Missing You

Missing You
By: Teri
For: Ashley
© 1999 Teri

Oh baby I'm missing you
We used to love so strong
Tell me where did I go wrong
Oh baby I'm missing you
They say I learned to forget
But it sure ain't have been you

Justin sat in his Orlando home that he used to share with his girlfriend Ashley. About two weeks ago Ashley just left. No reason. Not even a good-bye. Justin was heartbroken. Asley was the only girl he ever loved.

Ashley walked along the beach, her long blonde hair blowing in the room. She was meeting justin there. Justin walked up behind her and put his hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?" he said trying to disguise his voice.

"My boyfriend...um...which one.....um Brian," she said laughing.

"Hey," he cried.

"I was just joking with you sweetie," she said kissing him tenderly.
~~End of flashback

Tears began to fall from his eyes. How could she be gone he thought. "God, I miss you Ashley," Justin cried.

Been checkin' out the places where we used to go
Looking for your faces at the crowd
I've been talkin' to the people that we used to know
But nobody wants to say where you hang out

Justin walked the park where they use to have picnics all the time. Justin was praying that Asley would be there, but she wasn't so he sat under the tree they always sat at.

"Justin, you know what?"

"What Ash?"

"I'm going to tell you something I've never told a guy before," she said smiling.

"What honey?" he asked.

"I love you, Justin. I love you so much."

Justin felt his heart beating faster and faster. He was so happy. "I love you too honey," Justin said kissing her passionately.
~~End of flashback

Ashley was the girl Justin wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but he wasn't quick enough. He chickened out everytime.

And when I call your phone
Seems like you're never ever home
And you don't return my calls
It tears me apart, it's breakin' up my heart

Justin picked up the phone and dialed her number. The machine picked up, "Hey this is Ash. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you," she said happily.

"Ash, it's Justin. Please call me. I love you."

Ashley went to grab the phone. She picked it up. "Justin, I miss you..." she heard dial tone. "I love you too," she said and sat down and cried.

"Justin, I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay anymore. Things were getting too hard," Ashley cried.

Justin sat in their home as she gathered her things. "Ash, I love you. Don't go. Please." Justin said crying.

"I have to," Ashley said and walked out the door. Ashley got into her car and laid her head on the steering wheel. "I love you Justin. Come after me. I don't want to go," Ashley said crying.
~~End of flashback

Ashley went to her room and laid on her bed and cried.

Oh baby I'm missing you
We used to love so strong
Tell me where did I go wrong
Oh baby I'm missing you
They say I learned to forget
But it sure ain't have been you

Ashley missed Justin so much. She didn't know why she left him. To her it felt right, but it wasn't. He was the best thing in her life.

~~Flashback: 1st Date
Justin stood outside Ashley's door nervous. It was their first date and Valentine's Day. Justin had a single white and red rose in his hand. Also a little stuffed teddy bear.

Ashley opened the door. "Hi," she said nervous.

"Hi, this is for you," Justin said handing her the roses and the teddy bear.

"Thanks Justin. That was so sweet," she said kissing him on the cheek.

Ashley held bear tight to her. She named him Justin. He was so adorable. She began crying again thinking of all the happy times.

I still have your pictures hung around my room
It's the only thing that's left of you and me
Girl what can I do to let you come back soon
And make it just the way it used to be

Justin looked up onto the wall and saw pictures of him and Ashley. One picture was of him and her in Memphis.

"Why won't you tell me where we are going?" Justin cried blindfolded.

"Its a suprise," Ashley laughed.

"We are here," Ashley said and took his blindfold off. He looked around to see his Mom, Dad, and the rest of his family right there.

"Happy Birthday sweetie," she said kissing him tenderly when his brother Jon yelled out.

"That's gross." Everyone cracked up.

"Thanks babe. I love you," he then kissed her again.

Ashley made him so happy. Now it seemed she was memory now.

Oh is there someone new?
I can never go on without you
Girl I don't wanna think about it
I can't sleep at night
Oh this can't be right
Come back to my life

Ashley picked up the phone and dialed his number. "Hello," he said with a dry mouth. Ashley didn't speak. "Ash is this you?" he asked. She started to cry and hung up the phone.

Ashley sat on her bed waiting for Justin. "Hey babe," he said walking in.

"Hey." she said back.

"Close your eyes," he said. He moved her hair and put a beautful diamond heart necklace around her neck. She opened her eyes.

"Oh Justin its beautiful," she said kissing him.

Ashley held the necklace in her hands crying again.

Oh baby I'm missing you
We used to love so strong
Tell me where did I go wrong
Oh baby I'm missing you
They say I learned to forget
But it sure ain't have been you

Justin picked up his car keys and headed to the beach. Ashley picked her car keys up and headed to the beach to think.

Justin was set to go on tour again. He was going to miss Ashley. She was going to miss him. "Ash, I love you. I'll miss you," he said crying.

"I love you too."
~~end of flashback

The day Justin came back from the tour Ashley left him.

I know there's no way our love could die
So no matter how long it takes I'll wait for you
And whatever it takes I'll be there for you
I'll be there...I'll be there

Justin got to the beach and began to walk along it. Ashley went to the rocks and sat down.

Justin had been walking for ten minutes when he saw Ashley on the rocks. Ashley then saw him. He walked over. She didn't move.



They stood there for a second. "Justin I'm sorry. I love you. I know you probably hate me."

Justin cut her off and kissed her. "I love you too Ash."

Ashley and Justin sat in the nite holding on and kissing each other.
