[FriEnDs oR loVeRs?]
© 2000 Teri
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<< before you continue, i need to put a warning on this story for the little ones and the easily-offended. this story contains tons of sex and adult language, so proceed with your own discretion. oh, and this is only a bsb story, no *nsync. thank yas. >>

... chapter 1 ...
AJ and I had been best friends since we were babies. To tell you the truth at points in my life I wish were were more and we were.

When we were 8 we gave each other our first kiss. It wasn't an Earth shattering kiss, but it was a kiss. At 12 we had that earth shattering kiss and I told my friend Emily about it and the whole school found out. In which he didn't talk to me for a week. Then when I turned 15 he gave me a locket and engraved on it was AJ & TJ Best Friends Forever. Also a bracelet that said. 'I love you, Teri. Love Alex.' In the box there was a note that said, "Teri, I love you. I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you? Love Alex' I said yes because I loved him too. When we were 16 we had sex. You know it wasn't the greatest the first time, but got better each time. Then the BackStreet Boys came and we decided it would be best if we would remain best friends. To tell you the truth I wanted to still be his girlfriend, but I didn't want to lose is friendship so I agreed. He's 21 and my birthday, my 21st birthday is tomorrow. I wanted my best friend here to celebrate, but he's on tour. So he won't be here.

I still love Alex so much, but I don't think he feels the same way. I wish he did. I was laying on my couch about 10:45 p.m. trying to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door. *KNOCK KNOCK* I got up and it was AJ my best friend. "Oh my gosh AJ. What are you doing here? I thought you were on tour." I said not believing that he was here.

"No, hello. No kiss. I'm disappointed Teri. Why do you think I'm here to celebrate my best friend's 21st birthday with her," AJ said coming up to me and hugging me tightly. "I missed you Teri," he said.

"I missed you too, Alex," I said giving him a kiss and the kiss turned passionate.

Coming my walk way were the guys. "Whoa guys I think we came at the wrong time," Nick said. AJ pulled away.

"Oh no, you guys didn't aren't we here to party. Ah that was a hello kiss nothing else. Right Ter?" AJ said.

"Right AJ, It's not much of a party with only one girl and five guys though," I said.

Then I saw 11 girls walk up. They were the guys girlfirends and best friends except Emily, Adrienne, and Danielle. Angie was Brian's best friend. Corylyn was Howie's. Julia was Kevin's. Danielle was Nick's and we called her Danni. Steph was Brian's girlfriend. Jenn was Howie's, Shona was Kevin's. Shela was Nick. AJ was the only single one except he looked as if he was eying Emily. They walked up to me. He was drunk.

"Hey Teri. Can I use one of your rooms?" AJ asked.

"Sure use the one upstairs last one on the left," I watched them walk up the stairs.

**Emily's VIew**
I walked AJ up to the room we sat down and started to make out. "Emily, I want you bad. Do you want me?" Aj asked.

"I want you AJ," I said. He slowly layed me back and unbuttoned my shirt and started to kiss my neck. He then took my bra off and sucked on my breasts making my nipples harder then they already were. I reached up and started to unbuckled his belt. I slid his pants off. Revealing his blue silk boxers. He then slid his hand down my pants and panties into my clit and he started to massage it slowly. Then he got a little faster making me moan. He then slid my pants off and then my panties and started to eat me out. He tongued my pussy deeply making me moan louder.He licked all the juice he could get in his mouth. He pulled away. I got down on my knees and pulled his nice big cock to my mouth sucking on it like there was no tomorrow and he started to moan and then he stated thrust his hips forward faster and faster. AJ cummed all in my mouth and I swallowed every last drop of his cum. I then climbed on top of him easing myself onto his cock riding him hard and fast when...........

... chapter 2: tRutH oR daRe ...
"Teri, where's AJ?" Nick asked me.

"He's upstairs with Emily, why?" I said trying to forget as I took a drink of my wine cooler.

"Oh we wanted to play truth or dare. What's wrong with you babe?" Nick said looking at me with worry.

"Nothing. I'll go get them. I walked upstairs to the room I had told AJ and Emily to go to. I didn't bother to knock because it was my house and I didn't think Emily would do anything with AJ and i didn't hear anything. I opened the door and saw Emily on top of AJ riding him. I tried to turn around, but Emily saw me come in.

"You fucking bitch what the hell are you doing in here?" she yelled at me.

"I came in here to get you two because the others wanted to play truth or dare."

"Well can't you see we are a little busy. Don't you know to knock," Emily yelled. I saw AJ on the bed laying looking embarrassed, but not saying anything.

"For one thing this is my fucking house so I don't have to knock. For another I didn't think anything was happening because unlike most people you weren't making any noise. You weren't yelling or anything. So I figured you two were just talking," I said.

"Ter, I know this is you house, but you still should have knocked," AJ said. I couldn't believe it my best friend defending a slut over me because all he wants is sex.

"You heard him you little slut," Emily yelled.

"I can't believe you AJ defending some little girl who's both tits put together doesn't even equal one of mine over me. (Sorry Emily nothing against you) You are my best friend. How could you? All you want is sex well then it isn't going to be here because I want her to leave. AJ you are welcomed to stay, but she isn't now Emily get you slutty ass dressed and get out!" I yelled and ran down the stairs.

Adrienne stopped me before I ran out the back. "What's wrong Teri?" Adrienne asked.

"AJ he defended some tramp to me, but didn't defend me to her," I said crying. Adrienne took me to the living room everyone was there except Emily and AJ. Then I heard the door open and AJ come back in. I asked myself why I acted that way. I never had before never in front of AJ no matter what.

"Teri, what happened? Why did you go off on Emily like that? I've never seen yo act like that," he said.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just pmsing. I don't know. She was also acting like a fucking bitch. And you defended her," I said.

"I know and I'm sorry." He said.

"So everyone ready to play?" Kevin asked. We all said yes.

Nick had the first dare ready. "Danielle, I dare you to fuck AJ right here and now," So Danielle and AJ got it on. AJ seemed as if he liked her.

"Danni, I dare you to suck on Corylyn's nipples," Dannielle said everyone just busted up laughing from Danni's expression.

"Okay I guess," Corylyn took her shirt off then her bra and Danni sucked on it slowly. "Shona I dare you to give Kevin a blow job," Everyone laughed because they all knew how she felt about it. She said she'd never, but it changed when she gave Kevin one. Kevin really loved her and everyone was suprised when they found out she was only 19.

"Nick I dare you to.....um.....to......um I got it fuck Teri," Shona said.

I had only been with AJ and Nick knew that. He looked over at me and I said sure. Nick kissed me passionately and moved his hands up my shirt unsnapping my bra. He pulled off my shirt and started sucking on my tits. I could feel my panties getting wet. He pulled my pants off and panties I undid his pants and slipped his boxers off he stuck his hard long dick in my pussy. I moaned loudy "oh Nick oh Nick," I began to look back on time and I remembered my first time with AJ. Nick pumped into me harder and harder. I yelled. "Oh yes harder. Fuck me harder. You are the best. Oh AJ yes baby," I hadn't realized what I had said until Nick stopped. I got up and got dressed and ran to my room crying. I was on my bed when some one came in....

... chapter 3 ...
"Are you okay Teri?" Brian asked as him and Nick came in.

"Yes, but honestly no," I said crying.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Nick asked.

"Oh besides the fact while me and you were having sex I screamed AJ's name other then that I'm okay," I said crying even harder.

"Oh that little detail. Don't worry about it. If you think I'm mad I m not. Just a little embarrassed," Nick said trying to make me laugh.

"Why aren't you two in there with them playing?" I asked.

"Well, we wanted to check on you. I gave my dare to someone already," Nick said.

"Who and what?" I asked.

"I dared Howie to cover Shela's body in whip cream and lick it off and tease with one of those lollipop things," Nick said.

"That was pretty good Nick," I said laughing.

"So Teri you still love AJ?" Brian asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. But I thought you told AJ you didn't love him like that anymore when you two broke up," Nick said.

"I did, but I lied, because when he was breaking up with me he said that to me. I felt so hurt and I didn't want to deal with it and I thought if I said that it would be true and I wouldn't have to hurt," I said.

"He was so hurt after you said that to him, but he figured that he had no right to be since he said it to you," Brian said.

"Guys thanks for coming and checking on me, but I really need time alone," I said and gave them each hugs and they walked out to join the others in the game.

Two DAYS Before BSB left for their first tour**
"Teri, I think it'd be best if we break up and remain friends," Alex said to me and I stood there in disbelief feeling tears fall down my face.

"I don't love you anymore, but as a best friend," he said.

"That's good Alex because I don't love you anymore," I said holding back tears. We gave each other hugs and he went home. As soon as he walked out the door I began to cry.
**End Flashback**

While the others played I slept. "Hey Danielle can I ask you a question?" AJ said giving his million dollar smile.

"Sure," she said back.

"I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend after all we just had some great sex and I'd love to have it again," he said hoping Danielle would melt in his hands. Danielle kissed him passionately hoping he'd know that was her answer and he knew because he followed her to her room. Danielle stays with me since I don't have anyone else. They got to her room and AJ immediately ripped he clothes off and his own. AJ picked her up and laid her on the bed. she begin to kiss her all over from her lips to her toes. She moan softly with each kiss. She slowly began to eat her out moving his tongue in her clit ever so slowly. Which made her moan even louder. As soon as he got all he wanted he moved up and kissed her again and he slowly slided his cock inside of her.

With the first pump she screamed "OH AJ YES!!" He began to thrust into her harder and faster. She was screaming louder and louder. As soon as she felt she was ready she rolled on top of AJ and began to ride him. She thrusted her hips and she did that AJ began to play with her breasts. She moaned and he moaned. Then they finally got tired fell asleep in each others arms.

"Geez I wish those two would shut up," Howie said.

"I guess AJ has a way of making girls scream," Kevin said. I was woke up by screaming I went into the living room.

"Who in the HELL is making so much noise?" I asked. Nick looked over at me with I'm sorry you had to find out the guy you love is upstairs with his new girlfriend and they are fucking look.

"It's AJ and Danielle," Jewels said. With that I ran out of the house and to my car and took off.....

... chapter 4: cAugHt iN tHe aCt ...
I ran outside to my car. I pulled on the handle trying to open the door, but it was locked. I was so caught up in the moment I had forgotten my keys. I didn't know what to do or what to think. My head was spinning. I could not believe that my best friend, the man I love, was fucking another women. All I could see in my mind was that look on Nick's face when I asked who it was making all the noise. I dropped to the hard driveway, and I pulled my knees up to my chest, and I cried. After what seemed to be hours, but was really only minutes, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I looked up praying it would be AJ confessing his undying love for me, but it wasn't. It was Nick.

"Come here," he said as he sat down next to me, and pulled me close. He just held me there and let me cry onto his shoulder. For some reason, I felt so warm and safe in his strong arms. After I was finished crying my eyes out, he pulled me up. "Come on, its your twenty-first birthday, you are going to have some fun." With that he pulled me over to his car, and opened the passenger door for me. He walked around the car and opened the other door and got in.

"Nick, where are we going." I demanded. I was not in the mood to see people or to be seen.

"We are going to my favorite club. You are going to have fun tonight if it is the last thing I do."

"Nick! Look at me. I have been crying for so long. My hair and make up are horrible. I can't go to a club looking like this. I don't want to go anyway."

"You are going. We will go back to my place and you can wash up, then we are going. It is your birthday! You are going to have fun, and that's the end of the story."

Nick pulled into his driveway and we got out. He showed me up to his bathroom. He gave me towels and let me shower. I showered, and dried my hair. I looked at my clothes that were lying rumpled on the floor. I can't wear these I thought to myself. I walked out into Shela's room to try and find something to wear. I found a short black skirt, a white tube with a red stripe across it and black heels. When I was finished with my hair and makeup, I walked downstairs into the living room where Nick was.

"Damn, you are hot." He said, as he looked me up and down.

"Your not bad yourself."I replied. Nick had changed into a pair of black pants and he had on a white button down shirt and a white beater. The shirt was open revealing his beater, which was plastered to his finely toned chest. Nick stood up and took my hand. We walked out to his car; he got the door for me. What a gentleman I thought. He got in and we drove to the club.

**Back at the house (Steph's view)**
"Bri," I whispered. "Don't you think this truth or dare stuff is kinda getting boring? I mean it is fuck this or you blow that one."

"Yeah you wanna go?"

"Sure." Brian and I stood up and quietly left the house unnoticed. We drove back to his mansion in silence. When we arrived, Brian went straight to the den to watch TV. I didn't know what was wrong with him. I followed him in, but he pretended not to notice me.

"Bri, you ok?"

"Yeah whatever," he said not turning his attention away from the TV. "Steph, its just that I know you don't like to do it while other people are around, but I wanted you so bad tonight, and you just didn't seem to get it."

"Bri, I am really sorry. Look you stay here I will be right back." I got up and ran outside. I picked some red roses from my garden and brought them upstairs. I walked into our room, and then into the closet. I opened the door that led up to our secret room. The room was used for sex, and for romantic things. It was big. There was one big window, which were actually two big French doors that led to a balcony. The balcony overlooked the beach. The entire room was black. There was a big bed, and a few couches and chairs scattered around the room.

Candles lined the dressers and floor. I laid one of the roses across the bed, and I pulled the petals off the rest. I scattered the petals over the bed and floor. I lit the candles. I looked around the room, but I wasn't satisfied. I went back downstairs and I got some champagne and two glasses. I brought them up and out them on the table next to the bed. I opened the champagne and poured it. I looked over the room again, this time I was satisfied. I went back downstairs to get Brian.

"Come with me Bri." I said as a pulled him up off the couch and out of the room.

"What do you want? I was watching the game."

"Just shut your mouth and come with me ok?" I said and I shot him a look. He was quiet the rest of the way up to our secret room. When we got there his mouth dropped.

"Baby, I am sorry. I wanted you too tonight. I will make it up to you now. After this you will never feel left out in truth or dare again." With that I kissed him forcefully. He responded and kissed me back. He scooped me up and carried me over to the bed. He broke the kiss and looked around. "Steph, this is gorgeous. You really out did yourself." He picked up the rose and smelled it. He then put it on the table and picked up the champagne glasses. He took a sip of his and the handed me mine. I sat up, and took a sip. He looked at the bottle of champagne, and smiled deviously. He took my glass and placed them on the table. He laid me down and removed is shirt. He kneeled over me and traced his fingers along my body.

He slowly and genitally pulled my shirt off. He looked me over and began to kiss my jaw line. He kissed down my neck and in-between my breasts, and down my stomach. I just closed my eyes and through my head back. He brought his hands out and started to massage my tits. He reached under my shirt and unhooked my bra.

He removed it, and continued to work my breasts. He looked up and saw the smile on my face. He leaned down and kissed me. He let his hands travel to the top of my pants. He slid his hand under the top and trailed his fingers above the top of my panties. I let out a soft moan. He pulled his hand out, and undid the button. He quickly removed my pants. I reached up and ran my hands down his muscular chest. I racked my nails up and down his abs. When I reached the top of his jeans, I quickly undid them and pushed them off. I saw the huge bulge in Bri's boxers. I started to push his boxers down, but Brian jumped up, and grabbed the champagne.

"Let me have my fun first," he whispered. He started to pour the champagne onto my body. I flinched when the cold bubbly liquid hit my skin. Once I was drenched in t, Brian leaned down and started to lick it off. His tongue felt like velvet against my skin. I was enjoying this so much. He licked everywhere. I felt him push my panties of. He took my clit, and he started to massage it. I let out a moan, and he responded by entering a finger into my wetness. When he saw that I liked this he added two more. Brian was pumping had.

"Oh Brian. O that is amazing." I moaned. Once he was satisfied that all that champagne was off my body he moved down. I felt him pull out his fingers and his tongue replaced them. I grabbed the sheets and screamed as he worked inside of my. He massaged my clit between his thumb and finger. This sent me over the edge. "Briiiiiiiiiiii shit oh Bri I am gonna …" Right as I was about to cum, he pulled his tongue out.

"Not yet sexy" he said. I knew what he wanted. I pulled of his boxers revealing his throbbing manhood. He was already wet with precum. I raked my fingers down his length. I stroked his dick, but I got tired of that. I pulled him up over me, and took him into my mouth. He let out a slight moan. I sucked lightly, and I massaged his balls with my other hand. Brian was playing with my tits the entire time. He started to grind against me, I sucked harder. "Ohh god Steph…o fuck…. Ohhhhhhhhhh" he screamed as his warm salty cum shot into my mouth. I swallowed, and I laid him down next to me.

He rolled on top of me, and whispered, "now come the fun part." With that he entered me. He began to pump slowly, planting kisses all over my body, and massaging my tits. I wrapped my legs around him forcing him into me further. He pushed hips up to the clit. He started going faster. I could feel his balls slapping against me. It was driving me wild. As he was going he started to massage my clit. The combination of this and his fast pumping drove me over the edge. I screamed his name as my body shook with an orgasm. Feeling me tighten around him sent Brian over too. Wit one final thrust he shot his load into me. We laid there trying to catch our breaths. Brian and I drifted into a light sleep with him still inside of me.

**At the club (Teri´s view)**
Nick and I were trashed. We had been dancing most of the night. When we weren't dancing, we were over at the bar drinking. We were wasted at this point. Finally 'Angel of Mine' by Monica came on.

Nick pulled me close and I draped my arms around his neck. Our bodies were so close. I looked into his eyes. He was so innocent, so caring, so understanding. I was so lucky to have him. He stared right back at me. Before either of us knew what was happening. He kissed me. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever gotten.

"Want to go back to my place?" he asked.

"Yeah." I don't know why I was so turned on by this kiss. We drove back to his house, and he led me up to his room. He closed the door, and pinned me up against the wall. He kissed me roughly. When he pulled away, I looked into his eyes. I could see the desire burning inside him. I knew he was feeling the same lust I was.

"Just try to scream my name instead of AJ's this time. OK?"

"Just come here and fuck me." I ripped off his shirt and beater. He was shocked at my forcefulness. He responded, by scooping me up and carrying me over to the bed. He laid me down and slid off my tube top. He stuck his hand up my skirt, and ripped off my panties. We quickly finished taking off our clothes. We didn't bother with foreplay. Nick thrust into me and began to pump.

"Harder Nicky! Harder!" I screamed. I grabbed onto the sheets. Trying to steady myself. Nick started to thrust harder and faster. We were both screaming each other's names.

"Oh shit baby I am going to cum!' Nick screamed. He shot his load into me, and started to massage my clit. This sent me over the edge. I screamed and an orgasm rocked my body. Nick laid down beside me, trying to catch his breath. He leaned over and kissed me. Right then Shela walked into the bedroom.

"Oh shit!" she yelled and ran out.

... chapter 5 ...
Shela ran from the house crying and I just realized what was happening. I was having sex with her boyfriend and this time it wasn't truth or dare.

"Oh shit," I got up and was trying to get dressed when Nick came up behind and said "Where do you think you are going?" he said kissing my neck.

"I'm going after one of my friends in which I betrayed her by sleeping with her boyfriend," I said and finished dressing. What had happened with Shela hadn't sunk into Nick, but it would eventually.

I walked out of his room and down the stairs and there was Shela sitting on the couch. "Shela can we talk?" I asked. Shela looked up and she was crying.

"No, Teri don't talk I need to say this. I knew my boyfriend was falling in love with you, but I never imagined you were too. How could you fucking do this to me. We've been friends since we were little. I had Nick and now he's gone. I can't forgive him for this right now. Try to understand I don't blame you it's weird I know, but I blame myself since I did mess around on him too."

I listen to everyhting she had to say. I was falling in love with Nick no that couldn't be I love AJ with all my heart. "I got to go Shela I'm sorry I did this," I ran out of the house crying I was such a bitch how could she not hate me right now? I was walking down the street when a car pulled over it was AJ.

"Teri, we need to talk."

**Back at the house (Jewel's view)**
I was totally out of it and so was Kevin and he had no way home because Shona had left hours before because she had a class in the morning. The CD player was on and the BSB new CD was in 'Spanish Eyes' was the song playing and I loved that song. I grabbed Kevin's hand and told him to dance with me. We were dancing when at that moment our lips met. The kiss was gentle at first then it became more passionate. He picked me up and carried me upstairs to my room. He opened the door carried me over to my bed and layed me down. He began to remove my shirt as I began to unzips his pants. I could feel his erection growning. He moved my hands away and slid his pants off and his boxers. He then unsnapped my bra and it fell to the ground.

I got down on my knees and lightly licked some of the pre-cum juices. I then took his whole dick in my mouth. Kevin's head went back and he began to moan loudly. As I sucked on his dick he fondled my tits. He cummed in my mouth. he then layed me back and began to remove my pants and then my panties. He lightly kissed my inner thighs and moved up a little further finding my clit and begin licking and sucking on in which made my body shiver. As I was about to climax pulled away and said "Not yet Shona," I really didn't pay much attention I was to invovled in my climax.

He then began to move on top of me kissing every inch of my body from my stomach to my lips. He then began to enter me slowly then he all the sudden thrusted as hard as he could and i screamed, "OH FUCK KEV MORE MORE" He then began pumping me harder and faster. I could feel my climax coming on. "Oh fuck more Kev More!!"

"Oh fuck Jewels I'm about to cum." At that moment he shot his load inside of me and that sent me over the edge making me climax even harder. He then layed down beside me and we fell asleep.

**At Nick's House (Shela's view)**
I couldn't believe what I saw NIck and Teri. I had it coming to me since I did sleep with Brian. Gosh I was so stupid. Brian loved Steph. I thought I loved Nick and that was so wrong. Now I realized all I wanted Nick for was the sex and money. All Nick wanted me for was the sex.

"Shela," I heard Nick say as he came downstairs.

"Yes Nick," I said.

"I'm sorry about what happened," he said.

"Don't be Nick. You got tired of not having love and Teri gave that to you. Because I sure the hell didn't. We can't be togehter anymore all we are both in for is the sex and that's not enough," I said. "I have no right to me mad anyways Nick, because I slept with Brian."

"What?" he said with a puzzled look.

**At a Restaurant (my view)**
AJ sat across from me and we hadn't said a word to each other since we got there.Then I began to speak. "AJ I think we need to take a break from each other," I said trying not to cry.

"What? You're my best friend Teri how am I suppose to stay away? Also my girlfirend lives in the same house as you," AJ said with hurt in his eyes and voice.

"Alex, that's the thing we are best friends, but I need to relax a bit for now and forget about somethings like my parents and my brother," I said with a tear in my eye.

"Teri, it's not your fault what happened to them. Why did you leave tonite. I'm not going to ask what you did at Nick's because I already know. Teri, what's wrong?" he said.

"Alex I love you and you were in my house fucking another girl and I couldn't handle it anymore,"I said with tears.

He walked over towards me and put his hand on my face and wiped the tears away and said, "I love you too Teri." He kissed me softly as first then and then more passionate. He took my hand and lead me to his car. For some reason he opened the back door. I got in and he followed. We wasted no time. He removed my clothing and his own and he just pumped into me neither of us screaming considering we were still in a the parking lot. He pumped into hard and fast. He came and so did I. There was something different I didn't feel like I did when I was with Nick and how I used to feel with him. I now realized I didn't love him anymore, but I loved Nick. We got dressed and we headed home. As soon as we both exited the car we went to the rooms we were staying in and didn't say a word and went to sleep.

... chapter 6: sTuPid miStaKes ...
Kevin lay there not wanting to get up the he felt a body stir next to him. Suddenly the events of last night's escapade flooded his memory. His eyes shot open. He looked over at the figure laying beside him. 'Jewel.... wait... what the hell did I do? OMG I just fucked my best friend. What the hell is wrong with me, I love Shona? What the hell am I gonna do? This is all wrong. This was a total mistake. Was I really that drunk last night?' he thought. He got up quikly and started getting dressed as fast as he could. The movement of Kevin jumping off the bed roused Jewel from her peaceful slumber.

She then sat straight up also realizing what they had done. 'Shona is... was my friend how could I do this to her and with my bestfriend.' A sudden pain shot in head not only from her terrible hangover but also from guilt. Tears began falling from her eyes freely. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!" she kept repeating.

Kevin heard her and tried to comfort her "It was a mistake don't worry about it but it can and will NEVER happen again. I have to tell Shona, I love her to much to keep this from her."

"Kev I am so sorry I am so sorry" she said as she kept crying. "I didn't mean for..."

"Shh it was both of us not just you I am just as much to blame here. But I do have tell her you understand that don't you? She deserves at least that." He finished getting dressed and left Jewel there in her thoughts.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nick got up first thing in the morning and called Brian. Nick had slept on the couch while Shela slept in their bedroom. Brian was asleep with a big smile on his face when he was woken by the phone ringing. He ran downstairs from the special room so that he could at least hear who was calling on the answering machine. He heard Nick's voice saying that they needed to talk. Brian immediatly called him back. "Hey Nick what's up man? What do need to talk to me about?"

"Can I come over? I want to talk face to face."

"Yeah. Sure whatever you want buddy."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." and hung up. Brian sat worriedly on his couch awaiting Nick's arrival.

Nick finally arrived. "Hey man what's up?" Brian asked.

"Well, last nite when me and Teri left we got hammered and had sex again. Shela came home and found us in bed we both decided we'd break up. Also that you and her had sex together," Nick said all in one breathe and just then Steph was walking down the stairs.

"Bri, is this true baby?" Steph asked hoping it wasn't.

"It is honey. Please forgive me," Brian said walking over to her and putting his arms around her.

"Get your fucking hands off of me you stupid ass jerk. You say you fucking love me. That's a bunch of bullshit. If you did you wouldn't go fuck one of my best friends," Steph said yelling.

"Babe, it's true, but when it happened we weren't together I didn't even know you," Brian said.

"Oh," she said in relief.

"Shela made it sound like it happened just yesterday," Nick said.

"Nope, it was a week before I met the love of my life. Aren't you upset with me?" Brian asked.

"At first I was, but then I realized it was helping get out of this with Shela. It's strange Teri is in love with AJ and I've fallen for her. Well at least the second time she didn't call AJ's name out," Nick said and all three started laughing....

**Kevin and Shona's House (Kevin's Point of View)**
I walked in still feeling so unreal and not believing what I had just done. Slept with Jewels now Shona will definetely hate me and I won't blame her.

"Hey Baby," Shona said walking into the living room.

"Hey I thought you had class?" I said.

"I did, but it got canceled," she said putting her arms around me an kissing me.

"Shona, something happened last nite. I was drunk and I had sex with Jewels," I said.

"What the fuck Kev? How the hell could you do that to me? I fuckin love you and you go and sleep wit your best friend and not to mention one of mine. Kev, this fuckin over," she said yelling.

"Wait Shona I...." I said before she cut me off.

"I don't want to fuckin hear it. Good bye," She said slamming the door.

... chapter 7: baCk to yoUr HeaRt ...
Kevin sat there in the doorway of his and Shona's home. He loved her so much. The age didn't matter to him. "Why was I so stupid to do that I love her?" Kevin asked himself. Kevin sat in the doorway when there was a knock on the door. He got up and answered it.

"Kev, man what's wrong?" Nick asked as him and Brian walked into his house.

"Shona and me are over," Kevin said not believing it.

"What happened cos?" Brian asked.

"I slept with Jewels last nite. We were drunk and I know that's no excuse, but I didn't want for it to happen. So Nick what happened with you and Teri last nite after you two left?" Kevin asked.

"I took her to my place she changed and we went to a club. Then we went back to my place and had sex," Nick said.

"Oh don't forget Shela caught you two and that you love Teri, but she loves AJ," Brian said.

"Shit Nick, You sound like you are having a tough day," Kevin said.

**Nick's View**
Me and Brian were still at Kev's when my cell phone rang. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey Nick it's Teri. Can you come over to my house we need to talk?" Teri said.

"Sure sweetie. I'll be right there. Guys, I'm going over to Teri's if you guys want to come you can," They all agreed to come.

**My View**
I sat in my room waiting for Nick to arrive. "Hey sexy. I heard you on the phone," AJ said.

"Oh AJ. I realized I'm not in love with you anymore. I love Nick," I said.

Then AJ leaned and sang in my ear, "It's not that I can't live without. You it's not just that I don't even want to try. Every nite I dream about you since the day you said goodbye," I felt a tear fall down my face.

"I will always love you AJ," I said and gave him a soft kiss goodbye in the sense that romantically we were over. Just as I kissed him Nick walked in.

"Oh I'm sorry I'll leave," Nick said.

"I'm leaving now," AJ said.

"Nick please stay," I said. He sat down next to me.

"What did you need to talk about?" he asked.

"I love you Nick. Last nite when we made love I never felt that way before I mean never not even with AJ. I understand that you probably don't feel the same...." I was cut off by Nick's kiss. He pulled away.

"I love you Teri. Ever since I met you, but I stayed away because of your feelings for AJ," he said. I kissed him passionately. I was laying back on the bed with Nick on top of me and I could feel his bulge. "I want you now Teri," Nick said and kissed me. He took of my nite gown revealing my breasts. He gently kissed from my head to my stomach. He pulled off my panties and started to eat me out. To the point I was about to cum. he stopped and took his clothes off and I saw a little pre-cum and I sucked it off and then I took his whole cock in my mouth sucking on it furiously. I stopped right before he came. Then he stuck his ready cock in me.

"Oh Nicky oh yes harder, Harder oh fuck harder," he did as I asked and sent me and him cumming and it happened a few more times.

After we finished we layed in each others arms. "I love you Nicky."

"I love you too Teri," we fell asleep.

**My house (Shona's view)**
I walked up to Teri's door and let myself in. I wanted to talk to her, but as I walked up I noticed Nick's car and I heard someone sounded like Teri screaming his name.

"Shona," someone said I turned around and it was Kevin.

"I don't want to talk right now." I said.

"I made a mistake, but I love you," he said.

"Bullshit," I yelled.

He grabbed me and pulled me close and then began to sing in my ear, "Baby if I only knew the words to say. The road to take. To find a way a back to your heart. What can I do to get to you and find a way back to your heart," After he finished he kissed me softly. "Shona will you marry me?"

... chapter 8: i loVe yoU ...
"Kev, are you serious?" Shona asked.

"Yes I am baby. I love you more than anything else. Please say you will," Kevin said.

"I will Kev. I'll marry you," Shona said kissing him passionately.

"What are you two so happy about?" Brian asked.

"I asked her to marry me," Kevin said.

Kevin and Brian talked for a couple minutes and Shona said, "They must be finished now, because all the sudden I didn't hear Teri screaming Nicky oh yes Nicky," they all began to laugh.

"You know I heard that," I said walking in.

"So what's up with you and Nick?" Shona asked.

"Um nothing at all," I said grinning.

"Oh okay Ter."

"Hey beautiful," Nick said wrapping his arms around me.

"You act as if you haven't seen me in days, but literally it's been seconds," I said looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Well it seemed as if it had been days. I love you so much Teri. I'm so glad we have a month off now," Nick said kissing me.

"I am too."

**3 months later - 2 months since they went on tour (Nick's VIew)**
"Hey Brian, I've decided that I'm going to ask Teri to marry me," I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, I love her so much."

"I know you do Nick, but you are only 19. You have so much time ahead of you," Brian said.

"I don't want to miss that opportunity. I love her so much. I want to have kids and I want to have lots of them. You never know what tomorrow holds," I said knowing that it was right.

"So Nick you are really going to ask my best friend to marry you?" AJ asked.

"Yes man I am. I love her more than anything on this planet," I said.

"I know you do Nick and she loves you too. Just make sure she knows that or you'll lose her."

"I will AJ." I couldn't wait to see Teri we would be getting home later that day. See her beautiful face and smile.

**my house (my view)**
"Oh shit," I said. I was late and I knew I should take the pregnancy test. So I did. I sat in the bathroom waiting for the test to finish. Finally the timer went off and I looked down at the at the test. "Oh shit," I said. I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it. Nick and I had been so careful, but not careful enough.

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Teri, can I come in?" Jewels asked.

"Sure Jewels," I said opening the door.

"What's wrong Teri?"

"I'm pregnant," I said with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong I thought you wanted to have kids?" Jewels asked.

"I do, but I dunno about Nick. There's also a chance it's AJ's," I said crying.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't had my period in 2 months. The month me and Nick got together I had just got off the rag," I said.

"That doesn't explain."

"Before me and Nick were officially together after Shela and him broke up. I slept with AJ and that's when I realized I loved Nick," I said.

"It's okay we'll figure it out," Jewels said. I went to my room and layed down and took a nap.

**1 hour and 1/2 later (Nick's view)**
I walked into Teri's house. Noticed the house was awfully quiet. "Hey guys," Jewels said to me and Brian. Steph had decided to stay with Teri while we were gone.

"Hi Jewels. Where's Steph," Brian asked.

"She went to the store. She should be back any minute," She said.

"Where's my baby?" I asked.

"She's in her room taking a nap."

"Okay thanks," I said. I walked into our room. I moved in with Teri before we left on our tour. I walked over to the bed and saw Teri sleeping. She looked peaceful. I kissed her softly to wake her up. "Hey beautiful," I said kissing her again.

"Hey sexy," she said back. She sat up and looked at me with concern. "Nick I need to tell you something," she said and her eyes began to tear up.

"What baby?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant," she said.

"That's great baby," I said. I was so excited. "Why you so sad?" I asked she got up and walked by the window. Then she began to cry. "Baby it's alright. What's wrong?" I asked.

"It might not be yours. It could be AJ's."

... chapter 9: leArniNg tRutH ...
I sat there on the bed thinking. How could this be?

"Nick are you alright?" AJ came in and asked me.

"No I'm not."

"What happened?" he asked.

"As if you don't know. You slept with my girlfriend and now she's pregnant and she doesn't know who the father is. How could you AJ. You are supposes to be my friend," Nick said.

"What the hell? I never slept with Teri during the period you two have been going out," AJ yelled back in anger then realizing that only hours before Teri and Nick got together him and Teri had sex.

"Then why is there a possibilty?" Nick asked still so angry.

"Because right after Shela caught us. I thought I still loved AJ. AJ picked me up and we talked and he said he loved me and we had sex and I realized my feelings weren't the same anymore. I had fallen in love with you, Nick. I never once cheated on," Teri said crying.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you this before. I love you," She said still crying. I got up and hugged I wasn't mad anymore.

"Ter, we need to find out who the father is," I said.

"I know. I made an appointment for today. Will you both join me?" she said. Me and AJ agreed. I wanted this baby to be mine because I love her very much.

**2 hours later my view Doctors Office**
"Hello, Ms. Randolph. How are you?" the doctor asked as he walked into the room.

"I'm fine," I said back.

"Teri you are 3 months pregnant. So you want to do this paternity test is that correct?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, it is."

**At my house (Brian's view)**
"Hey Steph baby," Brian said as she walked in with Howie's girlfriend Jennifer.

"Hey Jen, I missed you," Howie said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Howie, I missed you too," she said hugging him tightly.

"Hey Bri. We need to talk about something," Steph said.

"What is it honey?" I said putting my arms around her waist.

"I think I ......."

**Doctor's Office (Nick's View)**
"Teri, you know I still want to be with you even if this is AJ's baby, because I love you so much," I said.

"I know you love me Nick, but honestly if this is AJ's child can you live with that?" Teri asked questioning me.

I thought I could handle it if it happened, but I wasn't trying to think about it. "I'll try," I said.

Just then the doctor came in. "Ms. Randolph, the results are in. The father of your baby is.."

... chapter 10: seCreTs ...
**My View**
I began to cry as I heard the name. "The father of Ms. Teri Randolph's baby is Nick Carter," the doctor said. I saw Nick's eyes begin to form tears.

"Yes Teri it's our baby," He said crying.

"Congratulations man. I wasn't ready to be a father anyways," AJ said, but I saw the hurt in my best friend's eyes. He might not wanted it to be his for the sake of Nick, but he wanted to be a father.

"Teri, we are going to celebrate. Let's go home and get changed and have the time of our lives," Nick said giving me a hug and a kiss.

**Steph's View**
I didn't know what to tell Brian. I loved him so much. "I think I....I don't love you anymore," I lied. I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Whhaatt?" Brian asked shocked.

"These past few months gave me time to think and I can't handle you being gone so much. It's best if we broke up," I said lying again.

"Steph please think this over," Brian said crying.

"I have zillions of times. As soon as Teri gets back she's going to help me get my stuff from our place and I'm coming here," I said.

Teri's car pulled up. "Teri, can you help me or not?" I asked as soon as she got into the house.

"Oh yes I can Steph just a minute," Teri said.

"Nick I promised Steph I'd help her move stuff, but right after I'm finshed we will go out. I promise." Teri told Nick. He reluctantly said okay.

I grabbed the keys to my car and we headed to Brian's and my house. "Steph why are you moving out?" Teri asked me.

"Because as I said before its too hard to be away from him so much," I lied.

"Bullshit Steph. I know you and for you decide one day its not worth it is unlike you. You came into the relationship knowing this. Steph tell me why," Teri said.

I didn't say anything until I got to the house. "Teri you want to know why? I'll tell you. I think I'm 3 months pregnant. Pregnant and thats not the bad thing. I have this very rare condition that having a baby could kill me or not. It has to do with my heart. This kind of heart problem is only found in males mainly. The definite way I'll be fine is if I abort this baby and I can't. The chances of just the baby or just me living is 30% chance. I can't put Brian in that pain," I said crying.

"Oh Steph, but its not your decision if Brian has pain or not this hurts him even worse. He loves you so much. He should know," Teri said.

"But he won't find out. You got to promise me you won't say anything to him," I said.

"I promise Steph," she said.

**Back at my house - an hour later (my view)**
"Nick I know she still loves me," Brian said.

"I dunno man. I'll see if Teri will tell me anything," Nick said.

"Thanks Nick," Just then me and Steph walked in.

I got ready in 30 minutes and me and Nick headed out. In the car while Nick and I were talking he asked me what was up with Steph. "I don't know Nick. She refused to tell me," I said lying. He bought it.

Nick took me to a very nice restuarant on the beach. We ate and then we took a nice stroll on the beach. "Teri, you know I love you more than anything. I'm so happy that we will share in bringing a baby into this world. Either way I was going to bring you here tonite. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my sun, stars, and moon. You are the best thing that could have happened to me," Nick said and got on one knee and continued, "Teri Jo Randolph will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Then he pulled a box out of his pocket and handed it to me. I stood there speechless.

... chapter 11: fiNdinG oUt tHe tRutH ...
**Nick's View**
'What's wrong with her? She looks as if she's going to cry. Man did I do something wrong? Why do they cry over the littlest things. No matter what I love her. Oh dear lord please let her answer be yes," Nick said to himself.

**My View**
"Nick, my gosh. I never in a million years thought my dream of becoming your wife would come true. Yes baby I'll marry you," I said beginning to cry.

"Baby, I love you too. You just made me the happiest person in the world by saying yes," he kissed me softly then began to cry himself too.

"Nick I need to tell you something, but you have to promise you won't say a word to Brian because Steph would kill me if she knows I told you," I said. I had to tell him there was no way I could lie to him.

"I promise baby," He said as we sat down on the beach.

"Well when we went back to pack Steph's things at her's and Brian's house I asked her why she was breaking up with Brian. She told me the same thing she told him, but I called her on it and then she told me the real reason," I said looking at Nick.

"What is it, Teri?" He asked.

I felt tears on my face. Steph was one of my very best friends next to AJ. "She's 3 months pregnant and she found out that she had a very rare heart condition that isn't found in females often and the chance of her and the baby surviving is slim. Just her surviving even slimmer unless she has a abortion, but she won't," I told him and the tears began to flow heavier. I was so scared for my friend. She didn't deserve it.

"Brian can help her. He needs to know," Nick said.

"I know I tried to convince her to tell him, but she won't. She doesn't want to put him through the pain," I said. I began to cry even harder and Nick held me. Knowing the effect losing someone would be on me.

**1 Week Later - My House (Brian's View)**
Steph and I avoided each other every time I was over at Teri's and Nick's. It hurt so bad to see her. I knew it hurt her too. I just want to know the real reason she broke up with me. Tonite was going to be hard because I know I would see her. We were having a suprise engagement party for Teri and Nick.

I walked in and I saw Steph and Jewels standing in the kitchen. "Hi Jewels. Hi Stephanie." I said.

"Hi Bri," Jewels said.

"Hey Brian," Steph said.

"You guys this is really bad you never call each other by your names," Jewels said.

"Whatever Jewels. Do you need some help?" I asked.

"Yes, tell everyone when the happy couple gets here," Jewels said.

"Okay, who's bringing them," I asked.

"AJ and Danielle took them shopping for baby stuff."

"Well, they are back,"I said.

"So soon, dang I'm going to kill AJ he said he'd have them gone for 3 hours," Jewels said.

"Jewels, they've been gone for 2 hours and 55 minutes. Don't kill him," Steph said.

Everyone went into the front room and hid and turned the ligjts off. "SUPRISE!" everyone yelled as NIck and Teri walked in with 5 bags in eachs hands. Teri was speechless very suprising.

"Thanks guys. You are too sweet," Teri said. I walked over and gave her a hug.

"How's the mother-to-be?" I asked.

"Fine and you are not fine so don't tell me you are,"she said.

"Teri, I'm as good as could be since we broke," I said.

"Bri, go talk to her. I know she still loves you," Teri said. I gave her a hug and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Hey Steph can we talk?" Teri asked.

"Sure Teri," she said.

"Steph he dying over there. He's so lost without you," Teri said.

"I can't got to him. He'll hurt even more," Steph said.

"Hey everone can I have your attention I want to sing something to Steph," I said. "Here it goes....I don't know how it got so crazy but I'll do anything to set things right because your love is soo amazing. Baby your the best thing in my life," I stopped.

"Please Brian don't do this," Steph said crying.

"Steph I don't get it. I love you so much. I know you still love me and there is another reason you broke up with me. What is it?" I said.

"Steph please tell him he should know," Nick said.

"You know. Teri you promised." she said.

"I know I did, but Steph as much as you don't realize this that ever since you told me that I've been scared to death. Please tell him. He has the right to know. He loves you. He had the right to choose if wants to have all this pain," Teri said. I could see Steph was about to lose it.

"Can't you tell Bri. This is hurting me more than you. Brian I'm pregnant. Thats not the bad thing. I might die if I have the baby. I'm not going to have an abortion. The chances of me living is very few. I didn't want you to hurt so I broke up with you," Steph cried.

"Steph, I love you so much. I don't want to lose you, either way, but I'd rather lose you if I had you. Steph marry me?" I asked.

... chapter 12: deCisioNs ...
Steph decided that she would marry Brian, but before the baby was born. Steph's and Brian's wedding was beautiful and they found out they were going to have a baby boy which they were going to name Brian Thomas Littrell Jr. Nick and I were to be wed in a week and we just found out we were having twins. I am now 5 months pregnant and so is Steph. Brian and her spend every second together. The group decided to take off until 2 months after Shona had her baby.

Howie and Jennifer got married. Jennifer is now 2 months pregnant. AJ and Danielle aren't going to get married right away, but she is 3 months pregnant.

Shona and Kevin got married a week after mine and Nick's engagment party. Shona was now a month pregnant. She was going to be a young mother.

**Nick and Teri's Wedding**
"Gosh Steph I'm so nervous," I said looking into the mirror.

"Don't worry about it. You and Nick were so meant to be," she said.

**10 Minutes Later**
"Okay ladies, are you ready?" AJ asked.

"Yes we are," Steph said. Steph, Jewels, Shona, and Danni (Nick's best friend) Were all my bridesmaid. Brian, Kevin, Howie, and Aaron were the groomsmen. AJ was walking me down the aisle.

It was now time for me to say my vows. "Nick, I love you. More than anything. You are making me the happiest woman on the planet today," I was crying and Nick wiped away the tears.

"Teri, I love you. You are making me the happiest guy in the world today. I'm going to steal this from one of our songs...'When I look into your eyes I know the reason why I am alive," Nick began to cry to. We said our I dos. I was now officially Mrs. Nikolas Gene Carter. We headed for the reception.

... chapter 13: baBieS ...
**3 and half months later**
I layed in bed trying to sleep. Being married to Nick was so wonderful. I had never been this happy before. Nick turned over. "Hey sweetie why aren't you asleep?' he asked.

"I can't sleep," I said. All of the sudden I felt this pain in my stomach. "Um Nick."

"Yes baby," he said.

"My water just broke," I said.

Nick was up in a hurry. He got dressed so quick and we headed for the hospital.

"Bri," Nick said.

"What are doing calling this early man?" he asked sleepily.

"I'm taking Teri to the hospital her water broke."

"Okay me and Steph will be right there," he said.

**10 hours later**
"Mr. Carter, your wife just gave birth to a baby girl and boy," the nurse told Nick. The joy on Nick's face was unbelievable.

"Way to go man," Brian said.

"Hopefully with their looks they will take after their mom," AJ said jokingly.

**1 hour later**
Everyone piled into my room. "So what are their name?" Kevin asked.

"Our baby girl is Stephanie Marie. Our little boy is Nikolas Gene Jr.," Nick said.

I saw Steph's eyes fill with tears. "Ter, thank you so much," she said giving her a hug.

**1 month later**
Stephanie and Nicky had kept Nick and I up most of the nites. Steph's baby was overdue. The doctors said that it would lessen her chances of survival.

"Teri, call Brain and the guys my water just broke," Steph said.

"Oh my lord."

**30 minutes later at the hospital**
They wouldn't let Brian see Steph because she was weak and her heart couldn't handle much. "Nick what if she doesn't make it? How can I raise this baby alone?" Brian said and cried on his best friends shoulder.

**2 hours later**
Still no word from the doctor. Brian was worrying alot. "Mr. Litrell, the baby is fine, but his mom isn't doing great," the doctor said.

"What are you saying doctor will she be okay?" Brian asked.

"Mr. Litrell, I'm afraid that your wife won't make it. The birth of your son did a real number on her heart," he said.

"Oh God no. Can I see my wife?" Brian asked.

"Yes you can."

"Teri will you go i first I'm going to see Brian and see if I can take him to see his Mom," Brian siad.

I walked in. "Hey Steph."

"Hey Ter, how's my little boy," she asked.

"He's great," I said.

"Teri, help Brian with him. He'll need help. I know that I'm dying. You know it too. Promise me that you will help Brian take care of your son," she said.

"I promise Steph," I began to cry, "Steph I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too," she said and I gave her a hug and said good-bye. Brian came in with their son.

... chapter 14: fiNaL gooDbyE ...
**Brian's View**
I picked Brian, my son, up and took him to see his mother Steph. As I got there Teri and her were saying goodbye. "Hey my angel," I said. Sitting next to her.

Steph began to cry. "He's so cute, he looks just like his Daddy," Steph gave him a kiss. "I love you little Brian take care of your Dad for me." she said. I began to cry I was losing her and I was going to lose it I could feel it. "Bri, I love you. Remember I do. Take care of our son. I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you two, I love you. Remember all the good times we had. Remember the time after Teri's birthday party we had some great sex the nite we conceived him. Our wedding day. The day we met. Also the day we had him. I love you. Good bye baby," she said. I was crying harder.

"I love you too," I said. She her closed her eyes and died.

**5 months later my view**
Nick and I are so happy and guess what I'm pregnant again. For Brian losing Steph was very hard, but he has been the best father he could be.

"Teri, thanks for watching Brian while me and your husband go hang out," Brian said handing little Bri to me.

"My pleasure Bri. Are you okay Bri?" I asked forgetting what today was.

"I guess today is um Steph birthday," Brian said.

What happened later on in life................

Brian never remarried and him and Brian Jr lived next to me and Nick.

Howie and Jennifer married they have 4 children. Caroline Renee, Michael Duane, Howie Jr, and Sara Marie.

Kevin and Shona married and have 5 kids Kevin Jr., Nikolas Thomas, Brian Alexander, Teri Lynn, and Julia Marie.

AJ and Danielle married and had three children Danielle died a month after their last baby was born. Alexander Jr, Teri Jo (after me), and Kevin Nikolas.

As for me and Nick we married we had 6 children. Nickolas Jr., Stephanie Marie, Brian James, Kayla Lynn, Justin Michael, and Jamie Michelle.

[tHe enD]
