For You I Will

For You I Will
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

~Chapter 1: Friendship~

It's been two years since I've seen my best friend. He's been away on tour and everytime he came back for a break I was gone. My best friend is Justin Randall Timberlake from *N Sync. We've been best friends since he was one and I was a baby. My told me that when I was baby all Justin wanted to do was play with me or hold me. She let Justin hold me. She said he was very careful not to drop me. People swore me and him were attached to the hip or something.

The hardest thing that we've had to deal with is him moving to Orlando. I thought I'd never see him again. I cried for a week before Justin called.

We talked what seemed like forever, but then he had to go. We said our good-byes. I had tears in my eyes and I could tell he was crying too. I thought I would never hear from Justin again, but the next day I got a letter from him. He wrote me every day and I wrote him back every day for two years.

Then one day I came home from school and my mom told me that me and her were moving to Orlando right next door to Justin. She also told me that my dad and her were getting a divorce. I was sad about that, but I was so happy that I'd get to see Justin again.

*Ring Ring* The sound of the telephone brought me out of my thoughts. I got up and answered it. "Hello," I said.

"Hello, is Teri there?" the voice on the line asked.

"Justin by now I would thik you know my voice," I said.

"I knew it was you," he said.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Remember me telling you that I broke up with Courtney?" he asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"She's been leavig me notes. It's kind of freaky," he said. Justin and Courtney went out for six months. Last month Justin broke it off cuz he didn't love her. I never actually met Courtney, but what Justin and the other guys said about her she sounded okay.

Justin and I talked for more than an hour before I had to go. "Well I gotta go J," I said.

"Okay. Tell Stephanie Lance said hi. Jenni and Alison that JC did. Tasha that Joey did. And Brittany that Chris did," Justin said. Those were the guys best friends. They had known each other forever just like me and Justin.

"Will do, but only if you tell Jodee, Ali, Ash, Christine, and Michelle hi for me," I said. Jodee was Chris's girlfriend. Ali was Joey's. Ash was Lance's. Christine was JC's. Michelle was the guys dresser and also a good friend of the guys. I've never actually met Jodee and Ali, but I've talked to them before.

"Okay bye. I love you, T," he said.

"I love you too, J. Bye," I said and hung up the phone.

It was 2:30 p.m. and my friend Shell was coming over. I've known her for about three months. We were going to the mall so I could get an outfit for the party Justin's Mom Lynn was throwing for the guys. I invited Shell to come with to the party so she could meet the guys. She loved *N Sync especially Justin. She always loved listening to me talk about him and telling her the funny stories about him that only a few people knew.

*Ding Dong* It was the door bell. I opened the door and it was Shell.

"Hey Teri are you ready to go find an outfit that would turn Justin on?" Shell asked. She alway told me that I was in love with him.

"No you are going to find an outfit that will turn Justin on," I said laughing. "Mom I'm leaving with Shell now." I said.

"Bye," My mom said.

"So when are they getting in?" Shell asked.

"6:00 p.m. Justin's mom is going to take them to her house. He knows there will be a party, but he thinks I'll be out of town visiting my dad," I said.

Shell had decided to stay the night with me after we had gone shopping. I found this baby blue outfit that I loved and so would Justin, but why was I thinking about him like that?

~Chapter 2: Back In My Life~

'Why was I thinking that about Justin? He's my best friend.' I thought to myself. I know everything about him. Every disgusting habit. Every deep dark secrets of him. I've known him my whole life he was like an older brother to me. To me he wasn't 1/5 of *N Sync. He was Curly. To him I was Teri-Beri. Best Buds.

Shell brought me out of my thoughts. "Teri hello," she said. "So do you like the outfit I bought?" she asked.

We were back at my house. We both bought new outfits. But we spilt up. So neither of us new what the other one bought. I looked up at Shell and saw that she was already ready.

"Oh my gosh Shell. I got that same outfit except in baby blue," I said laughing. Her outfit was light purple. It was a skirt and jacket outfit underneath the jacket was a black tank top. Mine was exactly the same except baby blue. She laughed and I laughed again I went and changed.

About ten minutes later I was ready and I headed to my mom's room to tell her goodnite. "Mom, me and Shell are going to leave cuz Lynn wants me there before Justin gets there," I said and kissed my Mom goodnite.

"Okay Sweetie. I'm sorry that I can't be there to see Justin. Tell him I say hi and he needs to come to the house and see me," she said.

"Okay mom," I hugged and left her room. My mom hadn't been feeling very well this past month. She seemed to be tired all the time. I was starting to get worried about her.

"Shell it's time to go," I said. We left and got on the car. It was silent until Shell said something.

"So you don't want to turn your bud Justin on. Well sorry to say T you will,"Shell said.

"Shell I won't turn him on cuz he won't have time to look at me cuz he'll be to busy looking at you," I said. Then we both started laughing.

We got to Lynn's house. I knocked on the door. "Teri, hi," Jonathan said. He was Justin's younger brother. He was just 5 years old and he looked like Justin.

"Hi Jon. It's been awhile. This is my friend Shell. She's nice. Can I have a hug?" I said. He gladly hugged me.

Me and Shell walked into the Harless house. "Hi Teri," Paul Harless said as I walked in. He was Justins step-dad.

"Hi, Paul. Has Lynn already went to get the guys?" I asked.

"Yes she has. Justin is going to be so glad to see you." he said.

"I'll be glad when I see him. Oh Paul this is my friend Shell," I said.

"Hello Shell," Paul said.

"Hi Mr. Harless," she said.

"Please call me Paul," he said. We sat in their living room talking. Shell was playing with Jon.

About thirty minutes later their house was full of guests. "Hey Stehanie, Alison, Jenni, Tasha, and Brittany," I said.

"I thought you were going to visit your Dad or that's at least what JC told me," Jenni said.

"Well, I'm not. Lynn wanted to suprise Justin. So no one but me, Lynn, Paul, and Shell knew I was going to be here," I said. I talked with them for a little while until someone said the guys were here. Which that was my cue to go into the other room.

The guys walked in and said hi to everyone. "Oh Justin. We've got asuprise for you.," Lynn said.

"If it's a bed I'll gladly take it," he said laughing.

"No better,"she said getting ready to open the door to the room i was in.

"What could be better than...." he said with his voice trailing off. When Lynn opened the door the look on his face was priceless. "Oh my gosh my Teri-Beri. I thought you were gone to visit your dad," he said hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"No your Mom wanted to suprise you. For the last time don't call me teri-beri. Curly boy," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Why you cry?" he asked.

"I'm so happy to see you I've missed you. It's been two years since I've seen you in person," I said.

Then he started to cry "I've missed you too my Teri-Beri," he said stll hugging me.

~Chapter 3: Changes~

"Oh my gosh Teri it's been too long since I've seen you. I know Lance told me that you were even prettier than before we left for the tour. Man was he right you are so beautiful, my Ter-Beri," he said with a smile. Trying to get me to stop crying. He hated to see me cry even if they were happy tears which they were.

"Curly Boy what have I been telling you about that since we were little not to call me that," I said. Then we started talking and I totally forgot about Shell. "Oh my gosh where is Shell?" I said.

"Teri, who's Shell?" Justin asked.

"She's my friend that I brought with me to meet you," I said.

"Oh, I've got a feeling someone in this room is getting ready to get set up by their best frind and I don't think it's you," he said.

"Well I wasn't thinking that, but now that you mention it sounds like a plan," I said. I didn't know it at that point how bad that idea that would be for me.

I found Shell and toook her over to Justin. "Justin this is my friend Shell and Shell this is my best bud Justin," I said. They exchanged hellos then I left to go talk with the others.

"Hi Michelle how's it going?" I asked.

"Great! You do a great job of putting people together," Michelle said pointing over to Justin and Shell and I turned around and saw them kissing.

At that moment I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. I knew at that moment my feelings for Justin had changed. I felt like crying then I saw JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris looking at me.

"Teri, you okay?" Ashlee asked.

"I'm fine Ash I'm just feeling a little sick," I said.

"Let me take you home cuz you don't look well, JC said.

"Thanx JC. Will you guys please tell Shell that I'm sorry I had to go. Tell Justin I'm sorry too," I said. Then me and Jc got into his jeep.

We drove in silece on the way back to my house. We got there but before I opened the door JC said something. "Teri, what's really wrong?" he asked.

"I told you I feel sick," I said.

"T I know you better than that. I've know you for like almost 5 years. In that 5 years I saw how close you and Justin are. Just like me and Jenni. There's something I noticed tonite when you saw Justin and Shell kissing you looked crushed. I can tell you that you are in love with Justin aren't you?"

I just sat there knowing JC was so right, but how am I suppose to say I love Justin my best friend?

~Chapter 4: Admitting~

"Why would you say that JC?' I asked him.

"Teri I know I've seen it before. I'm just suprised it took you this long to realize how you feel about him," Jc said.

"Jc, he's my best friend. I've known him my whole life. Now that I feel sick it means I love Justin. Who told you this?" I said.

"Teri since the first time I heard Justin talk about you. He talked like you were the only girl in his world. He puts you up on a pedstal. And you put him there too. When I first saw you and Justin together I was like thats not his best friend it's his girlfriend. But it wasn't you were the famous Teri-Beri his best friend," Jc said.

"Jc, I hate this so much," I said.

"What do you hate so much?" he asked. "Having these feelings for my best friend. I don't want to feel this way. I wish I would have seen him before today. Maybe my feelings would be the same," I said almost crying.

"T, your feelings are the same in a way. They are stronger. You were in love with him two years ago and you are in love with now. Why can't you admit it," he said.

"Did you not see him and Shell at his house? Well I did. It's killing me. I'm the one who set them up and now I want to be her. She's been my best friend since I met her. No she didn't take Justin's place in any way. No one could. He knows how to make me laugh and smile . He knows everything about me. But why doesn't he know I love him? I think if I didn't see him and Shell tonite kissing then I think I would have told him. Justin has been my world. It's been hard these past four years hardly seeing my best friend. Jc you make it sound so easy, but it's not. I'm afraid it might change our friendship," I said now crying.

"T, I know it's not easy. I have first hand experience at that. I have Chris (Christine) who I care so much about, but I'm in love with Jenni," He said.

"You're in love with Jenni?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I'm afraid it'll hurt not just mine and hers, but also our friendship with Alison. They were best friends before I met them and then when I did we were the three musketeers," Jc said.

"Jc I guess we both have problems," I said. JC then started to laugh then I followed. "Goodnite JC," I said and I gave him a hug and a kiss. "Thank you for letting me release my feelings on you," I said.

"Anything for my little sis," He said.

Then I got out of the car and walked inside and sat on the couch. I sat there for about 10 minutes and about to fall asleep when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened he door and it was to my suprise........

~Chapter 5: Confessions Not heard~

It was Ashlee, Christine, Jodee, and Ali.

"Hey T,"Ashlee said. I've known Ashlee since moved here. She's my best friend next to Justin.

"Hey guys!" I said as they all walked in.

"So you are the 'famous' Teri-Beri that the guys talk about all the time," Jodee said.

"I guess that's me and you must be Jodee and Ali." I said ponting at them.

"Yes we are," Ali said.

We all sat down and started talking. I got to know Jodee & Ali better. They both seemed so nice and sweet. Out of nowhere Chris (Christine) asked, "Are you in love with Justin?"

"Why would you ask that Chris?" I asked.

"The way you've been looking at him and who could blame you he's really cute and sweet," Chris said. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to make a comment on what Chris had said.

"Gosh guys, he's my best friend," I said, not sure how to tell them that I was in love with Justin cuz it'd probably end up back to Justin. "What I tell you guys can't go past this room. Okay? Since I've known Shell she keeps telling me that I'm in love with him and I'm like no he's my best friend. Earlier tonite when I was getting ready for the party and I said to myself I hope Justin likes this or something like that," I paused for a second to regain my thoughts. "Then when I saw Justin tonite at the party I was so happy and I think I was going to tell him how I felt about him, I'm not sure, then I remembered that Shell was there. So I introduced them. And when we all were talking and I saw them kissing it felt as if someone stabbed me in the heart. That's when Jc took me home. When we got here we talked and he made me realize how I was feeling about Justin. I love him more than a best friend, but now that I saw him and Shell he does't feel the same," I said crying.

"T, how do you know he doesn't love you the way you love him. Maybe he thought you were so eager for him and Shell to meet that he thught your feelings for him were no more than best friends," Ash said.

I sat there pondering that for about 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it. It was Justin.

"Hey my Teri-Beri," Justin said.

"Hey Curly Boy. What are you doing here?" I asked. "To see how you were feeling.So how are you feeling?" He said.

"Better now that you are here Curly boy," I said and we walked into the room where the others were.

"Hey Justin," They all said.

"Hey girls," he said.

"T we are going to head out. I'm getting tired. See you later. Hope you feel better," Ash said.

I gave her hug and said good-bye to the others.

So it was just me and Justin. "Let's go get you to bed," he said and I just took his hand and followed him upstairs. He suprisingly still knew where everything was. I went into my bathroom and changed into my N.C. shirt and boxers for bed. I came out and Justin was sitting on my bed with his same N.C. boxers and shirt.

"Why did you change?" I asked him.

"Cuz I'm going to stay the nite here with you," he said.

I got into my bed and was laying there next to Justin not falling asleep for the world. "Curly could you sing to me so I can fall asleep?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie," he said. He cleared his throat and started singing his part of 'I Drive Myself Crazy' "I was such a fool, I couldn't see it Just how good you were to me. You confessed your love..." he stopped singing cuz he knew I was asleep.

Justin lated for a second and looked at me sleeping. "Gosh, T, you look so beautiful. My Teri-Beri you are so different in your looks, but you are the same girl when you left only thing different is you are growing up we both are. You know I love you as a best friend cuz that's what you are. I need you to know something else I need you and I want to be with you. You are my soul mate I just know it. I love you like Lance love's Ashlee and Jc loves Jenni. My Teri-Beri, I love you," Justin said.

~Chapter 6: Heat of The Moment~

Justin looked at me and sighed. "Why did I not tell you this earlier. Why don't you know. You know everything else about me. Why not this Teri." Justin sat there and let a tear fall from his eye.

Justin didn't cry often, when he did it was usually around me he felt comfortable or something like that. "Oh my Teri-Beri, I love you so." Justin sang. He always had sung that to me ever since I remember. I'm to this day still trying to figure out why he calls me Teri-Beri, but he won't tell me.

Last thing I remember before I fell asleep asleep was Justin saying Jc loved Jenni. How he'd know? I thought to myself.

I woke up and realized I was in Justin arms. I looked over at him and he looked so peaceful. I laughed to myself when I saw his shirt I had forgotten that he had that on. I remember coming home after a visit with my dad right after the guys had left. I got home my mom told me that Justin had left me something. I remember opening them and I saw them. He knew I loved NC. Then with it was a anklet. There was also a note with it and it said,

My Teri-Beri,
Hey I still can't believe we keep missing each other it's crazy. Well I knew you liked NC and I saw these and I thought of you and myself (I bought me some) Then I was in a jewelry store with Jc when he was looking for a present for Chris and i saw these anklets and they said: BeSt Friends Forever. I thought you would like it. I gotta go. Bye
Love ya sis,
Curly Boy

I remember taking the anklet and there was an inscription it said: My Teri-Beri, you are my very best friend. I love you.

I had just fallen back asleep when I heard Justin say "Wake up sleepy head!"

I shook my head no and buried my head into his chest. Then he started tickling me.

"Stop it, Justin! I give," I said. By then it had already went too far and for a moment we stared into each others eyes and then we leaned in and kissed. It was so passionate. I never remembered feeling so good, but then I remembered Shell and pulled away.

"Oh my gosh Justin I'm so sorry that was stupid of me. I guess I got carried away," I said.

"I don't know what I was thinking kissing my best friend. I better call Shell and tell her that I'm going to hang with you today," He said. Then he got up and went to the phone and dialed the number. I heard Justin and Shell's conversation and I started crying. Justin got off the phone and walked backed to the bed and sat down. "T, what's wrong?" Justin asked seeing my red eyes."

~Chapter 7: A Feeling~

I looked at Justin. How was I suppose to tell him that I really wanted that kiss and that I'm in love with him.

"What's wrong?" he asked again after I didn't answer him the first time.

"I...... feel horrible that I did that and you and Shell are together. She's my friend how am I suppose to tell her I kissed her boyfriend?" I said lying hoping Justin wouldn't catch on like he usually did.

"We just got caught up in the moment. It meant nothing to either of us. So why don't we just forget it ever happened and Shell won't have to find out, okay?" He said.

I just wanted to yell at him, "But it did mean something to me," I held back a few more tears. "Okay, let me go get ready then and we will leave," I said.

I went into my bathroom and took a shower. I tried not to think about the kiss, but it was too hard. I just started crying. "Why can't he see that I love him?" I asked myself. I stayed in the shower for 5 more minutes then I got out. I decided to wear one of my North Carolina tank tops and khaki shorts.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw a note:
T, I went down stairs to talk to your Mom. I'll be waiting for you. Love, J.

I went over to my dresser and got my best friend anklet and put it on then I put my Doc sandals on. Then I pulled out a silver locket. That Justin had bought me for my 16th birthday. It had a picture of me and him in it and inscribed on the front was J & T.

I walked down stairs to see my mom and Justin talking and laughing. As I stood there for a second to realize it seemed like I hadn't seen her smile in forever. Justin could always make my mom laugh no matter what.

"Hey Curly you ready?" I asked.

"Yes I am My Teri-Beri, are you?" Justin said.

"Yes. Bye Mom. I'll see you later," I said and leaned down and gave her a hug and kiss good-bye.

"I love you, Sweetheart!!" she said.

"I love you too Mom," I said, but I felt a little concerned with the shaking in my Mom's voice.

"T, we have to go by my house so I can change," He said. I really wasn't paying attention. I was a little worried about my Mom. "Teri, what's wrong sweetie?" Justin asked.

"Nothing," I lied again.

"Come on you can tell me," he said.

"Well, I think something is wrong with my Mom. She's been really depressed lately. Before when you and her were talking and laughing I hadn't seen her laugh in like a month. She usually doesn't say I love you unless I'm going to see my dad. Her voice was also shakey," I said.

"When me and her were talking she said 'Please take care of my baby. She'll need you. And you know how stubborn she can be? I don't know what she meant by that," he said.

We arrived at Justin's house and I was still a little nervous.

"Hey, Teri-Beri! How are you feeling today?" Joey asked.

"Better. What did I say about you guys calling me that again?" I said. I wasn't sure if I was feeling better. The kiss between me and Justin had got me all confused. Now my mom. I saw Jc staring at me. It looked as if he could see right through what I said.

"T, I got to ask you something in private. So excuse us guys," Jc said and I followed him into the kitchen. As soon as we got there and it was safe to talk he asks me "What happened? Did you tell him?"

"I didn't tell him. I'll never tell him after what happened. You know he stayed over to make sure I was okay. Well this morning he was tickling me and we sorta kissed. The thing is it was great. I pulled back and he called Shell and I was crying. He asked why and I lied saying that I didn't know what I'd tell Shell. He said it just happened and it didn't mean anything to either of us. So we didn't need to tell her," I said almost starting to cry.

"T, if you never tell him you'll never be able to live with seeing him and another girl together. That's the way it is with Jenni," Jc said.

For the second I stood there thinking about what he said I had an awful feeling like something bad happened. Then I blew up at Jc. "Jc, my feelings for him. I will never tell anther person. I definitely won't tell Justin!!" I yelled.

I walked out of the kitchen and I ran into Lance. "I'm so sorry," I said almost crying.

"It's alright. What's wrong Sweetie?" He said.

"Nothing," I said and now I was crying.

"JUSTIN, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!! SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH TERI!!" Lance yelled. As soon as he finished Justin came running down faster than I ever seen him.

"My Teri-Beri what's wrong?" Justin asked. I was still crying and now in the living room with the guys. It wasn't the discussion with Jc that was bothering it was my mom.

"J, I just have this terrible feeling something's wrong with Mom. I don't know. I was in the kitchen talking to Jc and I got this awful feelig and I was thinking about her," I said and cried on his shoulder.

"My Teri-Beri, I'm sure everything is fine, but I'll call over there just to make sure. Is she suppose to go anywhere?" Justin said and I shook my head no. Justin picked up the phone and dialed my number. No one picked up. "She didn't pick up. Maybe she's asleep," he said.

"Maybe, but will you take me there to make sure," I asked.

"Yes I will sweetie."

We headed out the door got in his car and rode in silence to my house it was like a minute drive from his. I got out ran to the door.

Opened it I didn't see her and then Justin came in behind me. I then ran upstairs. I went into her room. Then I screamed and blacked out.

~Chapter 8: Death~

I was out for about ten minutes before I came to. I was awaken by a knock at the door. Justin answered it. I saw two EMSA people go upstairs.

"How are you feeling?" Justin asked sitting next to me.

"I'm not sure. I had this dream that my mom was dead, but that couldn't be right," I said. Then I saw the look in Justin's eyes. I just started crying. I couldn't believe it was happening, my mom was dead. How could this be happening? "Justin, please don't tell me she's dead. She can't be. I need her too much. What am I going to do without her?" I yelled still crying.

"T, I know it's hard to believe. Your mom left you this note," he said and handed me the note. I stood there in shock was he saying that my mom killed herself, commited suicide. Why would she do that. I took the note and sat down. Then Justin sat down next to me holding my hand as I read it:

Dear Teri,
My angel. I know you are asking why would I do this. Well, I'll tell you. Last month I found out that I had a tumor. The doctors didn't know if I'd make it. I figure I'd be alright so I didn't tell you. Yesterday I went to see the doctor. She said that I had at the most three months to live. The pain was too much. I didn't want you to suffer through this. In 2 days you'll be 18. You'll be able to live in the house with no trouble. Please do somehting for me. Let the people you love know it. I know you love someone, but won't tell them. Life is too short. Make everything in your life count. I love you!! Your Loving Mother,

I just held the note and started crying. I couldn't believe that it was happening to me. "How can this be happening? Why'd she do that?" I screamed with tears flowing down my eyes.

"I don't know, Sweetie," he said. I could tell that he was about to cry. I couldn't handle him crying so I got up and ran out of the house. I wasn't sure where I was going. I just had to go. I heard Justin calling after me, but I didn't turn around.

At Justin's House~~~
Justin drove over to his house to get the guys to help him look for me. He was so scared that something was going to happen to me. "Guys, has Teri been back here?" Justin asked.

"No why?" Jc asked.

"Um, Angela killed herself and me and Teri found her. Teri went running out of her house and I'm so worried about her," He said crying.

"Oh my gosh," Lance said.

Justin and the guys went looking for me. They spent two hours and not finding any clue of where I could be.

"Hello is Shell there?" Justin asked as the a little girl answered the door.

"Yes, she is just a sec. SHELL DOOR!!" she yelled.

"Are you her sister?" he asked.

"Yes, and you're Justin Timberlake from *N Sync," she said.

At that moment Shell came down and saw Justin standing there and got butterflies in her stomach. "Hi Justin. See you later Angela," Shell said. Tears came into Justin eyes.

"What's wrong?" Shell asked. "Teri's mom killed herself today," he said.

"Oh my gosh. How's T?" she asked.

"Um I'm not sure about two hours ago she ran out of her house, we haven't been able to find her," He said.

"Oh my gosh," she said. "Do you have any idea where she could be?" he asked.

"No, I don't," she said with worried look on her face now.

"Shell, I'm so scared she'll do something stupid or something will happen to her," he said crying. Justin didn't know what to do. All he could do is wait for me to come back.

~Chapter 9: Alone~

~~~~Shell's Point Of View~~~~
"Justin, I know she'll be okay. Trust me," I said. I can't stand it. He's in so much pain. Angela was like a second mother to him. Teri is his best friend he loves her. Oh my gosh that's it he loves her. But Teri says that she doesn't love him.

"Justin, can I ask you something?"I asked.

He looked up at me and he was about to cry. "Yes," he said.

"Are you in love with Teri?" I asked. I was hoping his answer was no because my feelings for him are growing so much.

"Yes, I do, but only as my best friend," He said. I felt relieved.

"Why would you ask that? If I loved her why would I go out with you?" he asked.

"I guess I thought well nevermind. I didn't want you to get hurt when you found out that she didn't feel the same way, or at least she says she doesn't."

"Well, Shell for now I wanna be with you & only you," Justin said walking up to me & putting his arms around me & kissing me passionately.

2 Days Later~~
~~~~Justin's Point Of View~~~~

"Jc, it's been two days. I'm so worried about Teri. Now it's her 18th birthday," I said. I hadn't been able to sleep since Teri left.

"Justin, is what you feel for Teri just best friends or is there more?" Jc asked.

"Could everyone tell I was in love with her except her. "Jc I'm in love with Teri."

"How long have you realized it?"

"You know the staying abstence makes the heart grow fonder. Well about a month after we first started touring & I saw her again for the first time. I missed her so much. I then realized how I felt, but kept it to myself & never told anybody, I can never tell Teri because all I am to her is Curly Boy nothing more."

"How do you know she doesn't love you?" Jc asked.

"Shell asked her over and over and she said no," I said.

"Justin, that doesn't mean anything because we asked you repeatedly and you said no," Jc said.

"Also the nite I stayed with Teri well the next morning we were messing around and we kissed. She pulled away and said it was a huge mistake," I said wanting to cry, but stopped myself when someone knocked at the door. I was hoping it was TERI, but it was Shell.

"Hey babe,"Shell said.

"Hey baby," I said back then I kissed, but I couldn't feel the same magic and intensity that I had felt with Teri.

We were kissing when I pulled away because I felt someone watching. "Oh my God Teri. You're back," I said and walked to her and gave her a hug, but she pushed me away.

~~~~My Point Of View~~~~
I never would have expected my best friend, Justin to care about kissing Shell than finding me. When I pushed him away he looked at me then asked, "What's wrong?"

"You guys look like you looked real hard for me," I said in a cold tone.

Jc walked into the room just as I said that. "We did," Shell said.

"Last time I checked I wasnt in either of your mouths!" I yelled.

"What does that mean?" Justin asked. "You two were too busy making out to care about me," I said crying.

"Teri, don't say that. You are my best friend & you are suppose to be happy it's your birthday."

"Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to me. See first for my birthday I got an asshole for a father. Then almost one year anniversay of Amy's death, and now a dead mother," I said crying. I hadn't told Justin about Amy. She was murdered my little 15 year old sister. She had everything going her way then she was gone. I had been at her grave for the past two days.

"Amy is dead? How? When?" Justin said in disbelief.

"Yes, she is as if you care. My mom & sister are dead. My father is an asshole. Now I'm all alone. I thought I had you, But I don't!" I yelled crying.

"But you do have me Teri," Justin said crying.

I couldn't handle him crying so I went off. "Stop it!!!! I hate it when you cry. I hate to see you sad. Because," I said still crying. He looked at me and looked as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't. "I just realized it 3 days ago. When you kissed me. Then you said it meant nothing and that we were caught up in the moment. Well that hurt," I was crying. I looked over at Jc and said," Jc, I told you that he doesn't feel the same way. I know you knew that, but you were trying to give me hope," I was crying along woth Justin, Shell, & Jc.

Jc put his arm around me. "I'm sorry you feel all alone, but you aren't. You have me, Justin, Joey, Chris, Lance, Shell, Christine, Ash, Ali, Jodee, Brit, Michelle, Jenni, Alison, Stephanie, and Tasha are all here for you," Jc said. He looked at Justin and gave him a "tell her" look.

Justin was still crying. Then he looked at me then Shell and ran out of the house followed by Shell.

"Come on Teri. Why don't you go to bed and get some sleep?" Jc said grabbing me by the hand. I followed him upstairs to his room.

"Okay, here you go. If you need me I'll be in the game room," Jc said. "Please don't leave me alone. Will you stay at least until I fall asleep?" I asked.

"I will stay as long as you want me to stay," Jc said giving me a kiss on the forehead. I drifted off to sleep quickly, but was awaken by Jc shaking me. I was having a nightmare.

"What was it about?" Jc asked. I looked at him and told him exactly what he could remember. Then he told me, "It'll be alright."

I drifted back to sleep and the nightmare came back......

~Chapter 10: Bad Dreams~

~~~~~~MY NIGHTMARE~~~~~~
I was at the park with Justin. Me and him were lying on a together. "Teri, I love you more than words could ever say. I never want to be without you," Justin said, he then reached into the bag handed me a box and said, "Teri Jo Stevens, will you do me the honor and become my wife? Will you marry me?" he then handed me the box. I opened the box and in it was a note. I took the note out and read it.

~~My Teri-Beri~~
My angel. I love you. I'd be so lost without you. I know it took us a long time like 18 years to figure out we loved each other. We always have and always will no matter what.

'....If the sun should refuse to rise and the moon doesn't hang in the nite. The tides won't change seasons rearrange. When the world is through I will still love you.....' by:98*

I am hoping you will say yes. We were meant to be together. Please say yes. One more thing I love you, baby.

Loving you always and forever,
Justin Randall Timberlake

I finished the note and I began to cry. I picked up the ring and read the inscription.

'To my best friend. My Teri-Beri. My Soul Mate. My angel. I'll love you always and forever. Love, Curly' It was gold with a diamond heart. Now I was crying even harder.

I looked up at his beautiful blue eyes, "Justin, yes I'll marry you and become your wife," I then leaned over and kissed him. (You're thinking bad dream. yeah right? Just give me a sec) I looked up and saw a girl who was about 15.

She looked like Amy, my sister, who was now dead. I got up started walking towards her. Then all over the sudden I hear a gun shot and she's dead. He's smiling at me. I then see the same girl who killed my sister behind him. Justin get's up and she shoots him now he's dead. I run over to him and hold him screaming, "NO JUSTIN, NO!!"
~~End of Nightmare~~

~~~~Justin's Point of View~~~~
She really loves me. I can't believe it, but I can't hurt Shell, but I already hurt Teri. Why didn't she tell me Amy died? I'm her best friend and I can't help but feel hurt. Amy was like my little sis. All these years. 18 long years I have loved her since the day she was born. Why'd it take me so long to realize?

~Chapter 11: UnKnown Reality~

I was sitting under an old tree at Teri's house. When me and her had to talk about things we went there to.

2 days before *N Sync left for their first tour..........
I had asked Teri to meet me under the tree. I got out back and I saw her standing there looking so beautiful in the Florida sun. I had been getting this weird feeling around her every time I saw her.

"Hey Curly Boy," she said with the biggest and most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

"Hey my Teri-Beri. I'm glad that you are here," I said. How am I suppose to tell her that in 2 days I'm leaving for tour in Europe. Geez she'll really hate me for not telling her sooner.

"So J what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked sitting down.

"I don't know how to tell you this," I said starting to get a little nervous around her and I couldn't understand why.

"Sit down babe," she said and I did.

"Me and the guys got a record deal and we are going on tour," I said.

"Thats great, when you going?" she asked.

"In 2 days,' I said.

"That soon? At least you won't be far away since you're touring here," she said.

"Teri we're touring in Europe."

I saw her face go from a smile to a sad look, "You are leaving in 2 days to Europe. Why didn't you tell me sooner? What were you going to wait until you came back to tell me? I see you were hoping I'd forget about you since that's what you are going to do when you are gone," she said crying. She had a right to be mad at me. I got up and hugged her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you until now. I love you and i could never forget my best friend," I said.

"I was scared you would let this go to your head way to much," she said.

"I won't but make me a promise that you'll never let me get a swelled head."

"I promise Justin," We stayed out there and talked the whole night.
~~End Of Flashback~~

Teri did keep her promise. I sat there when someone came up to me.

"Justin baby, why'd you run out like that?"

~~~~JC's View back at the house~~~~
I watched Teri sleep. SHe was in so much pain. She thought Justin didn't love her, but he did. Why didn't he tell her that? I got up and decided to go call Lance. I dialed the number. *ring ring*

"Hello?" Ashlee answered.

"Hi Ash it's JC and can you tell Lance and yourself that Teri's back and she okay,"I said.

"She is thats great. Lance said we'll be over in a little bit."

I hung up the phone and called the rest of the guys. I decided not to call Chrissi yet. And I called Jenni instead.

"Hello?" Jenni answered.

"Hey Jenni it's Josh. Teri's back, but thats not the only reason I called. Can you come over I need to talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure," she said. We hung up the phone and I had decided I'd tell her.

~~~~Justin's view~~~~~
I sat there with Shell. "Why'd you leave?" she asked. I looked up to see if anyone else was out here, but there wasn't, but it felt as if there was.

"Why you here? Teri needs you."

"No she doesn't Justin. She needs you," Shell said.

"Shell did you not hear her? I hurt her. I hurt her. She loves me and I hurt her. I love her and I hurt her," I said crying, not realizing what I had said........

~Chapter 12: Lies~

"You love her?" Shell said in disbelief. "That kiss didn't feel like a mistake to you. You felt as if it was to her and so you said it was and she agreed and that hurt you didn't it? Why'd you lie to me and say it was nothing more than best friends, I don't understand," Shell was crying now.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Shell."

"Strange enough Justin I know you didn't. I understand that it would be best if we broke up. Go to Teri and tell her you love her," Shell said.

I got up and walked back to my house. I walked into the house. I heard screaming from upstairs. I ran upstairs and it was Teri in Jc's room screaming, "NO, JUSTIN, NO!!"

~~~~~My Point of View~~~~
"NO JUSTIN NO!!!" I screamed over and over again my screams getting quieter and I was crying.

"Teri its okay sweetie,"Jc said. "Justin come here she needs to see you."

Justin walked over. "My Teri-Beri, what's wrong?" he said.

I began to cry and hug him. "You're alive."

"What was that nightmare about?" Justin asked.

I told him about the park, Amy, the girl with the gun and her shooting him, but not about the proposal."For a sec Justin I thought I'd lost you for good," I said, my voice trailing off and I was crying.

He gave me a hug and said, "I'm fine sweetie," I sat there crying on his shoulder. I looked up and saw Jc, Lance, Joey, Chris, and everyone else standing there.

"Guys will you guys give me and Teri some privacy we need to talk," They all shook their heads,walked out, and Justin got up and closed the door. He came back and sat next to me looking into my eyes.

I looked away," Justin, I know you don't feel the same way about me. I know all you want is friendship. I understand if you don't want me around and I'll leave.......," Jusin put his index finger over my mouth and leaned and kissed me. I felt the passion like before. He pulled away.

"My Teri-Beri, I love you too," he said.

"But only as a friend right?" I said even after that kiss I wasn't sure how he felt.

"No, I love you like Lance love's Ashlee. Joey loves Ali. Chris loves Jodi. Jc loves Jenni. I want to be with you," Justin said with tears and then he leaned in again and we kissed. We were still kissing when Chris(Jc's g/f walked in)

"I'm sorry. I thought Jc was in here. Glad you are back home Teri," she said and walked out.

"When's Jc going to tell Jenni?" I asked Justin.

"I dunno. Now where were we?" he said with a mischevious smile and kissed me.

~~~~JC's Point of View~~~~
I took Jenni into Justin's room. "Jc what's wrong?" she asked. Without saying another word I kissed her and she didn't let go. "I love you Jc,"she said.

"I love you too Jenni." We kissed again and she was on the bed and i was sort of on top of her when someone knocked. "Come in," I said. It was Chris.

"Jc baby what are you two doing in here?" she aked.

"I need to go talk to Joey," Jenni said and walked out.

"What were you two doing?"

"Nothing, just talking," I said lying to her.

~~~~My Point of View~~~~
Justin and I were making out on Jc's bed. "Curly, don't you think we should go to your room. If we do make love. I kind of feel weird doing it on Jc's bed," I said and just then Jc walked in.

"I'd like if you two didn't do it on my bed," he said.

"We won't then," Justin said laughing.

I was going to walk, but Justin picked me up and carried me to bed. He layed me on the bed and kissed me, "I love you Teri."

"I love you too Justin." (I'll spare you all the details) We made love and fell asleep in each others arms. Right then I felt safe. I also felt as if no one could ever break us apart from now on. As we layed there I woke up to put a shirt of his on because I was cold and it felt as if someone had just watched us make love........

~Chapter 13: The Funeral~

I woke up the next morning about 5:15. Since I couldn't get back to sleep I decided to go downstairs and fix breakfast. Around 5:45 Jc had woke up to my suprise.

"What you do up so early?" he asked.

"I was making breakfast for everyone. You?"

"I couldn't sleep at all last nite. I had too much on my mind," he said.

"So have you told Jenni yet?" I asked right then Christine had walked in.

"Tell Jenni what?" she asked looking at Jc.

"Oh nothing," Jc said looking at me with this what am I suppose to do now. Just then Jenni walked in. "Good morning everyone," she said all happy and yes Jc had told her because when their eyes met they were saying I love you and it was so cute.

"So has Jc told you yet Jenni?" Christine asked.

"Told me what?" she said.

"Oh it must have been what you two were talking about in Justin's room last nite before I got there," she said.

"Chris we need to talk. Excuse us please," Jc said and began to walk out of the room.

"No Jc, they already know. So we can talk in here. What's so big? Are you in love with Jenni?" she said, getting angry. Justin walked in as they started arguing and ran clear to me not wanting to get in the way.

She saw the look on everyone's face and knew. "That's whats going on your in love with Jenni. You said you cared about me," she said crying.

"I tried so long ago to tell you both how I felt, but then I felt as if there was a chance for me and you Chris so I didn't. I do care about you, but I've been in love with Jenni forever and nothing could have changed that," She walked up to him and slapped him and ran out of the house just as everyone else was waking up from the commotion.

"Jc you didn't tell her how you felt. Now I feel like a bitch," Jenni said and walked out Jc following.

"Good morning sweetie," Justin said putting his arms around me and kissing me.

"For someone who's usually grumpy in the morning you seem pretty happy," I said and everyone started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Justin asked beginning to blush. Just then Jenni and Jc walked back in and it looked as if they had made up.

"Jc guess what?" Lance asked.

"What?" he said not taking his eyes off Jenni.

"Two people just finally got some and you know who?" Chris said

"Who?" he said still staring at Jenni.

"Justin and Teri," Joey said.

"Guys shut up or you aren't getting any breakfast," I said immediately shutting up knowing I'd keep my word.

After I ate I got up to go to Justin's room and get dressed. "Hey beautiful where you going?" he asked.

"To get dressed and go home to get ready for the funeral," I said.

"Can I help you with anything?" he asked everyone started laughing, but he didn't care.

"You might be able to and we went into his room and made love again. I then left to go home and change for the funeral. 2 hours later at the Cemetary

~~~~Justin's Point of View~~~~
I stood there holding Teri's hand as they lowered the casket in the ground. I saw tears roll down her beautiful face. I wrapped my arms around her and she cried. Everyone had left and was heading to my house, but me and Teri stayed behind.

"Justin, it seems as if only yesterday she told me we were moving to Orlando and now she's gone," she siad crying.

I held her. "Teri I'm so sorry."

"I know you are Justin. Can we leave, I feel as if we are being watched?"

"Sure baby." I had that feeling to.

~Chapter 14: Surprise~

2 Months Later~~~

I'd been feeling sick for a week now, but I didn't know what was wrong and to top that I'm a month late. The guys were suppose to be getting back from their small tour today. *KNOCK KNOCK*

I got up and opened the door. "Hey Ter," Ashlee said as she walked in.

"Hey Ash," I said.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Ashlee I think I'm pregant," I said.

"Why you think that?"

"I'm a month late now."

"Oh shit Teri we both have the same problem. I think I'm pregant too. Before I came here I went to the drug store and bought every pregancy test you could find," Ashlee said.

"Geez girl there looks like there are alot in there. Do you mind if I borrow one? I'll pay you back," I said.

"Yes, but I don't want your money."

So Ashlee and I headed for the bathroom. We both took the tests and about 10 minutes after we finished I heard the guys walk in.

"Shit Ashlee what we suppose to do?" I aksed.

"Stay here and wait for 20 minutes I'll tell them you are shaving your legs or something," Ashlee said.

"Hey guys," Ashlee said as she walked in the room noticing Jodi, Ali, and Jenni were there.

"Oh and girls, where's my Teri-Beri?" Justin asked.

"She's in te bathroom," Ashlee said.

About 20 minutes later I yelled for Ashlee. "ASHLEE GET IN HERE NOW!"

"Is everything okay Ash?" Lance asked.

"Yes fine."

"Hey Curly, if I didn't know better they were up to something," Lance said.

"I know lets go find out what," Justin said and they got up.

"Ashlee, what'd they say." I said I was too afraid to look.

"We're pregant," she said.

"How am I suppose to tell Justin?" I asked.

"I dunno. How am I suppose to tell Lance?"

"Hey Teri ashlee what you two doing in there?" Lance asked.

"Nothing" we replied. We threw the tests away and walked out.

"We need to talk Justin," I said.

"About what?" he asked.

"We'll do it in there." I said. All four of us walked back with the others.

"We've got some news," Ashlee said. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen.

"Ashlee and I are.........pregant," I said. Everyone had stunned look on their faces except Justin, he looked pissed.

"That's great baby," Lance said hugging Ashlee.

"What do you think Curly?" I asked.

"How the hell could this happened? I bet you wanted to get pregant. Are you sure it's even mine we haven't been together in two months," Justin said. Everyone was shocked by his reaction.

"Did I fucking plan this? NO. Did I cheat on you? How the hell can you even think that let alone ask me that? You are the only guy I've ever slept with. If you don't want this baby then screw you. You can stay out of his or her life and mine," I said crying walking out the door......

~Chapter 15: Forgive Me~

~~~~Justin's Point of View~~~~
I stood there in the middle of the room not just realizing what I had done.

"Justin, you asshole. Why the hell did you do that?" Ashlee asked.

"I dunno. Oh fuckin shit. I just made an ass of myself,"I said.

"No shit," Jodi said, "You are a fuckin idiot if you let her walk out like that."

I decided to go find Teri. I had a feeling I knew were she was at exactly. She was at her house under the tree. So I went down there. "My Teri-Beri," I said as I walked up to her.

"What do you want Justin? To accuse me of cheating on you again?" Teri said crying.

"I'm so sorry. I was a jerk back there. I just got scared. I love you more than anything Teri. I know you would never cheat on me. I'm happy that we are going to share in this wonderful miracle. Teri, let's go to the park," I said.

"Okay babe," she said.

We got to the park and I was all ready to do what I was going to do. "Teri Jo Stevens, I love you more than words could say. Will you marry me?"

~~~~My Point of View~~~~
This seemed too familiar for some reason, but I shook it off.

"Yes I will," I said. Then Justin hit a tape and it began to play 'For You I Will'.

"I love you Teri."

"I love you too Justin." I felt as if I was being watched again and I looked behind Justin and saw a girl, she was the one who killed Amy, my sister. Then all the sudden the gun went off twice. Justin and I went to the ground. Oh fuck I had been shot. I saw blood on my hands and it was from Justin. He was shot in the back. "Someone call an ambulance," I screamed. "Justin, baby you be okay. Don't give up on me. Fight for me, please fight," I said crying.

"I love you always, Teri."

"No time for you to say good-bye. You promised me when we were little you'd always be there for me no matter what. And you better keep that promise. I can't lose you. I love you too much. I want to start my life with you. Me, you, and our baby. Please for me fight hard," I said crying.

"Remember I love you," Justin said and closed his eyes.

"No Justin no, don't leave me, please don't leave me. You can't, I need you to much. Please dear lord don't take Justin away from me and our baby. I can't stand to lose anyone else. He's my best friend, my soul mate, my lover. I love him. Please make him keep his promise. Please Justin fight for us. For me and you and our baby. So we can be a family," I said crying the ambulance arrived and rushed him to the hospital and took me too.

~Chapter 16: Fighting~

I got to the hospital and called the guys.

"Hello?" Jc answered. "Jc it's me Teri. I'm at the hospital and Justin's been shot. I don't know if he's going to make it. Shit Jc I'm so scared," I said crying.

"We'll be there as soon as possible," he said hanging up the phone. "Guys that was Teri. Justin is at the hospital. He was shot. We should go down," Jc said. Everyone agreed and rushed to the hospital.

"Ms. Stevens, what is your relationship with Mr. Timberlake?" the police officer asked.

"He's my fiancee. We're having a baby and today he asked me to marry him," I said.

"Okay you said that it was the same girl who killed your sister?"

"Yes, do we really have to do this now? I'm too worried to think about anything, but Justin."

"Okay Ms. Stevens."

"Geez Mike you've known me since I moved to Orlando. You can call me Teri," I said.

"Ter, I hope Justin is okay," he said and hugged me.

'Me too,' I thought to myself.

30 minutes later~~
"Teri," a voice called.

"Ashlee," I said and gave her and everyone else a hug.

"Teri, what happened?" Joey asked.

"Justin and I had made up and went to the park and he asked me to marry him. Well, he put a song on and we were dancing when I saw a girl, the same person who killed Amy shot me and Justin. She ran and Justin layed there. I felt so helpless." I said crying and the guys gave me hugs.

"Ms. Stevens," Dr. Smith said.

"Yes," I said.

"He's out of surgery, but it's still not looking good. He's in a coma, a deep coma."

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Yes, but only two at a time," he said.

"Guys, can I go alone for now," I asked.


I walked to his room. I was so scared I was going to lose the only guy I ever loved. "Hey Justin baby it's me Teri," I said pausing to let the tears fall. "I love you so much. You got to fight. People here still need you. Especially me and the baby. Remember when we were 5 and playing on the playground and I fell off the monkey bars and broke my arm. Remember how I wouldn't even after my arm was a 100*/. I go near them. Well one day you took me over there with you and got underneath the monkey bars and said if I'd love you'd be there to catch me. So I did it without falling. Gosh Dammit Justin I can't lose you. You are my world. No baby please stay alive for me," I cried. I layed on his shoulder and cried. I felt a hand go on my shoulder. It was Jc.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"Been better," I said. Then all of the sudden a machine went off and doctors rushing in telling me and Jc to get out of the room.

~Chapter 17: Waiting~

(Grab a box of tissues)

I stood with Jc outside the room. "Jc what if he dies. I can't live without him. I love him too much," I cried.

"Relax Teri have faith that he'll be okay. Come with me in the waiting room. I talked to the doctor and he said all this stress isn't good for you or the baby," Jc said.

"I'm so scared though," I said and we walked into the waiting room. Jc told everyone about Justin's present position.

"Teri," Officer Mike Hall said. "We've found the girl. Courtney Thompson. The one who shot your sister and Mr. Timberlake," Officer Hall said.

Joey and everyone stopped talking and heard the name. "No, you are joking right Courtney?" Jc asked.

"Yes that's the girl."

"Teri, that's Justin's ex-girlfriend," Joey said.

"I should have known. Justin said he was getting weird notes from her."

"Ms. Stevens, I have news about Mr. Timberlake," the doctor said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but there was nothing we could do. The bullet hit his liver and we couldn't repair the damage."

I stood there in shock. "No it can't be true. He can't be dead. He promised me he'd never leave me. He just asked me to marry him. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together. We were going to raise this child. Justin promised. He fucking promised he wouldn't leave me," I said breaking down and crying.

"Teri, I'm so sorry," Ashlee said putting her arms around me and hugging me.

~~~~FlashBack~~~~Teri's 13th B-Day Party~~~~
"Teri, Happy Birthday to you," Justin sang to me trying to get me up.

"Get out of my room, Curly."

"I was told to wake you up. Teri-Beri, you know you are my best friend right and I love you, right?"

"I do Curly. I love you too."

"Teri-Beri, you know what I just figured out you are my soul mate. And you know what?"

"What?" she asked.

"Soul mates are suppose to share their real first kiss with each other," he said.

"Oh okay."

"So do you want to do it here or not?"

"Do what here?"

"Kiss silly."

"Oh yeah, sure," she said. Justin leaned in and so did Teri their lips met and fireworks went off. Their tongues went into the others mouth. Their stomachs had a tingling sensation that they both felt, but did not speak a word about. Finally after moments of tingles they both pulled away.

"Oh that wasn't that bad Teri-Beri," Justin said.

"It was okay, Curly not the best just okay," she said. Both of them didn't realize then how much each other meant to the other. They didn't realize one would risk their life to save the other ones and their child.

"Ter, let's take you home," Ashlee said. We walked out and for a second I saw all those memories that I'd forgotten and those that I remembered and I knew he was in a better place. Now what I wanted was to make sure Courtney payed for what she did. As Teri and Ashlee walked out a gun went off again and Teri and Ashlee went down. JC and Lance run over and to see blood and they check to see who's it is. It's.............

~Chapter 18: The Meeting~

I looked up and saw Ashlee laying on the ground. She was shot. "No Ashlee No," Lance and Jc came running over to us. Lance saw Ashlee and held her in his arms.

"No Ash, Please be okay," I can't live without you. You are suppose to have this baby. We are suppose to be a family. Be okay," Lance cried and a group of doctors came running over. "She's pregnant." I said to one of the doctors as they took her into the emergency room.

I turned around to see Courtney standing there with a gun in her hand. "You little bitch. You were suppose to die not Justin," she said pointing the gun at me.

"What you going to do to me? Shoot me huh? You've already taken the one person I love and needed the most away from me. You shot one of my best friends. What you do now it won't matter. I beg of you to at least wait 9 or months so I can have Justin's baby. Then go for it kill me," I said.

"You know something. First it was Amy, Justin, but before Justin it was your Mom. My handwriting looks alot like hers doesn't it? All I ever wanted was Justin, but you stood in my way. If you ever talked to Justin and he didn't mention your the Goddess Teri's name it was a miracle. I hate you. You took the guy I love away from me. Now he's gone and now I realize it's for the best so I can go live with him in Heaven."

"You sick person. I didn't take him from you. You took him from me. I didn't pull the trigger you did," I yelled. She held the gun at me and pulled the trigger the shot went and I saw someone go in front of me and we are both down. I look at the person they are dead. "Oh my God not........

~Chapter 19: The Final Goodbye~

"Oh my god Jenni. Jc get over here," I yelled. Jc ran to my side and saw Jenni laying on the ground. "I'm sorry Jc," I said and I began to cry and so did he.

"She's dead. No Jenni. I just told you how I felt and that I wanted to be with you and only you. You said that to me too. I wanted us to start a family. God, Jenni. I love you," Jc cried.

I saw Lance walking over towards us. "Oh my God," Lance said as he saw Jenni laying there.

I got up and pulled Lance to the side of me. "How's Ash?" I asked.

"The doctors said she'd be okay. She was lucky it hit her in the leg," Lance said.

"Is the baby okay?" I asked.

"Yes, the baby is okay. How are you?" he asked.

"This all my fault. I was one who was suppose to die not Justin. I was the one who was suppose to get shot not Ashlee. I was the one who was suppose to die not Jenni. Why am I still here?" I said then ran off crying.

~~~~Jc's Point of View~~~~
I looked down at Jenni's dead body. I couldn't believe it. My best friend and the girl I love all die in one day. What's happening? I saw Teri get up and start to walk towards the hospital chapel and I follow her.

Teri walks in and sits down. "Oh Dear God, why? I ask. Why Justin have to die? Why'd he give up? I love him, didn't he know that? We were going to start a life together. Why Ashlee have to get shot? My best friend, why her? Courtney was aiming for me not her. Why Jenni have to die? She was a dear and close friend who loves Jc and he loved her back just like me and Justin. They realized the were more than best friends. Now I'm going to lose another best friend Jc. I'm the reason Jenni is dead he'll hate me now," Teri said crying. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Teri it's not your fault she's dead. Courtney did this. She shot at you and Jenni jumped in front of you. She thought of you like a sister and would do anything include die for you. It wasn't your time to go. That's why you are still here, but it was Justins and Jenni's," I said.

She began to cry and I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder.

"Ms. Stevens, the doctor wants to do a check up," a nurse said.

"Okay, Jc will you stay with me?"

"Yes I will," I said. Walked with her down the hall.........

~~~~FlashBack~~~~at Justin's house~~~~Teri and Justin~~~~
Teri sat on Justin's bed. Waiting for him to come home. He was to be home that day back from the first part of their tour. Teri layed on his bed waiting and fell asleep.

~~~~10 minutes later~~~~

Justin walks into his house. No one is home. He then walks to his room to take a nap. When he opens the door, he sees Teri laying there asleep. "Damn she is so beautiful. Why can't I tell her that I love her? Jc told me to. That it's obvious that she loves me too or Jc said. Last time I checked she was going out with someone, but she didn't seem as happy as she used too," Justin thought to himself.

Justin walked over and layed next to Teri putting his arms around her. He felt her twitch as he touched her back and she began to wake up.

"Ow," Teri said letting out pain.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Nothing you just scared me," she said, but Justin touched her back once again and she twitched again. So he lifted up her shirt and saw 3 big bruises on her back.

"Teri what happened?" Justin asked.

"It was Mark. You know my boyfriend. He slammed me up against a wall a couple times," she said and then she turned to face Justin. "Also he hit me in the face."

Justin saw her black eye. "That bastard how could he do that to you?" Justin questioned.

"I made him mad. I told him that I wanted to be here when you got home. It's all my fault," Teri said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh Teri-Beri it's not your fault no matter what you do he shouldn't hurt you like that," Justin said and started to cry. He could see his best friend hurting and wanted her to be okay.

Later that day Justin went to visit Mark and told him not to ever hurt Teri again or he'd have Justin to answer to. The next day Teri and him broke up with no problem, but he could still see her hurting. He had done what he always told Teri he would do; be her best friend, her protector, and her guardian angel. END OF FLASHBACK~~~~

Justin was her protector, her best friend, and now her guardian angel. Teri had lost Justin. Teri didn't know if she could ever get over the pain, but with the help of Justin's and her's baby. Might be the answer. Teri believed that Justin was her only love. That she would never find another who'd love her like he did.

2 Days Later~~~Justin's Funeral~~~My View~~~

I stood next to Jc as they lowered the casket. I felt tears roll down my eyes. I had lost so much in the past 1 and half. My sister, mother, lover, and a best friend. Amy, Angela, Justin and Jenni meant so much to me. I never knew exactly what Justin meant by his love was stronger then you'll ever know until the day he died. His love for me helped me through loss and pain.

Justin was my first for so many things best friend, love, kiss, and so many more. I'll miss him dearly, but hopefully the baby that's growing inside of will take away some of my hurt and pain. Maybe it will help me live a strong life without Justin. In my heart he's there. I'll miss him, but I know every day that I spent on this earth before he died he loved me. From the very beginning until the very end he stood by me. ~~~~The End~~~~


2 Years After Justin Died~~~~ Teri woke up. With sadness in her eyes. It had been two years since Justin died. She was a mother now. Of a handsome 18 month boy, Justin Randall. She did her best and had moved on she had even fallen in love again.

"Mommy, can I ride up front with you?" Justin asked. With a smile just like Justin's his eyes were as blue as his and his hair was as curly as Justin's. Times like that made her miss Justin more and more.

"Mo honey. Its not safe," She said turning around to see his face.

"Where are we going Mommy?" he was into asking 50 questions about everything.

"We're going to the cemetary to see your Daddy's grave. Remember?" Teri said.

Justin, Teri and the guy she was planning on marrying walked to where Justin's grave was. Teri layed a white rose on the grave and a tear began to roll down her cheek. "Hey Justin, this is our son Justin. He looks so much like you. I miss you, but I've moved on. I know you know I'm getting ready to marry someone. I know you approve of. Remember I always love you in my heart," Teri said. They stayed there for 10 more minutes.

"Ready to go Teri?" he asked.

"I sure am. Thanks again for bringing me and Justin here, Jc," she said and kissed him on the cheek. They walked to the car and returned to their home.
