I Never Knew

I Never Knew
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

Justin laid in the hotel room trying to sleep, but he couldn't. That nite seemed to last forever. He had gotten in a fight with his best friend Taylor. He was in love with her. He was going to tell him, but he saw Taylor and with another guy. The guy's name was Brian, her boyfriend of 5 months.

See Justin and Taylor hadn't seen each other in 5 1/2 months. Taylor didn't understand why Justin was so mad.

By 3 Justin had finally fell asleep, but about 4:30 he was jolted from his nitemare by the phone ringing. It was Jc calling. Taylor died at 4:00 she hit by a drunk driver when she was crossing the street after her and Brian broke up.

Justin's nightmare was just like the truth that he just found out. Taylor was gone and he never got to tell her how he felt.

Later after Justin had cried his eyes out he got up to take a shower. After he got out he went into the room of the hotel room where he found a enevelope with his name on it.

He opened it, then started to read it.

Dear Justin,

Hey sweetie. I'm sorry the way I left you in the lobby. I had a realization down there that so stunned me. I went up to mine and Brian's room. I was laying on the bed, then he said, "I love you Taylor," and I said, "I love you, Justin," He got mad at me. Okay whaat I'm trying to say Justin is I love you. I love you so much. Please forgive me for the way I acted.

I love you.....


Just after Justin had thought he din't have anymore tears he started to cry again.

3 Days later~~~

Justin was get ready for Taylor's funeral. He missed her so much. He wanted her to still be alive.

At the church~~

Justin sat next to Taylor's little sister at the service. He didn't feel like he was even there. When they left for the cemetary Justin stayed back for a minute then left for the cemtary. Taylor's Mom asked him to stay a few words and he did.

"Where do I begin...Taylor we miss you baby!! You meant so much to so many paople. You had such a good heart. There is so much I want to say to you. one I never knew you loved me in that way. Which makes me mad because I love you like that too and I should have told you and maybe you would be here. All I know is I miss you. I'm so sorry that I was a jerk to you. I'm sorry I messed up and never told you that I love you, but I never knew you loved me," Justin said letting a few tear flow free. He gathered his self and began to sing one of Taylor's favorite songs, 'Draw Me Close To You' a Christian song.

"Draw me close to you,
Never let me go,
I lay it all down again,
To hear her say that I'm your friend,
You are my desire,
No one else will do,
Nothing else could take your place,
To feel the warmth of your embrace,
Help me find a way,
Bring me back to you,
Your all I want,
Your all I ever needed,
Your all I want,
Help me know you are near,"

Justin finished the song with tears.
