Forever Came Too Soon

Forever Came Too Soon
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

~Chapter 1: Finding Out~

Brian closed his eyes and tried to remeber how forever felt. Forever was gone too quickly. The girl he loved said she would forever, but then forever for her came too quick. She was gone and Brian missed her. He missed his wife Teri Jo Randolph-Litrell more than anything.

Amanda sat lying awake in her bed next to her fiance AJ. She was so sad. Her best friend had just died a week ago and the funeral was today. She didn't get the chance to say thank you for so many things in her life. Like her and AJ. If it wasn't for her she might have never met AJ. Teri and AJ went out before Brian and Teri and Amanda and AJ did.

AJ silently and secretly watched Amanda. She had just lost her best friend and so did he. He also lost the first girl he ever loved and still loved. He was so sad to have let her go, but was happy with Amanda.

~~~~~~~3 years ago~~~~~~~~~~
Teri sat down in the studio watching her boyfriend AJ and his group record songs into their new album. AJ and Teri were so in love and were even considering marriage. AJ was one member of the Backstreet Boys along with Nick, Brian, Howie, and Kevin. AJ was 21. Teri and him have been together since they were 15.

Later that nite~~~
Teri had been home for an hour waiting for AJ. They had a date and were supposed to be at the restaurant an hour ago.

*RING RING* "Hey Teri this Amanda from work. I was wondering if you would like to go to a concert with me?" Amanda asked.

"What concert?"

"My little sister won tickets to a concert, but was grounded so she gave them to me. I think The BACKSTREET Boys."

"Ok, I'd love to. We'll talk about at work tomorrow."

"Ok bye Teri."

"Bye Amanda," she said hung the phone up. It was now 1:00 a.m. and AJ still was gone. Teri had fallen asleep at about 1:15 the door opened. AJ walked in. Teri woke up.

"Baby why you in here?" he asked. Teri looked up smiled then the smile quickly vanished. She saw lipstick on his collar and he smelled heavily of women's perfume.

"God Dammit AJ!! How could you do this? You were supposed to be here at 7:30 now its 1:15. How the hell could you do this?" Teri screamed and began to cry.

"I'm sorry I was kept at the studio."

"With who, Alisha?"

"Yes why?" he asked.

"Oh my fucking gosh you slept with her. Get out right now. Just get out. I don't want to hear your sorry ass excuses. I want you out of my life!!!" Teri said walking into the bedroom slamming the door and locking it. AJ knocked on the door. "Go away AJ!"

"No Teri."

Teri fell to the ground and began to sob uncontrolably.

~Chapter 2: No Looking Back~

Teri had cried herself to sleep. When she woke up she was hoping AJ would have been gone. She got up and took her shower. As soon as she got ready for work. Which she had to be at 11:00 a.m. it was now 9:00 a.m. She was going to get some breakfast and go in early to take her mind off AJ.

When she walked into the living room AJ was asleep on the couch. 'God he's gorgeous. I love him so much. Why he do that? Why?' Teri asked herself. She quietly walked out the door so she would not awake him. Because right now all that would happen would be an argument.

Teri walked into the cafe for breakfast. That was where AJ took her for their first date. All the memories were there. As she was seated she saw Nick and Brian walk over to the table.

Teri right now didn't want to anyone assoiated with AJ. "Hey Teri," Nick said.

"Good Morning, Ter," Brian said.

"Good morning to the both of you," she said.

"So where's AJ?'' Brian asked.

"I dunno know and I don't really care," Teri said not meaning one word of it.

"What happened with you and Bone?" Nick asked.

"Bone messed up," Teri said.

"What did your boyfriend do now?" Brian asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend anymore. I broke up with him last nite."

"What?" Brian said confused.

Just as they were talking AJ walked in. "Teri, why did you leave this morning? We need to talk," AJ said.

"No we don't AJ. There's nothing left that we can say that will change my mind. It was a wonderful 6 and a half years, but it's over and done with," Teri said near the verge of tears.

"Baby one mistake and you're gonna throw it all away. Please think about it," AJ said.

"What? I'm the one throwing it away? You threw it away when last nite when you slept with her. So don't you dare think I gave up on this relationship. Last nite I sat around for over 5 hours waiting for you, but when you showed up you had lipstick on your shirt and hon it wasn't mine and you smely of Clinque Happy and I as sure as hell don't wear that. It's over!" Teri yelled running out the cafe.

Teri knew that she couldn't look back ad second guess herself. 6 and a half years was such a long time. Maybe AJ was rite she was giving up.

Amanda walked into Teri's office. "What time should I pick you up tonite for he concert.?" Amanda asked.

Teri had decided earlier in the day after working for an hour straight that she was going to give AJ another chance. Amanda and Teri talked about it and decided a good time to pick her up.

Later that Nite~~
It was the after-party Teri was going to find AJ, but he was nowhere to be seen. She saw AJ dancing with Alisha her face was now saddened. Teri was wrong about thinking about trying to work things out.

Brian walked up behind Teri seeing AJ and Alisha dancing. Ever since he met Teri he had always thought she was special. Brian tapped her on the shoulder. "Would you care to dance?" Brian asked.

Teri's eyes brightened a little. "Thanks Bri," Brian took her in his arms.

'Damn it feels so rite with her in my arms. She fits perfectly' Brian thought.

Teri got closer to Brian. 'God I feel so safe in his arms. Brian's different. Damn I just wanna kiss those sweet lips' Teri thought to herself.

Teri brought her head up from his shoulder, leaned in and kissed Brian softly. It suprised Brian at first then he gave in making it more passionate.

As they kissed, AJ watched and became very jealous. AJ was hurt too. Now what he had done the nite before there was definetely no turning back..
