Don't Wanna Lose You Now

Don't Wanna Lose You Now
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

[Prologue: Shock]

I laid in my bed in shock of so many things that were not sitting in well. One being my mom, dad, brother, and sister were gone. Plus my best friend was too. My name is Sydney Kaylee Chasez. The only person that I have left is my brother Josh and we're really not related by blood. I was adopted. I'm 17, Mom and Dad were taking me and my best friend Andi to our graduation. I was going to sing. Then next thing I know I'm here.

[Chapter 1: Hurt]

"Sydney, honey," I heard a familiar voice call.

"Josh is that you?"

"Yes, and the rest of the guys are here too," I opened my eyes and saw 4 pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Josh I thought you said the guys were here? Where's Jusitn?" I asked suspiciously.

"He had a phone call to make," Joey said.

"Oh," I said. Justin was my best friend. So was Andi, but me and Justin connected on more things. Justin was my best guy friend and Andi was my best girl friend.

"Syd I'm so glad you're okay," Lance said.

"Me too, I'd miss having you around." Chris said. Tears began to fill my eyes. Why wasn't Justin here? Did he not care?

"Sydney, honey what's wrong?" Josh asked.

"Why isn't he in here yet?"

"Syd, he's probably scared. He almost lost his best friend."

"You almost lost your sister," I said.

"It's different."

"Ms. Chasez, a young gentleman left this rose and note for you," Nurse Reynolds said.

"Thanks," I said. I took the flower sat it on the bed. I read the note.


Babe, I'm sorry I couldn't stay. This hurts too much to see you like this. Get better.

Love, Justin'

Tears filled my eyes with this. All I knew was this hurt me more.

[Chapter 2: Scared]

"Sydney Kaylee Chasez, what's wrong?" Josh asked repeated times.

"Justin left," I said not fighting the tears.

"Why Syd?"

"He said it hurt too much," I said.

"Sydney, I'm sorry...I know Curly is your best friend, but you gotta understand he's scared of losing you..So am I...We all almost you."

**Flashback**(note the flashbacks won't be in the characters point of view)
Sydney stood in the back of the gas station looking for a snack. Her and Justin were about to go on a road trip and she was hunry. It was her 16th birthday, Justin was 17. N Sync had a break from their tour. Sydney picked up a bag of chips and headed for the front.

"EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!" a strong and loud male voice yelled. It was a robbery. She saw Justin at another part of the store and began to run towards him the robber saw Sydney and fired the gun. The bullet went into her stomach. Sydney landed on the floor about five feet away from Justin. When that happened a guy who had just walked in hit the guy from behind.

Jusitn fell to the ground. He held on to Sydney tight. "Oh my god Syd," he said beginning to sob.

"Justin, it's hurts so bad," Sydney said with a strong tone in her voice. He eyes fluttered.

"No Sydney baby stay awake," Justin said his sobs becoming worse.

"Justy, it doesn't hurt anymore. Tell Josh I love him and tell him to tell the rest of the family," Sydney said then paused, "Justy, you're my best friend and I love you too," she finished then her eyes closed.

"No Sydney baby. Please no!!!" Justin said crying harder and harder with each word.

"I love you my best friend..." that was all Sydney could remember.
**End of Flashback**

"Sydney you there?" Joey asked.

"I'm sorry..I was just thinking," I said trying to forget the memory. The room was silent for a few minutes before Chris said something bringing everyone out of their own world.

"Sydney, you know Justin, he sometimes doesn't think about what he does sometimes."

"I know Chris...would you guys mind leaving I'm a little tired," I asked. None of them hesitated.

"Jc," Joey said after they had left the room. "Does Sydney know that Justin is in love with her?"

"No, she blocked that part out. Justin won't tell her." Jc said. They left the hospital. Jc was supposed to be back tomorrow morning.

Later at the hospital~~~
Justin stood outside Sydney's room peering in through the glass window. He was so scared, Sydney meant so much. "Why am I so scared? Why can't I say that I love her?" Jusitn asked himself.

In Sydney's Room~~
Sydney was asleep by now. She had stopped drifting back and forth, but she began to dream. The crash played over and over in her mind. "NO! NO!" she screamed.
