I Can Love You Better

I Can Love You Better
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri


Amanda and Teri are best friends. They met through their best friends, Brian and AJ. Amanda and Teri had so much in common. Amanda and AJ are best friends, they've known each other since they were born. Brian and Teri have known each other since they were born. Teri and Amanda tastes in clothes, music, and guys were basically the same. They both were in love with their best friends. Neither Brian or AJ knew how Teri ad Amanda felt about them. When both AJ and Brian get new girlfriends they become jealous.

~Chapter 1: Jealousy~

Teri and Amanda had gotten ready to go to a club with AJ and Brian. "Hey T, what time are the guys gonna be here?" Amanda asked.

"I dunno Jacy," Teri answered. Just then the door bell had rung. Teri and Amanda raced to the door. Amanda and Teri's smiles turned to frowns as she saw two girls standing next to Brian and AJ.

"Hey Teri," another guy called it was an ex-boyfriend of hers Joey.

"Hey Jacy," another guy called it was her ex-boyfriend Jc. They were in the music group *N Sync.

Teri turned to Brian and gave him the dirty look. Joey and Teri broke up a month ago. After a 3 month relationship. Jc and Amanda went out for 2 months and broke up two weeks ago.

"T, can I talk to you a second?" Brian asked.

"No, you can't," she said. He dragged her into the kitchen. "Bri, why are they here?" she asked.

"We had dates and we figured you two would get pissed at us if we brought dates and you didn't have any," Brian said.

"Brian Thomas Litrell, this is suppose to be just us four tonite. Remember you said that's what it'd be," Teri said angrily.

"I'm sorry me and AJ met them yesterday," Brian said.

"Whatever Bri. I'm just not going anywhere near Joey," she said walking out of the kitchen Brian following her.

"Teri, Jacy this is Liz and Jessica. Liz, Jess this is Teri and Jacy," AJ said putting his arm around Jessica.

"Where are they from Sweet Valley?" Amanda muttered. Teri laughed and Liz and Jessica gave them dirty looks.

At the Club~~
Teri and Amanda (also goes by Jacy if you haven't noticed) agreed that Teri and Jc would be together and Amanda and Joey would be. Teri watched as Brian and Liz got up to dance. She felt like crying.

"Hey Teri, are you okay?" AJ asked.

"I'm fine. Why you ask?" Teri asked.

"You just look like you are bout to.."

AJ was cut off by jessica, "Dance with me," Jessica said.

"Just a sec," AJ said trying to say something to Teri.

"Dance with me please," she said.

"Ok," he said. They got up and Amanda watched AJ and her dance they were so close. They kissed.

Amanda grabbed Joey. "Let's dance," she said. He said ok. They got up and were dancing close. AJ saw and began to be angry.

"Teri, you okay?" Jc asked.

"I'm fine," she said smiling.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yes, why haven't you asked me to dance?" she said giving him an irrestible smile.

"Teri will you dance with me?" he said.

"Love to," she said. Brian watched as Jc and Teri began to dance he felt hurt seeing her that close with another guy. Then he saw Jc and Teri embrace in a passionate kiss.

~Chapter 2~

Brian couldn't believe how he felt when he saw Jc and Teri kissing. Aj couldn't either. The song ended and Liz and Jess went to the restroom and so did Jc and Joey. It left Teri, Amanda, Aj, and Brian at the table.

"T, what are you doing with Jc?"

"B-Rok, I kissed him is that a crime. Especially since you are the one who brought him here for me. Are you jealous Bri?" Teri asked. She was hoping he'd say yes.

Brian knew he was, but couldn't admit it. "No," he said. Turning Teri's smile into a frown.

"T, come with me to get drinks?" Amanda asked.

"Ok Jacy." she said. As soon as Teri and Amanda walked off Aj and Brian began to talk.

"Yo B-Rok, it's true that you are jealous, isn't it?" Aj asked.

"Yes it is. You are too Bone," Brian said.

"B, I know I am. Teri is jealous too," Aj said.

"Aj I know my best friend. She's not jealous at all. Man, Bone I love her," Brian said.

Aj could not believe Brian uttered those words. "You do?"

"I do. Jc doesn't deserve her at all. Just like Joey doesn't deserve Jacy." Brian said.

Liz and Jessica walked over to the table. "Guys, we're getting tired. Will you take us home?" Liz asked.

"Sure, we need to tell T and Jacy before we go," Aj said.


Teri and Amanda were still at the bar waiting. "Gosh, Jacy why do I every time get my hopes up? Only to get them shot down again?" Teri asked.

"T, it's because you love him. Here he comes now," Amanda said shutting up.

"Hey T."

"Yes Bri?"

"Aj and I are going to take Liz and Jess home," Brian said. Teri all of the sudden felt anger inside of her.

"Twice tonite, our best friends ditch us, right Jacy?" Teri said angrily.

"Ter babe, I'm sorry. After we drop them off I promise you that we will be over there. Promise." Brian said.

"You better B."

"See ya," Brian said giving Teri a kiss on the cheek.

While in the bathroom Liz and Jess worked it out to get Brian and Aj to stay the nite regardless. Aj and Brian drove them both to their house the lights out, windows broken, and the gate open.

"Brian, I'm so scared. I don't wanna stay here by ourselves," Liz said holding on to Brian. Brian knowing he was breaking a promise with Teri and Jacy stayed.

Teri and Amanda said goodnite with Joey and Jc. They both were now going out with the others ex-boyfriend. Teri did it mainly to make Brain jealous. Also she began to see Jc as the guy who she wanted. Teri and Amanda laid on the couch waiting.

"Jacy, where could they be?" Teri asked.

"I dunno T," Amanda said. They both fell asleep on the couch...
