Just Had to Say I Love You, One Last Time

Just Had to Say I Love You, One Last Time
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

Justin sat in the hospital room wide awake, but very tired. He hadn't got a lot of sleep these past weeks. Katie Ann Stewart laid in the bed he kept his eyes on the whole two weeks. Katie was his best friend, girlfriend, soulmate, and lover all in one.

Two weeks ago she and Justin were driving to the beach for their 3 year anniversary. On the way there a drunk driver hit the car head on. Leaving Justin with a broken hand. Katie in a coma. No one knowing if she would make it. Justin's mind was blank most of the time, but every now and then his head would fill up with memories of time spent with Katie Ann.

"Justin, let me go," Katie said laughing. Justin Timberlake was her best friend; she loved him dearly. Justin just got back from tour and him and Katie were spending time together.

"No Katie Ann. Not until you say Justin Randall Timberlake is the sexiest man in the world," Justin said.

"Man, ha. More like boy," Katie said.

"Oh you just admitted I was sexy," he said tickling her more. Justin stopped for a second. Looked into her eyes. He never noticed how beautiful they were.

"What giving up Curly Boy,' she said.

"Never Katie Ann," he said, but instead of tickling her he kissed her passionately.

Katie pulled away, looked into his eyes. "Wow," was all she said.

"Katie Ann, I realized something while I was gone. I love you," he said.

"I love you too Justin," she said kissing him again.
~~End of Flashback

Justin sat beside Katie Ann and held her hand. "Katie, I love you. So much baby. I can't lose you. I lost you once then I found you. I can't lose you again," Justin said crying.

"Justin how could you? I loved you so much and you go and cheat on me, why?" Katie said starting to cry.

"I'm sorry baby. It was a mistake. Please forgive me. I love you." he said starting to cry too.

"No Justin. This hurts too bad. It's over," Katie said walking out of the house.

~~2 Weeks Later~~
Justin was miserable. He missed Katie so much.

"Justin," Katie said walking into his backyard.

"Katie," he said almost crying.

"Justin, I know you never planned to hurt me. I know that. I love you. I can't live without you. It's too hard. I thought about and I forgive you," Katie said.

Justin walked over to her and gave her a passionate kiss. "I love you too Katie Ann," Justin said with tears in his eyes.
~~End of Flashback

The doctors weren't very optimistic about Katie's chance of survival. Just then Katie opened her eyes. Justin rushed to get the doctors. They examined her. They still weren't very hopeful.

~~Later That Nite~~
Justin sat in the room with Katie. "I love you baby," Justin said kissing Katie's hand.

"Justin," Katie began to speak, "I know that I'm not going to make it. Let me finish, but I love you and I'll miss you. I'll be watching over you. Please take care of our baby girl. She needs you," Katie was 8 and half months pregnant when they had the accident and went into labor. Their daughter Laura Ann Timberlake was born. Beautiful healthy baby girl.

"She needs you too Katie Ann. I can't let you go again. I'll die without you. Please Katie don't go," Justin said crying. He hadn't been the good father he promised her before she went into a coma.

Katie began to cry. "Justin Randall Timberlake, you are so amazing. I was so lucky to have you, but I realized the reason I came out was to say goodbye. Also I just had to say I love you one last time," Katie said and closed her eyes and died peacefully.

Justin sat on the couch with Katie in his lap. They were just talking. "Justin, I have news," Katie said.

"What is it my Katie Ann?"

"I'm pregnant," Katie said.

"Are you serious?" He almost began crying when she said it. He picked her up and gave her a huge kiss. "I love you. I'm so happy that we are going to start a family," Justin said crying.

Katie began to cry to. Then he softly kissed her lips.
~~End of Flashback

Justin picked up his two week old baby girl, Laura. "Laura Ann, you look so much like your Mommy. I forgot to tell you I'm you Dad, the one and only Justin Timberlake," Justin started to cry. He was now a father of a little girl. "I love you Laura Ann. If your Mommy could see you she'd be proud of how beautiful you are. That's another thing I need to tell you. I know you don't understand now, but your Mommy died," Justin began to cry. He held his baby girl tightly and began to sing too her. "Can this be real? Can this be true?...." he started singing and she was soon asleep. Justin layed her back in her crib and sat in the rocking chair and watched her sleep.
