It's Your Love

It's Your Love
By: Teri
For: Lynne
© 1999 Teri

Lynne Chasez watched her husband Jc and their son Justin Matheau from inside their home. Jc was out back pushng their son on the swing. Lynne thought back to the day she and Jc first met.

Lynne was friends with Justin. Justin had told her about a friend of his around her age that he thought she should meet.

"Justin, you better not be setting me up," Lynne said.

"I'd never, Lynne," Justin said with an evil grin on his face.

Lynne got out of Jusitn's car. She walked into the backyard where Justin's friends were. Lynne looked to where Justin's brother Jon was at. She saw this really cute guy. Justin noticed her staring at Jc.

"Are you sure you don't want to meet him?" Justin asked pointing at Jc.

"That's Jc?" Lynne said suprised.

They walked over to Jc. "Lynne this is Jc. Jc this is Lynne," Justin said.

"Justin didn't tell me you were so beautiful," Jc said making her heart melt fast.
~~End of Flashback

Lynne smiled remembering how easily Jc made her feel in one nite. Lynne walked outside on the patio with fresh ice tea. Jc looked up at her and smiled. Lynne sat down and remembered their first date.

Lynne felt so nervous. It was her first date with Jc. So far it had been perfect. Now they were on their way to the beach.

Jc opened the door for Lynne and noticed how beautiful she looked tonite. They were walking for about two minutes. "It's kinda cool," Lynne said. Jc took his jacket off and put it on Lynne's bare shoulders.

"Here," Jc said.

"Thank you," Lynne said.

As they walked they found a nice spot in the sand to sit down and talk. "Lynne you look so beautiful tonite. I've had a great time with you. I like you," Jc said.

"I've had a great time with you too. I also like you too," Lynne said.

"Can I kiss you?" Jc asked. Lynne just smiled, leaned and they kissed softly at first then it became more passionate.
~~End of Flashback

Jc picked up his son Justin and carried him over to sit with his wife Lynne. She was so beautiful. Jc thought back to the nite he asked her to marry him.

Jc knocked on Lynne's door. She wasn't expecting him. Jc had a single white rose with red tip in his hand. It was Lynne's favorite. Also in the center of the rose was a ring.

Lynne opened the door to her suprise Jc was standing behind it. "Jc oh my gosh. I've missed you," she said hugging him.

"This is for you honey," Jc said handing her the rose.

Lynne then saw the ring. "Oh my gosh baby," Lynne said with tears forming in her eyes.

Jc got on one knee and said, "Lynne I love you. Will you marry me?"

Lynne began to cry. "Yes baby. I will," she said. She then kissed him passionately.
~~End of Flashback

The memory made Jc smile. They had always been happy. They had a few bumps along the way but they were always happy together. She had always stood by his side. It was her love that helped him survive all the things in his life.

~~Flashback Ceremony
Lynne stood next to Jc looking very beautiful in her wedding dress. It was Jc's turn to say his vowels he'd wrote.

"Lynne, you are everything to me. It's your love that makes me so happy. I love you," Jc said with tears falling. They said their I dos and were now beginning a new life together.

Jc and Lynne were all sat for their first dance as husband and wife.. It was 98* 'I Do (Cherish You). They danced close.

"Jc, I have something to tell you."


"I'm pregnant," Lynne said.

Jc picked her up and spun her around. "I love you," he said then kissed her passionately.
~~End of Flashback

Lynne held their son Justin Matheau. Tomorrow was his birthday. Justin was going to be two.

"Jc I love you so much baby," Lynne said holding his hand tightly.

"Lynne, I love you too. It's your love that helps me live, honey," he said smiling.

They kissed tenderly. Jc took his son Justin back to the swing. As Lynne watched she whispered to herself, "No baby, it's your love."
