[MeaNt To Be WitH YoU]
© 2000 Teri
+ + + + + + + + +

... prologue: geTtiNg staRtEd ...
Joey Timberlake, also known as Josephine Anne or better known as Justin Timberlake's big sister. Also the shy one from the group Glamour Angels. Joey and her 4 best friends, Robyn, Laurel, Kamlyn and Kelli were Glamour Angels. And now they were going on tour with *N Sync. Her very best friend, Robyn was so happy so because she was her lil brother's girlfriend. The other girls were happy too. Laurel and Chris were together. Kamlyn and Jc were also. So was Kelli and Joey.

Joey had an on/off again boyfriend, Jeff. She was unsure about how to feel now without Jeff for 6 months. Also she couldn't imagine being stuck with Lance Bass for 6 months. They were always at each other. She didn't hate him. She just couldn't stand him. She knew he felt the same, but she was glad he agreed to let Glamour Angels go on tour. She had to think them all for letting them get started.

... chapter 1: saYinG gooD-bYe ...
Joey sat outside her house waiting for Jeff. It was 2 days before they left with tour with *N Sync. But tomorrow they had a concert to kick off the tour in Orlando. A white mustang pulled into the driveway and Joey got in. "Hi, honey," Joey said kissing Jeff on the cheek.

Jeff was taking her to her favorite restaurant 'Tiamos' it was Italian. "Jo, you look hot tonite," Jeff said calling her Jo as he usually did.

"Thanks babe," she said grabbing her hand.

When they finished their meal they begun to talk. "I'll miss you honey," Jeff said nossling close to her.

"Let's get out of here. And go to the beach." Joey said.

"Okay." They headed for the beach. As they walked along the beach. Joey began to become sad. She was gonna miss Jeff. She loved him. They found a spot on the beach and sat down. "Jo, you know I love you right?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, and I love you too." Joey said kissing him passionately on the lips. Jeff pulled away from the kiss.

"What's wrong honey?" Joey asked.

"You're leaving in 2 days. What's gonna happen to us?" Jeff asked.

"I love you." Joey said again.

"That doesn't solve everything," Jeff said.

"What are you saying, Jeff?" Joey asked feeling the tears in her eyes.

"I think we should break up," Jeff said.

Joey could feel the words tugging at her heart. "Okay.........Will you take me home?" she asked.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Jeff asked.

"Just take me home." Joey said getting up and the tears beginning to fall.

"Okay," he said putting her hand on his shoulder. She shrugged it away. Joey sat in the car crying on the way home.

Jeff pulled into the driveway. Joey was about to get out of the car, but changed her mind. "Why Jeff? Why?" Joey said the tears falling again. "Why? Because I'll be gone? Why? Isn't loving you enough? Can I ask you one thing?"


"Can I have a good bye kiss?" Jeff didn't say a word he just pulled her in. The kiss seemed to last forever before Joey pulled away. Her tears falling even more now. She put a finger on his mouth them both looking into each others eyes. "I love you. I never imagined wanting to say good-bye let alone actually saying good-bye to you, but I guess I have to. I love you and good-bye," she said holding the tears anymore. She got out of the car and watched as Jeff drove off and whispered, "Good-bye Jeff," the tears falling. Now trying to pull it together. "Good-bye," she said one last time before going in.

... chapter 2: faLlinG ...
As soon as Joey entered her house she saw Justin, Chris, Joey, and Lance sitting in the living room. "You ok, sis?" Justin asked seeing her tears.

"Is the girls here?" she asked.

"Yes they're up in your room, but what's wrong Jo?" Justin asked walking to her and giving her a hug.

"If you really wanna know Jeff broke up with me okay," Joey said.

"I knew he was a jerk," Lance mumbled.

"Lance shut up! Just shut up!" Joey screamed.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"God, could this nite get any worse. First Jeff breaks up with me for no reason and now he's annoying me," Joey said the tears falling. Just then the girls came down. Robyn stood next to Joey.

"What happened sweeti?" she asked.

"Jeff broke-up with her," Justin said.

"Gosh Jo, I'm so sorry. Everyone let's go up and talk," Kelli said putting her arm around her.

"Lance, why'd you say that? She was upset and you made it worse," Jc asked.

"I dunno. i wasn't thinking," Lance said feeling guilty.

"I'm so sorry, Jo," Kamlyn said giving her hug.

"Me too," Kelli said giving her hug too.

"Gosh, why'd he break up with you Jo?" Laurel asked.

"I dunno," Joey said.

"Don't let Lance upset you," Robyn said knowing how easily they go off on each other.

"I'm not," Joey said.

"So how's things going with J?" she asked changing the subject.

"Great,you know that he's a great..." Joey cut her off.

"I don't wanna hear what my brother is good at. How bout your guys? Kamlyn, Kelli, and Laurel?"

"Chris is wonderful," Laurel said joyfully.

"Jc is so great," Kami said.

"Joey is ohhh. So unbelievable," Kelli said.

"Girls I hate to break up the discussion but I'm getting sleepy," Joey said. They all went to sleep.

**Next Morning**
The girls were awoken up by the smell of food. They headed down to the kitchen. To their suprise the guys were cooking. "Lil bro, didn't know you knew what a pot or pan was," Joey said looking at her brother. They were both the same way in the morning grouchy.

"Funny Jo-Jo."

"Hey don't make fun of my man," Robyn said kissing Justin. All of the sudden Joey felt so alone. Looking at how happy all the girls were. Lance felt the same way. Joey sat at the table and Lance came over.

"Hey Jo, Good morning."

"Good morning to you too Lance," Joey said.

"I'm sorry I was a jerk," Lance said.

"No I'm sorry. I was just a lil upset," Joey said. Not feeling annoyed by him for some reason.

Robyn looked at Justin and whispered. "She's falling," "Shut up she is not," Justin whispered back.

"Uh huh and so is he."

"Whatever honey," Justin said.

"I bet by the end of the tour they will be a couple."

"You're on," he whispered.

"We'll work the wages out later," Robyn said kissing his nose.

"Hey Lance ," Joey began, "do you think we could be civil for the tour?"

"I'd like that," Lance said leaning over and hugging Joey. In that simple gesture both Lance and Joey felt something. They both just stayed that way for a few minutes not wanting to let go, but knowing they had to.

... chapter 3: fiNdiNg oUt ...
The Orlando show was sold out. The five girls were so nervous. "Hey sis," Justin said.

"Hey bro," Joey said back.

"Jo-Jo Bear, don't be so nervous," Justin said calling her the childhood nickname he had given her.

"Curly, that's easy for you to say. You've only done this a billion times," she said.

"Relax Jo. You'll be great. Don't worry they'll love you because you are my sister," Justin said messin around. Joey punched him in the arm.

"You are so full of yourself," she laughed out.

It was twenty minutes before the show was to begin and they had to be on stage. The girls joined in with guys in a game of hackey sack. After they finished Joey got down and began to pray, she was so nervous.

Lance saw her down praying. 'God, she looks beautiful," Lance said to himself. He couldn't believe what was going through his mind. "Hey Jo," he said kneeling beside her. "Good luck tonite, I know you will be awesome," he said.

"Thanks," Joey said to Lance giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. She didn't want to let go of him.

"Look at them honey. They're holding on for dear life," Robyn said watching her best friend fall in love rite before her eyes.

"Robyn, you know how Jo feels about Lance. Plus she's getting over Jeff," Justin said watching his two of his best friends in the world fall in love. "Baby can I ask you some advice?" Justin asked nicely.

"Sure sweeti," she said.

"You know Jo said Jeff didn't really say why they broke up," Justin said.


"Well, yesterday I found out Rachael was seeing someone. I was like cool. I'll meet him today when I go see her and she wanted me to. I went to see her and I met her boyfriend it was Jeff. He was cheating on Joey for a while now," Justin said.

"WHAT?" Robyn said loudly. Everyone turned around to see what was up with Robyn and Justin. "Nothin," Robyn simply said. Justin grabbed her by her arm and took into the hallway. "Why'd he do that to her?" Robyn said.

Lance got up to go the bathroom. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew he would have to. "How could that lil jerk cheat on her? Jo, is the sweetest person I ever met, Its rubbed on you. With all the people in the world. Rachael? That lil..." Robyn stopped when she saw Lance. "Hey...Lance, did you hear anything?" Robyn asked.

"Are you gonna tell her?" Lance asked.

"Not tonite, Lance. This nite is too important to her," Justin said knowing how that would break her heart.

"Please don't tell her," Robyn asked.

"I won't. As long as you promise you'll tell her tomorrow," Lance said.

"I will," Justin said.

"Robyn, time to get ready," Joey yelled. Robyn kissed Justin on the nose.

"Good luck, baby," he said.

"Justin, Lance! Come on we gotta go announce the girls," Joey F. yelled.

"Coming!" they yelled back.

The guys walked out onto the stage. "Hello Orlando!" Jc screamed.

"We are here to announce one very special group of ladies," Joey F. yelled.

"These five ladies are very special in our heart," Chris said.

"We know you'll love them," Justin and Lance said. "First on the far left on amazing girl Kelli," Jc yelled.

"Next to her is Kamlyn, but we call her Kami," Chris yelled.

"In the middle is the gorgeous Robyn," Joey F, yelled.

"Next to her is the beautiful Laurel," Lance yelled.

"Last, but definitely not least, is none other than my big sister, who I call Jo-Jo Bear, but you can call her Jo or Joey. She is Jo-Jo," Justin yelled. "And they are the 'Glamour Angels'" Justin yelled. The crowd went nuts.

"Hello, Orlando!" Joey yelled.

"Let's get this party started girls," Robyn yelled. The girls did a couple of dance routines and a few songs. After that they got ready to sing their final song of the nite.

"Our first CD will be out on March 14. One month from today. Only one week before 'No Strings Attached' comes out," Kelli said.

"This is our final song of the nite," Laurel said.

"This is also our first single off our debut CD," Kami said. "Our Lucky Stars is the name of the CD out March 14."

"Forever In My Heart" Joey said. The girls got into their spots for the song.

'Forever In My Heart'

I've known you for quite a while
I've watched how much you've grown
With your voice, your song so sweet
You're the perfect melody

You've changed my life for the better
You've made me come alive
You put together all the pieces
to complete my soul inside

You're forever in my heart
your spirit by my side
I'm wishin' you were here with me
to bring my endless dreams to life
From all the time I've spent thinking of you
I'd tell you this if you were near
that You're forever in my heart
and my love is always here

Your personality is overwhelming
You're always there when I'm feelin' down
Never afraid to help someone in need
Oh baby you can do it all (Joey and Robyn)

You've opened my eyes to a new creation
It's the love I hold for you
Where's the path that leads to your heart
I'll do whatever I have to do...


(Kelli and Laurel)
All these feelings I have inside
I'm reserving all for you
For now I will just have to wait
'til you can make my dreams come true...


The song had came off beautifully. The audience loved it. "Thank you. You've been wonderful," Laurel said. "Once again..I'm Laurel."

"And I'm Kelli."

"I'm Kami."

"And I'm Robyn."

"I'm Joey and we are 'Glamour Angels."

*N Sync came on. During the first part the girls went to change for later. Finally they were on their last song. 'This I Promise You'. "In honor of Valentine's Day we wanted to do something special for the special ladies in our life," Lance said.

"We will sing 'This I Promise You'" Joey F said.

"Wait all but Lance," Justin said the girls going ahhhhhh.

"Bring the Glamour Angels back out," Jc yelled to the back. The crowd began to go crazy. They went ah with each girl standing next to their man.

"Hey Lance, you can sing to Jo," Chris said. The crowd went ah again. All the guys had red roses except Lance. The one he gave Joey was yellow, as a sign for friendship. Each girl gave the guy a kiss on the cheek. They began to sing the song each guy holding the girl's hand.

'This I Promise You'

The visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Is standing here all alone

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right
Where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
Know this feeling won't go away
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
I promise you

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right
Where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
And know this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
I promise you

During the whole song Lance looked into Joey's beautiful hazel eyes. Joey was staring back into his eyes. The whole time their hearts were racing.

At the end of the song, Lance not knowing his microphone was still on leaned over and whispered to Joey. "Jo, you look so beautiful tonite," Lance said. The audience and both groups went ahhh. Lance and Joey blushed terribly.

The guys said goodnite. They went back to the bus. The guys got on the bus and took their showers. Everyone went out, but Lance and Joey stayed on the bus.

"You okay, Jo?" Lance asked her.

"No," she begun, "Why does Valentine's Day always suck for me?" Joey said feeling the tears in her eyes. Lance saw how much she was hurting. Lance turned on the radio and one of Joey's favorite songs came on. "May I have this dance?" Lance asked. Joey didn't say a thing she just got up and went into Lance's arms.

(Holly Lamar, Stephanie Bentley)

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away

All my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart

‘Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
I'm closer than I've ever felt before
And I know
And you know
There's no need for words right now

‘Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way

Through the whole song their hearts raced. When the song ended Joey and Lance not wanting to let go of each other stayed in each others arms. Their eyes met, they could feel the attraction. Their lips only inches away........

... chapter 4: tRutH huRtS ...
Justin and Robyn walked in interupting Joey and Lance's kiss. "Whoops!" Justin said. Joey broke free from Lance's arms and ran out the door. Lance began to follow her, but Justin stopped him. "Let me go talk to her," he said walking out of the bus.

Joey stopped as soon as her feet hit the ground. She never imagined herself feeling this way about Lance. She was so confused. She just yesterday broke up with Jeff. Tomorrow began the long 6 months of tour they were off to Alanta, Georgia.

"Jo, are you okay?" justin asked hugging his sister.

"No," she said putting her head on his shoulder. All his life he had hardly ever seen his big sister cry, but now twice in one day. To him she was the unbreakable thing.

"I'm so confused Curly," she said letting the tears fall.

"Jo-Jo Bear, Lance is a good friend to have. You can be friends with him you know," Justin said.

"What if? What if? I wanted him as more than a friend. I dunno baby bro what to do......" she cut off.

"About what sis?" he asked looking in the direction she was. He saw Jeff and Rachael arm in arm and heading their way.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Jo," he said.

"You knew..?" she questioned.

"I found out today sis, and I didn't want you to be upset for the show. I was going to tell you tomorrow," he said.

"Hey Justin, Jo....I want you two to meet my boyfriend, Jeff," Rachael said.

Joey's eyes filled with tears. "You jerk," she said then slapped him.

"Why the hell did you slap my boyfriend?" Rachael said slapping Joey. Jeff grabbed Rachael as Justin did to Joey.

"Because your asshole of a boyfriend cheated on my sis with you," Jusitn said. Joey ran back onto the bus she was so hurt.

Lance and Robyn were sitting down waiting for Justin and joey come back. They heard the door open and joey walked in. "You okay, Jo?" Robyn asked her best friend.

"No," she said. Lance got up and hugged her.

"Did Justin tell you about Rachael and Jeff?" both Robyn and Lance asked.

"You 2 knew? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"Justin wanted too," Robyn said.

Joey at the that moment was so confused and hurt. "Come on, Lance, tell me I told you so about Jeff," Joey yelled.

"What? I'm not going to," Lance said.

"The all and mighty Lance is always rite. You jerk!" she screamed.

"Why are you so pissed at me Jo?" he asked.

"Because you were rite and God Dammit I'm falling for you," Joey yelled. Then broke down in Lance's arms kissing him with all the passion she had.

Justin and Robyn slipped out of the bus leaving Joey and Lance to be alone.

The kisses became more intense. "Maybe we should stop, Jo?" Lance questioned.

"Do you want to Lance?" she asked in between kisses.

"No, you?" he asked.

"No, lets go to our room then," she said. Lance kissed her and picked her up carried her to the room.

The whole nite they were in their world. Not stopping for anything making passionate love to each other. Finally about 4:00 am they fell asleep in each others arms.

**Next Morning**
Lance kissed Joey to wake her up. She began to wake up hesitantly just being like Justin in the morning. "Hey beautiful," he whispered in her ear.

"Hey sexy," she said a little sleepily. "Lance you were wonderful last nite," she said.

"You too Jo," he said kissing her passionately. They got some clothes on and headed to the main room in the bus.

"Good morning you two. Sleep well?" Joey F. asked.

"Yes," they said in unison. Lance grabbed her hand holding it and sitting down at the table.

"Well we didn't." Kelli said hugging Joey F. and yawning.

"You wanna know why?" Justin asked.

"Sure," they said.

"OH LANCE! OH LANCE YES!" Robyn yelled. Joey and Lance laughed.

"Then how bout..OH JO! OH GOD JO! OH GOD YES JO!" Jc screamed.

"Then the sound of your bouncing beds," Kami said.

"Then the sound of you banging into the walls," Chris said.

"Then stuff crashing to the floor," Laurel said.

All breakfast Joey and Lance fed each other.

"I win," Robyn whispered in Justin's ear then kissed his nose. Which by now if you couldn't tell he loved.

"You'll get your prize soon," he said kissing her nose which she didn't like too much.

"Hey Jo still wanna go shopping in Atlanta?"Laurel asked.

"Oh yeah. Would I turn that down?" she said.

"Well take a shower and get your ass dressed and we'll go," Robyn said.

"Okay," Joey said getting up, Joey got up and Lance was soon to follow, but at Kami's command Jc grabbed him.

"You stay here...So we can go shopping today,' Kami said to Lance. Joey kissed him on the nose then softly on the lips.

"Miss you," she said and was off to her shower..

... chapter 5: jeAloUsY ...
Joey was in the shower for what seemed to be forever. She got out to find Lance laying asleep on their bed. She had to admit she was tired also.

Joey got dressed in a black pair of pants and a baby blue tank top. She went back into the bathroom put a little makeup on and dried her hair and put it up in a ponytail.

Joey shook Lance. "Baby, I'm gonna go, now. See you when we get back," Joey said kissing his nose.

"Can't you stay for a few more minutes?" Lance asked grabbing onto her waist.

"No, sweeti. I can't. You know they'll kill me then you. You know how Robyn is if she doesn't get to shop," Joey said trying to wiggle free.

"I don't care. I want you now. Just Stay," Lance said kissing Joey passionately trying to persuade her to stay.

As they were in the middle of that passionate kiss someone walked in as Joey was on top of Lance.

"Lance I was wondering if......Oh my God," Brooke said shocked at were Joey was at. Brooke was Lance's best friend. Also Joey swore that she was in love with him. The way she jumped all over her when her and Lance argued.

Joey jumped up from Lance straightening out her shirt. "Hi, Brooke. Nice to see you," Joey said.

"Wish I could say the same," she muttered.

"See you later, sweeti," Joey said kissing Lance on the lips trying to make Brooke jealous and she knew it was working.

"Bye, Brooke," Joey said walking out the door.

Joey was relieved when she got out of there. "Robyn, you sent her in there on purpose," Joey said.

"Maybe I did."

"You know she hates me."

"Well, now you know how I feel when Lauren is around," Robyn said.

The five girls were now on their way to the mall. "Well, well Mr. Bass, you looked awful comfy with Ms. Joey Timberlake on top of you," Brooke said.

"Yeah, so. You gotta problem with that?" Lance said.

"You know she's such a little bitch. She thinks she such a little hot shot because her baby brother is Justin Timberlake. Now that she's on tour with you," Brooke said looking straight into Lance's eyes.

"Brooke, God....for once in this friendship, can't you like my girlfriend. Jo is wonderful. I wish you'd stop being so damn jealous of her," Lance said angrily.

"I can't when I'm in love with you,' Brooke said. Lance had heard this several times from her.

"Brooke, if you can't except my relationship with Jo than there is no way we can be friends," Lance said.

"Come on Lance, we are meant to be together. I know you want to be with me," Brooke said climbing onto his lap.

"Brooke get off of me," Lance said pushing her away.

"No," Brooke said kissing him forcefully.

"Is anyone here?" Jessica asked walking into the bus. Jessica was Glamour Angels manager.

"Oh my gosh......Lance how could you do this to Joey?" Jessica said.

"No wait this is not what it looks like," Lance said.

"I told you if we are gonna be together you gotta leave Joey."

"God, shut up Brooke. Please go. Just go," Lance said opening the door. Tears filled her eyes as she walked out the door.

~*At the Mall~*
Robyn and Joey took off together. While Kami, Kelli, and Laurel went off together.

"Where to first Jo?" Robyn asked.

"Well I wanna to get a little somethin special for Lance. If you know what I mean," Joey said. Robyn laughed because she was thinking about the same thing except for Justin.

"Okay, then lets go to Victoria Secret. I need to grab something for your little brother," Robyn said stopping because knowing that Joey would kill her if she said anymore.

Right away Joey found this little baby blue number because that was her favorite color. Then Robyn found this other little baby blue number because of course it was Justin's favorite color. Then she found a black one that she loved.

It took Joey another 10 minutes before she found one she liked and thought Lance would love.

~*~Back At The Bus*~*
Justin sat thinking of so many times he had spent with Robyn the whole time they had been together.

Justin sat on the couch. He was on a break and the American tour was about to start. He was tired, but lonely. One of Joey's friends Robyn was coming over. Joey and Robyn had been friends since they had moved to Orlando. There was a knock at the door. "Will you get Justin," Joey yelled.

"Sure sis," he said.

He opened the door to see Robyn standing there. Justin looked at her. For some reason Robyn had caught his eye tonite. "Hi, Justin," Robyn said.

"Hey squirt," Justin said he had called her that forever.

Robyn walked in and went into the kitchen to see Joey talking on the phone with Jeff. Justin walked in behind her. Robyn hated when people came up behind her and tickled her and Justin knew that. He did just that. Robyn screamed. "GOSH Justin!" He tickled her again. "Stop Justin."

"No," Justin said grabbing her by the waist. Robyn at that moment felt a sensation in her body..She took a foam bat on the ground and hit Justin with it. He was squirming. Robyn got him backed up into a corner. He had a hold of her wrists. They stared into each others eyes. Neither of them realized what was going on until Joey came in dropping her stuff.
**End of Flashback**

Ever since that day Robyn had been his rock and grounded him when he needed it. He loved her so much.

Lance walked in taking Justin out of his thoughts. "Hey what are you thinking, Curly?" Lance said.

"About Robyn. Hey Lance will you go with me to a jewelry store?"

"Sure bud, why?" Lance inquired.

"I'm gonna get Robyn a promise ring," Justin said.

"That's great bud. Let me get my wallet," Lance said. Justin and Lance were off.

**At the Mall**
The girls had met back up at food court. They were just talking. Joey was daydreaming and thinking about Lance. She was so happy. "So Jo, tell us are you in love with Lance?" Laurel asked. The words were suck in her head. She didn't know.

She questioned herself. 'Do I love Lance? Do I honestly love him?'

... chapter 6: meMoRies ...
"Do you love him Jo?" Kelli asked.

"Do you?" Laurel asked.

"Earth to Jo! You in there?" Kami said.

"Guys they haven't even been together a day. Give her the chance to fall in love." Robyn said.

Joey sat at home waiting for Jeff get there. It was their one year anniversary. She was so nervous because Jeff said he had something important to tell her.

Joey had prepared a nice dinner for two. Her family had let her have the house for the nite.

Joey was wearing a baby blue sundress and her hair was in french braids. She was so nervous for tonite.

*Ding Dong*
Joey got up and walked to the door opening it seeing Jeff there her heart was racing. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She and Jeff had gone out hundreds of times in that past year.

Jeff walked in and kissed her on the cheek. They sat in the dining room and ate. They barely spoke the whole time. Jeff did to tell her how amazingly sexy he thought she looked tonite.

"Jo, baby, you did a wonderful job on dinner tonite. You are amazing," he said grabbing her hand.

They walked into the den. Joey turned on some music. 'I Swear' by All-4-One was on. That was the first song they had danced to. It was their song.

"Dance with me, Jo," Jeff said. Joey got up and went into Jeff's arms.

They danced all nite in each others arms. That was Joey's favorite memory that she and Jeff spent together.

"Jo, I want you to know somethin," Jeff begun, "I love you! So I much," he finished. The words repeated in Joey's head several times before she spoke again.

"I love you too, Jeff," she said kissing him.

"There's somethin else. I love you and I want to be with you in every way possible that I can be. As long as you are willing to be there to. I want to make love to you Josphine Anne Timberlake," Jeff said.

Joey kissed him. Deep in her heart she wanted it to. In that nite Joey made love for the first time in her life and to Jeff.
**End of FlashBack**

A tear fell from Joey's eye.

"Jo, girl are you okay?" Robyn asked. Joey hadn't even noticed the others leaving.

"You ready go look for an outfit for the interview," Robyn said.

"Yeah," Joey said wiping a tear away from her face.

The memories had flooded her. She was beginning to miss Jeff. Even after he was a jerk. For now she had to forget about him.

Glamour Angels were doing an interview on a new show for MTV with Carson Daly. It was for up and coming groups.

**Jewelry Store**
Justin and Lance walked into what was their forth store. Justin finally found what he was looking for. It was a silver ring with two diamond hearts.

**The Mall**
"Shit, Jo. It's 3:30. We gotta go." Robyn said. Their interview began at 4:15. They got out of there and headed to the bus.

**The Bus**
"Where the hell are they?" Justin asked. "They'll be here. Chill out," Lance said.

Justin then Robyn and Joey walked in with bags in their hands.

"Finally," Kami said.

"You two ready?" Kelli asked. They grabbed their sunglasses and put their bags in their rooms and were ready.

"Then lets go!" Laurel yelled.

They took off to the studios with the guys rite behind them.

The girls were so nervous. It was time to come out.

Carson: Now introducing a hot new female group. Now on tour with the guys from *N Sync. Kami, Kelli, Laurel, Robyn, and Joey. The Glamour Angels.

The show was finally over. There were so many questions about the girls relationship with the guys. Then the ever so popular question to Joey. 'Were you ever or now jealous of you baby brother's success?'

How was someone suppose to answer it. She never really thought of it until they got the opening act for *N Sync.

At the end they sung Forever In My Heart. The show went great for them.

After the show, they all went to the bus. "We're gonna talk for a little while. Then I'll be with you in bed. I'll be thinkin bout you sweeti," Lance said.

"Well you better not be long. I've got a suprise for you," Joey said kissing Lance on the forehead.

"You too baby," Robyn said kissing Justin on the nose.

Lance stayed for a little while then was off to bed. So anxious for Joey's suprise.

... chapter 7: i loVe yoU ...
***At the Bus***
The guys sat around talking about the events of the nite. The interview and as soon as Lance left they asked me what I thought. 'Justin are you okay with them seeing each other?" Jc asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. She's okay with me and Robyn," he said.

"But still man, she's your sister. It's gotta feel strange," Chris said.

"If I told her that I felt strange about it, then she brought up me being with Robyn. I go that's different. In not so many ways she'd say I was a fucking asshole," Justin said.

"Just not with those words," Joey F. said.

"No, when she is pissed she'll spout out cuss words like nothin else," Justin said.

**Joey & Lance's Room**
Lance walked into the room. The lights were off with candles all around the room. Soft music playing. Lance looked over the room finally getting to the bed seeing Joey laying there in a baby blue nightie that he thought looked great on her.

Lance didn't know what to say, he just walked over to Joey and kissed her. the kiss was full of passion and energy.

Lance pulled away and looked into her eyes. "I love you, Jo," he said. Joey didn't say anything just kissed him passionately wanting him like she had the nite before. She needed him. That nite they made love again. At that moment in Joey's life she knew that she was falling in love with him.

**Back With The Guys**
"Do you wonder why she slept with him so quickly?" Jc asked.

"Could they have been seeing each other before that?" Joey F asked.

"Jo would never cheat on Jeff. You know how they acted towards each other before yesterday morning. I know my sis. You'd be able to tell with her," Justin said.

Jc decided to change the subject.


A crash from Joey and Lance's room which made the guys bust up laughing. "Um, J do you think that Jo is in your shadow?" Jc asked. "No, I don't know why people ask that. It's crazy. I don't think it and neither does Jo," Justin said.

They sat around talkin a little bit longer before Justin decided to go to bed. "I'm gonna go get my suprise for being a good little boy," Justin said. The guys laughed and Justin walked into his room.

**Robyn & Justin's Room**
Justin was nervous for tonite about giving her the ring. Justin walked into the room to see Robyn asleep on the bed in a sexy baby blue nightie that he loved on her. He noticed it was new. That must have been the suprise and now she was asleep.

Justin snuck into the shower. He in a way felt a little disappointed but knew it was partly his fault. If he would have been in a little sooner he would have gotten that suprise and they probably be going til morning.

Justin came out of the shower and put on a pair of silk baby blue boxers that Robyn had given him and they were his favorite.

He crawled up next to her knowing in the back of his head she just might wake up. She did.

"Sorry, baby, didn't mean to wake you," Justin said.

"No, honey I'm glad you did," Robyn said. "I wanted tonite to be special and I messed that up," Robyn said.

"No, baby every nite being with you is special," Justin said.

"Aww honey. You know just what to say to make me love you even more," Robyn said kissing Justin's neck. Robyn wanted Justin so bad rite now and she knew he wanted her to. Justin then in a moment that he wanted to be with Robyn forever. He changed his mind. That ring wasn't gonna be a promise ring. In his heart that was what the 'I love you' ring meant to him. Justin had made up his mind he was gonna ask Robyn to be his wife. To marry him.

Robyn and Justin had been together for six wonderful months. He was in love with her and he had decided he was gonna tell her.


Justin went to the door letting Robyn in. "Hey, honey," Robyn said kissing him on that cute little nose of his.

"Hey baby. You look so beautiful tonite," Justin said. Robyn was wearing a khaki skirt with a baby blue top.

Justin had dinner waiting for them. Justin loved her and was going to tell her. Only thing left was being with her. So many nites she spent at his house and all he did was watch her sleep. They hadn't had sex yet. Justin wanted his and her and their first time to be perfect and he knew that it was tonite.

"Honey, I love you," Robyn said.

Justin was speechless for a second and he just handed her the box. She opened it. Robyn first saw a silver locket. Engraved on the front 'Robyn and Justin forever' and on the back 'I love you, always'. Then in the box was a silver ring with two heart shaped stones. One was her birthstone and the other was his.

He put the locket on her kissing her neck. He turned her around.

"I love you, too baby," he said.

Then he began to sing a song.

'If Tomorrow Never Comes' by: Garth Brooks

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

After he finished he kissed her. "Read the inscription," he said. It said, 'If Tomorrow Never Comes...Know I love you baby'.

Robyn felt tears in her eyes. "I love you baby," Justin said.

"I love you, too, honey," Robyn said.

Justin kissed her and from there they got lost in their kisses and for the first time made love.
**End of Flashback**

"Wait baby," Justin said.

"What honey? Don't you like my nightie? Don't you wanna make love to me?" Robyn said kissing his neck trying to entice him.

"Baby, I do, but I wanna ask you somethin."

"What honey?" she asked still kissing his neck.

"I love you, Robyn and I have for so long. I wanna spend forever with you. You have been my angel, my everything," he said then begun to sing.

*Music of My Heart*

You'll never know
What you've done for me
What your faith in me
Has done for my soul
You'll never know the gift
You've given me
I'll carry it with me yea, yeah, yeah
Through the days ahead
I'll think of days before
You made me hope for something better
Yes you did
And made me reach for somethin' more
You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Yeah, yeah
You opened my eyes
You opened the door
To somethin' I've never known before
And your love
Is the music of my heart
Music of my heart
You were the one
Always on my side
(Always on my side)
Always standin' by
(Always standin' by)
Seein' me through
You were the song
That always made me sing
I'm singin' this for you
Singin' this for you baby
Everywhere I go
I think of where I've been
(Think of where I've been)
And of the one who knew me better
Than anyone ever will again

What you taught me
Only your love could ever teach me
You got through when
No one could reach me before
'Cause you always saw in me
the best that I could be
It was you who set me free


Music of my heart
Music of my heart
Is the music of
My heart

After Justin finished he got down on his knee and pulled the ring out. "Robyn, my everything. I want you to be my wife. I love you. Will you marry me?" Justin asked leaving Robyn speechless.

... chapter 8: a KiSs fRom tHe pAst ...
**Joey & Lance's Room**
Joey laid in Lance's arms watching him sleep. "Oh Lance, honey why did you have to say those three words that scare me so much," Joey said.

Joey laid there for a moment wondering why she couldn't sleep. She closed her eyes for a second her thoughts drifting.

Joey walked into her house. She was late for dinner with Justin, Robyn, Jc, Kami, and some friends of Justin and Jc's.

She walked into the family room. "Justin, I'm sorry...." her voice trailed off when she didn't see Justin, but she saw 4 guys and 4 girls. She didn't know anyone, but Kami, Jc, and Robyn. She noticed a blonde hair guy with gorgeous green eyes sitting by Jc.

"Where the hell have you been?" Justin yelled walking into the room.

"I'm so sorry. I was with Jeff because..." She started but Justin cut her off.

"Tonite was important to me you knew that and your off in bed with Jeff."

"How dare you Justin?" Joey yelled the words he said hurt her.

"Justin Randall Timberlake, calm down!" Robyn said.

"I will not fucking calm down! Ever since you have been with Jeff. I was a back seat to him. You are my sister and best friend. I am tired of it. Two fucking years Jo!" Justin yelled at her.

Tears began to fill her eyes. "God Dammit, Justin! What you don't realize Justin for a year and half I was back seat to my brother and also to my best friend. You two were together and you both did exactly what you promised not to do. I never meant to push you to the back seat in my life." Joey said now full pledged tears.

"Is nothing in my life fucking important to you? Am I not important to you?" Justin yelled.

"God, Justin you are. You're my brother. I never meant to hurt you. You are so important to me. Anyways I wasn't fucking Jeff. We got in a fight. On why I was coming and breaking our date. We were arguing I kept trying to go, but then he told me that his mom was really sick and he needed me, but you know what. I said I had to go. I'm so fucking sorry that I'm such a lousy person. No wait a lousy friend! Or even better a lousy sister," she yelled running out of the room crying.

"No, Jo wait! Don't....." Justin began, but she was out the door before he had a chance. They heard her car start.

"Justin why in the hell did you just do that?" Robyn asked in an angry tone by her boyfriend actions toward her best friend.

"I dunno," he said. He couldn't believe he was such a jerk.

"Excuse me guys, I left something in my car," Lance said walking out the door.

When Lance got to his car he noticed Joey sitting on a swing. He walked over to her.

"It's a beautiful nite," he said. "Mind if I sit down?" Lance asked.

"No, go ahead," she said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Don't let what happened in there between me and my brother effect what you think of him. He's a great brother. By the way my name is Josephina Anne Timberlake. Everyone calls me Joey or Jo," Joey said.

"I'm James Lance Bass, but they call me..." he said.

"Lance," she said. "I heard my brother talking to you on the phone and about the group. I'm sorry I ruined the nite for you guys," Joey said.

"You didn't," Lacne said. In that moment their eyes met and they both leaned in and their lips met and they kissed. Joey's for a moment moved to his neck the back up.

Then in that moment she remembered Jeff.

"I can't do this Lance," she said getting up and going to her car.
**End of Flashback**

**Robyn & Justin's Room**
Robyn never expected this she loved him so much and knew she wanted to be with him forever. "Yes, Justin I will marry you," Robyn said kissing him and they continued on to make love for the whole nite.

**Joey & Lance's Room**
Joey was awake. She thought of the first kiss that they had shared nearly three years ago.

"Back then three long years ago Lance, I fell in love with you. Did you hear that?" Joey said to him thinking he was asleep, but he was actually awake the whole time.

Jc was up early. He and Kami had a fight last nite when he went to bed.

"Hey Jc. What are you doing up already?" Lance asked.

"Didn't sleep well me and Kami had a fight. I'd rather not talk about it," he said.

"Okay bud," he said.

"Where's Jo?"


They talked a few minutes longer and Justin came from his room. "Good morning, guys," he said cheerfully.

Few minutes after that Joey F. and Chris followed.

The girls were in the shower the first to come was Kami not talking to anyway obvisouly still mad. Then Laurel and Kelli followed.

Finally Joey came from her room. "Good morning, Baby," he said kissing Joey. "You smell good. I heard you," Lance said no one, but Joey and Lance knew what they were talking about.

"I'm glad you did. I love you," she said kissing him everyone stunned to hear what she said.

Finally Robyn walked out tired, but cheerfully. "We got news," Justin said.

"What?" Joey asked.

Robyn held her left hand out.

"We're engaged," they said at the same time.

No one knew what to say they were shocked.

... chapter 9: beTraYaL ...
"So what do you all think?" Robyn asked. Still there was silence.

"Come on guys," Justin said.

"You two are too young little brother," Joey said.

"She's rite Justin. I thought it was just a promise ring," Lance said.

"Jo, out of everyone I thought you would be happy for us. You too Lance," Justin said.

"Robyn you are just 18," Kami began, " What about the group?" she finished.

"Well I'm happy for you," Jc said.

"You would be...Since it means that I disagree with you. Now you can go find a girl who agrees with you definetely and fuck her just like the last one!" Kami yelled walking out the bus.

Jc was speechless.

"Jo, I don't understand you. Nothing will happen between us. Anyways...you shouldn't talk about sudden things. Yesterday you didn't know how you felt about Lance. Now you say you love him. Don't tell me how to run my life. Also you almost married Jeff last year," Robyn said angry.

"Mom and Dad stopped you. Please be happy for us sis. I don't want another fight like we did 3 years ago," Justin said.

"Fine because I was talking to your fiancee not you," Joey said.

"I supported you with Jeff."

"Don't tell me how to feel about Lance. Yeah some friend you turn out to be you supported me to marry an asshole!" Joey yelled walking out followed by Lance.

**At a Club**
"Justin we're so happy for you man," Jc said over the loud music. Justin took another drink of tequilla it was around his fifth since they got there like thirty minutes ago.

The others got up and danced. He wanted Jo and Lance to be happy for him and Robyn.

"Hey Hottie!" a familiar female voice called.

"Lauren!" Justin said giving her a hug.

"Where's your girl?" she asked.

"Not here we're celebrating tonite. Me and her are engaged," Justin said his speech slurring.

"I'm happy for you."

"How happy?" he asked. Justin was so drunk that Lauren could get away with what she wanted because she was so mad she loved Justin.

"This happy," she said passionately kissing Justin and he returned the kiss.

They danced for 2 hours straight.

'Baby, lets go to the back room."

"Okay," Justin said following Lauren.

**With Joey & Lance**
"Jo what's really bothering you? I know it's not their engagement," Lance said.

"How do you know?" Joey asked angrily.

"I know you better than that," Lance said.

"You do? Then why didn't you try to get us together after we first kiss?" Joey asked.

"You had a boyfriend and I was confused," Lance said.

"I don't want to talk anymore Lance. You wouldn't understand," Joey said.

"Try me," he said

"Just go back to the bus. I need to be alone," Joey said.

"But," Lance began,

"Just go," Joey said.

He did as she asked and left. On his way back he called Brooke and asked her to meet him at the bus in ten minutes.

**With Justin & Lauren**
"Justin, come here," Lauren said sitting on the pool table.

He did. Justin then went in and kissed her. His lips moving to his neck. He took off his shirt then hers. Moving his lips farther down.

**With Jc, Chris, & Joey F**
"Where's Justin?" Jc asked.

"In the back with Lauren," Joey said.

"I'm gonna go get him," Jc said. Justin was busy trying to get Lauren's pants off, but realized what he was doing and pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"I love Robyn. I'm gonna marry her," Justin said.

Jc walked in to see Lauren putting her shirt on. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Lauren said walking out the door.

"What are you thinking man?" Jc asked.

"I dunno," Justin said.

"You're engaged," Jc said.

"I know!" Justin said sitting down in disbelief.

**Lance and Brooke**
"I knew she was bad," Brooke said.

"Stop Brooke. I asked you here to listen to me. Not bash Jo," Lance said.

Joey was walking back to the bus when she saw the window to her and Lance's room open. She heard voices. She looked and saw Brooke.

"I love you, Lance," Brooke said kissing him passionately.

Joey turned away and fell to the ground crying.

Jeff saw Joey on the ground. "Oh Jo, I'm sorry," he said knowing what happened.

"Let me take you to my room," Jeff said. She was in shock she couldn't move. Jeff picked her up and placed her in his car and left for his hotel room.
