours," Teri said.

"Well, at least you are admitting you have the hots for me," Justin said.

"Excuse me Mr. Smooth. I'm not the one with all the corny pick-up lines. I'd watch it just because you are good looking doesn't mean I like you," She stopped for a minute. "I'm sorry for acting like a bitch just then. It's just I hate when someone calls me babe. I know you didn't mean to. It just triggers awful memories. By the way I'm Teri Smith. You are Justin, Joey, Chris, Lance, JC, Nick, Brian, Kevin, Howie and AJ," she said.

"It's alright Sweetie, Is that okay to call you?" AJ asked.

"Yes," Teri said smiling.

"You have a beautiful smile. Will you excuse Justin when he happens to see a beautiful he tries hard to make a good impression." he said. Making Justin blush a little.

"Guys I was wondering if you wouldn't mind meeting nine friends of mine. 5 of them love N Sync more and 4 of them love BSB more, but they all love you both," She said.

"It's fine..So who do you love the most?" AJ asked with a sexy smile.

"I like you both. No one more no one less. On each I would say I have my favorites," Teri said.

"So who are they?" Nick asked. Teri stood there smiling trying to figure out how to not make anyone mad.

... chapter 2: geTtinG to kNoW yoU ...
Teri stood there hoping they would tell her not to answer them, but they didn't. "So who's your favorites?" Chris asked.

"Well, from *N Sync I happen to like Justin a little more, but that doesn't mean you can get a swelled head now. Then BSB I like AJ more," she said. AJ just stood and smiled at her and so did Justin.

"Teri, why don't you like to be called babe?" Joey asked.

"It's a long very long story," She said not wanting to bring the old memories back.

"We've got time girl," Brian said looking at her with his killer smile and just then she knew what Ashley loved about him the most his smile.

"Well, when I was little my dad beat me, my sister, and my mom. When I was 2 he winded up beating my mom to death and me and my sister. I remember one time that he said 'Babe, I promise I won't ever hurt youor the girls again,' Well about five minutes later I fell down and he slapped the shit out me and then my sister for trying to help. After my mom died me and my sister were sent to a foster home we stayed there for a month and got seperated and all I have of her is a picture," Teri said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Nick said looking at her with his blue eyes and great smile and right then she knew why Jasmine liked Nick.

"Finally when I was 16 was adopted by the Smiths'. Before that I had been in 21 different foster homes," Teri said and they continued talking for a while longer. Then they all headed over to Candle Stick Point where the San Francisco Giants played. After the Giants day game they were to rehearse for the concert and it would be that night.

"So Teri are your friends all as pretty as you?" AJ asked her making her blush.

"No prettier," she said back.

"No one could be as pretty as you," AJ said, but Teri didn't hear she was too busy cheering as she watched the game. The Giants were playing the Braves and Teri loves the Braves especially their 3rd baseman Chipper. "Hello?" AJ said.

"What?" she said looking embarassed. AJ leaned in and was about to kiss her.

... chapter 3: tHe kiSs ...
AJ leaned and ever so softly kissed Teri. Then all of the sudden someone yelled foul ball. Teri all the sudden pulled away and saw the ball coming right towards and hit her right smack on the face.

"Teri you okay?" Justin asked.

"I'm fine," she said.

"Well come with me," Justin said taking her hand and she looked down at AJ and smiled and he smiled back. "I wanted to buy you something since you got hit in the face."

"Oh thanks. It's all part of my job," she said laughing.

"Well, you did such a great job and now you can say you saved a BackStreet Boys' life," he said laughing with a smile that could melt your heart. She knew then why Ashley was head over heels in love with him. "So how's your eye?" he asked.

"It's fine," He put his hands on her small waist and pulled her in and kissed her ever so sweetly.

"Justin I think we should get back to our seats," she said feeling all confused.

"They aren't missing us. Well AJ might be missing you," Justin said and pulled her into another kiss.

"Please Justin stop," she said as she pulled away.

Justin saw tears form in her eyes so he did as he was asked. "I'm sorry," he said. They walked backed to their seats. They enjoyed the rest of the game.

**2 hours later**
*ring ring* Teri's cell phone rang. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Ter. It's Ashley. How's your day?"

"Besides the fact I have a black eye fine."

"Jeremy didn't find you did he?" Ashley asked.

Jeremy was Teri's ex-boyfriend. She had broken up with him a month ago after a horrible 2 year relationship. He had hit her and raped her numerous times. Sometimes she'd black out to forget the pain. It reminded her of her father so much. She kept it a secret for a year and a half. The first three moths were perfect. Then from then our relatioship went to shit. Each time he promised he'd never do it again, but he did. Finally 21 months she couldn't hide it from Ashley anymore. Ashley is her best friend. Ashley blamed herself for not picking up on it.

"No it wasn't. I got hit by a foul ball."

"Oh so how's my man?"

"He's great. Promise me you won't get mad if I tell you something about him."

"I promise," Ashley said.

"He's a good kisser. He kissed me. AJ did too. Are you mad?"

"No not at all," Ashley lied. It broke her heart that her best friend kissed Justin Timberlake. He wasn't even hers to get jealous of.

"I gotta go Ashley, bye."

"Bye see you tonite Teri," Ashley said.

"Hey Teri."

"Hey Jc."

"I was wondering if you had a girl who is as beautiful as you that was interested in me," he asked.

"Actually I do, her name is Nikki. She's just the sweetest person. I have a picture of her," she said and she pulled the picture out.

Nikki wasn't very big. Only 5'4, 110 lbs, with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes just like Jc.

"Damn, she's beautiful," Jc said.

"I know."

"So Teri what about me?" Joey asked.

Then all of the sudden this girl who was like 5'7, green eyes, and her hair had a reddish tint to it came running in and went straight for Joey. "I love you Joey. Marry me? I want you. I want to have your baby. I'll let you play out your fanasty," she said. Teri grabbed her away from Joey. "Stop it bitch. I'm the new Mrs. Fatone. Joey baby are you going to let that bitch touch me. Don't come near Jessica Fatone bitch," she said taking a swing at Teri. Teri ducked and the girl fell to the ground. The police came and took her away.
