Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect
By: Amanda and Teri
© 1999 Amanda and Teri

~Chapter 1~

Amanda was sitting in her office with her legs propped up on her desk. Resting on her legs was a huge thick binder that she was flipping through. A few minutes later she closed the binder and threw it across her office. It landed right at the feet of her best friend, Teri, who had just walked in.

"What's wrong? Can't find Aj's favorite glow in the dark condoms?" Teri asked with a smile.

"I can't figure out a good way to promote the guys. I hate this job." Amanda answered.

"Well isn't that assistant manager position open?"

"Yeah, I'm up for it. And i really want it."

"Well i'm sure you'll get."

"I hope so. You here to see Brian?"

"Like always. So uh has that new hot cute guy in your building noticed you yet?"

"No not yet but he will."

"Oh great. You have a cooked up a little scheme haven't you?"

"And why would little ol' me need a scheme?"

"Because you are like that. I'm gonna get out of here before you drag me into this."

"Oh I don't have to drag. You're already in it."

"Are you serious? I can't get arrested again. Brian will kill me."

"Relax it isn't illegal this time. And you aren't the only one I'm involving in this."

"Oh? And who else is involved?"

"Aj. But he just doesn't know it yet."

"I don't like that look on your face. I'm outta here before your head starts spinning. I'll catch ya later girl."


A few minutes later Amanda was up out of her office walking around the building when she ran into Aj.

"Oh i'm sorry Aj." Amanda said apologizing.

"Oh no. It was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." Aj said apologizing.

"Well we both weren't looking where were going. So what are you up to?"

"Well I needed to stretch my legs and I wanted to go outside for a smoke but you know me I can't remember where the door is."

"I'll show ya. And you know you really should quit."

"I know. Its a terrible habit but what can I say it calms me."

"I'm sure. Umm...Aj?"


"I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you as soon as we get outside."


~Chapter 2~

AJ and Amanda walked outside. "So Amanda what do you wanna talk about?" AJ asked looking at her.

"Oh yeah, um," Amanda began to say. 'What if he says no?' she thought.

Teri walked around the halls looking for the place Brian was suppose to be. She was walking when someone snuck up behind her.

"Guess who?" the person said putting his hands over her eyes.

"Let me think...um..my boyfriend...um...Michael," Teri said.

"What?" Brian said confused.

Teri turned around and kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug. "Just joking baby," she said then gave him a more passionate kiss. "You are the only one for me baby," Teri said hugging him tightly. Brian then gave her a kiss on the lips softly.

"Hey you two get a room!!" Nick yelled walking hand in hand with Alanna.

"Be quiet Nicky," Teri said then kissed Brian again.

"Hey you two wanna go grab a bite to eat with us?" Alanna asked.

"Sure," Teri said. They headed to eat.

Amanda looked at AJ then decided she would ask for the favor. "AJ, ok let me explain before ask for the favor," AJ nodded and let her continue. "Ok there's this guy in my building Justin. See I want to go out with him really bad. Well he's having a party there this weekend and I was kinda wondering if you'd go with me?" Amanda asked.

"Ok wait a sec. You like this guy, but you want me to go with you?" Aj said a little confused.

"Yes, to make him jealous. Would you please? I'll let you use me any time you want if you do this for me. Please?" Amanda pleaded to Aj. Aj would do anything for her even if it meant getting used by her.

"I will," Aj finally said then hugged him.

"Thanks," she said happily.

"So Alanna how's things between you and Nicky?" Teri asked as they were in the ladies room.

"Great. How bout you and Bri?" she asked.

"Only way it could be better if he asked me to marry him. I love him so much," Teri said.

Nick and Brian sat talked while their girlfriends were in the ladies room. "So Nick how's things with you and Alanna?" Brian asked.

"Great, How bout you and Teri?" Nick asked.

"Wonderful. I was even thinking about asking her to..." Brian was saying just before Alanna and Teri got back so he stopped.

"So what you two talking about?" Teri asked looking over at Brian as she sat down.

"We were talking about how we were the luckiest guys on the Earth to have girlfriends like you," Brian said sincerely.

"How sweet honey," Teri said kissing Brian softly on the lips.

Aj had decided to take off early and said he'd have Kevin drive back up here when he came to get Jana. As Kevin drove Aj back. Aj started wondering if Amanda could ever like him.

"Hey Bone, what's gong on in that head of yours?" Kevin asked.

"Kev, I like Amanda. You know more than a friend. I want something to happen between us.," Aj said to Kevin.

"Aj aren't you two going out tonite?" Kevin asked confused.

"To a party at her apartment building. Given by a guy she has the hots for," Aj said sadly.

"Bone I'm sorry," Kevin said.

Aj walked to Amanda's office door and knocked. Amanda opened it. She was wearing this beautiful baby blue sundress. Aj was speechless. Aj thought that she looked so damn gorgeous. "You look beautiful," Aj said.

"Thanks," she said blushing.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Sure am." So Aj and Amanda headed to the party at Justin's.

~Chapter 3~

During the party as Amanda gushed over Justin Aj's heart was breaking with each word that flowed out of her mouth that was about Justin. Whenever Justin was around her she threw herself all over Aj.

Just then "Take My Breath Away" by 98° started to play. "Let's dance," Amanda said grabbing Aj's hand. So the 2 went out onto the dance floor and started to dance really close. Aj closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

meanwhile.....br> Teri and Brian were watching a movie at Teri's place. Brian grabbed Teri's hand and intertwined their fingers as he said, "Neither Me Without You nor You Without Me."

"You say the sweetest things."

"Well i mean it. I never want to be without you."

"And I never want to be without you." Teri snuggled up close to Brian and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his free arm around her as he kissed her on the head and sighed.

The song had long ended and Aj found himself sitting on a couch while amanda had walked off somewhere with Justin to talk. Amanda found herself making out with Justin in his bedroom. They continued for a few minutes when she broke away from him.

"What did i do wrong?" Justin said running his hand through his hair.

"Nothing. It's just that I'm here with Aj," Amanda said deciding that she'd play hard to get.

"Wow you must really like him."

"Yeah i guess you could say that."

Amanda and Justin walked out to the party. Amanda walked over to where Aj was sitting and said, "Let's go get a drink."

"There is nothing good to drink here." Aj said.

"Then lets go to a bar."

"Ok fine with me."

The movie had ended and Brian had turned off the vcr and tv. He then looked down and asked softly, "You asleep?"

"Huh?" Teri answered sleepily.

"I need to ask you something baby. It can't wait."

Teri sat up and looked at Brian sleepily and asked, "What do you want to ask me?"

"Teri like I said earlier neither me without you nor you without me. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. You are my reason for waking up each morning. And dreams of you are my reasons for sleeping each night. Everyday when I'm not with all I can think about is how much I would love to spend just 10 minutes with you. To feel your silky smooth skin on mine. Your soft lips pressing mine. You are my world. My life and what I'm trying to get at here is, Teri Randolph will you be my perfect fan and marry me?" Teri brought her hand up to her mouth and gasped as Brian pulled a ring out from his pocket. It was gorgeous it was her birthstone, opal, surrounded by diamonds and on the inside of the band there was an inscription. It was in french and it translated to, "Neither Me Without You nor You Without Me."

"Say something, T. You're starting to worry me."

"Oh Bri! Of course I'll marry you. I'd be crazy not to." Brian slipped the ring on her finger. She then threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

~Chapter 4~

Brian and Teri's kiss had begun to deepen. Brian's hands were moving up and down her body. He began to untuck her shirt, but stopped. "What's wrong Brian?" Teri asked.

Aj and Amanda were at the club CrossRoads. Both Aj and Amanda were drunk off their asses. A slow song came on. Monica's 'Angel of Mine'. Amamda grabbed Aj and they began to dance they were really gettin close when Amanda kissed Aj passionately. They danced to another song before Amanda passed out. Aj took her back to her apartment. Took her shoes off and laid her on the bed. She began to talk in her sleep.

"I love you," she started off saying and Aj thought she was talking to him because she grabbed his hand. "I love you Justin," she said then went back to sleep.

Aj's heart began to break with those words. He thought their kiss meant more, but he was wrong. Went into her living room too tired and wasted to drive home fell asleep on Amanda's couch heartbroken.

"I want to make sure you are ready Teri," he said looking into her eyes that were gorgeous at that moment were green.

"Brian, I've waited my whole life for you. I'm not waitng any longer," She said kissing him. Teri who was going to be 24 in a week was still a virgin. Llet's go to the bedroom Bri," she said.

"Sure baby," he said and picked her up carrying her to her room. Brian laid her on the bed. Brian kissed her passsionately and began to undo her shirt. Took her shirt off and threw it to the side. Began to kiss her breasts. Slowly taking the rest of her clothes off. She had taken every thing except his boxers off.

"Are you sure you ready?" Brian asked. Teri bit her lip and removed his boxers. Brian slowly entered her. She let out a little scream in pleasure and some pain. She kissed him passionately as he was still going in and out of her. They kept this up for an hour. Teri rolled on top of Brian laying there.

"I love you, Teri Jo Randolph," Brian said.

"I love you too Brian Thomas Littrel," she said and kissed him on the lips and they fell asleep.

the next morning....
Amanda woke up with a pounding headache. She remembered that she and Aj kissed, but nothing after that until now. She walked into the kitchen and saw Aj laying asleep on the couch. He looked so peaceful. That kiss to her meant something more deep down, but she was fighting it.

Aj woke up. "Aj why didn't you go back to your apartment?" Amanda asked.

"I was tired and wasted," Aj said.

"It's across the hall," she said confused. "Have you seen teri this morning?" Amanda asked.

"No, I haven't. She's not in her room?" Aj said.

"No, I wonder where she is," Amanda said. Just then arm in arm Brian and Teri walked into the apartment.

"Guess what Amanda?"

"What T?"

"Look," she said. Showing Amanda her engagement ring. Amanda stood there in suprise.

~Chapter 5~

Amanda hugged Teri as she said, "Ter? I'm so happy for you."

Aj gave Brian a pat on the back as she said, "Good job man. You have one the few perfect women."

Amanda looked at Teri and then said, "Umm T. I really need to talk to you about something in the kitchen."

"Can it wait?"

"No it can't."

At this point amanda grabbed Teri by the arm and pulled her into the kitchen. "How come one of my plans can't work? Just one! All my schemes and plans always get screwed up. Why?"

"Justin didn't noticed you huh?"

"Oh he noticed me. We where making out in his bedroom."

"Oh really? What happened?"

"I stopped and told him I couldn't since I was there with Aj. Then me and Aj left went to a club, got drunk, danced, and then we kissed."

"You serious?"

"Yeah. But I'm not suppose to kiss Aj I'm suppose to kiss Justin."

"yamanda hugged teri as she said,"ter?i'm so happy for you." aj gavebrian a pat on the back as she said,"good job man.you have one the fewperfectwomen." amanda looked at teri and then said,"umm t. i really need to talk toyou about something in the kitchen." "can it wait?""no it can't." at this point amanda grabbed teri by the arm and pulled her into the kitchen. "how come one of my plans can't work?just one!all my schemes and plans always get screwed up.why?" "justin didn't noticed you huh?" "oh he noticed me.we where making out in his bedroom." "oh really?what happened?" "i stopped and told him i couldn't since i was there w/ aj.then me and aj left went to a club.got drunk.danced.and then we kissed." "youserious?" "yeah.but i'm not suppose to kiss aj i'm suppose to kiss justin." "you've got problems."

"Don't remind me."

Aj and Brian sat down in the living room and started talking. "So what are you doing here, Aj?" Brian asked.

"Well I escorted Amanda to this party that was being thrown by this guy she likes. Then we went got drunk, danced, kissed, had my heart broken."

"Damn.does she even know you like her?"

"No. I don't know. Does it matter?"

"Yeah it probably does matter. And who was this guy that threw the party?"

"I don't know. All I know is that his name is Justin and he lives in this building."

"Does he have like light brown hair?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well according to him he scored big with Amanda."

"He said what? They weren't even alone long enough for him to score. How do you know he said that."

"He's bragging about it downstairs."

"I'll be right back Bri."


Teri and Amanda walked out of the kitchen to find Brian all by himself. Amanda asked, "Wheres Aj?"

"He uh went to go squash a rumor." Brian answered.

"What kind of rumor?" Teri asked.

Before brian could answer they heard a bunch of commotion coming from outside. All 3 looked at each other then ran outside to see what was happening in the hallway.

They saw Aj on top of Justin. Aj looked pissed as he kept swinging on him. Amanda ran over and tried to pull Aj off of justin but accidentally got hit by mistake. She stumbled backwards. When Aj realized what happened he got off of Justin and ran over to Amanda.

Brian pushed Aj back inside the apartment as Teri helped Amanda inside. Teri went directly to the kitchen and grabbed some ice and towels for both Amanda and Aj.

"God, Aj! what the hell was that all about?" Amanda said yelling at him. Aj didn't respond he just took the ice from teri and applied it to his jaw.

"Ummm... Amanda?" Brian said.

"Yeah Bri?"

"I think I know what that was about."

"Well care to fill us in?" Teri asked.

~Chapter 6~

"Well when I was downstairs I heard the guy Justin talking to another guy. He said that you and him kinda did something," Brian said trying to say it simple.

"Yeah, so what?"

"You mean you actually fucked him Amanda?" Aj said not believing his what he was hearing.

"No I did not fuck him! Damnit AJ I don't need you to be my fuckin hero I can take care of myself," Amanda said angrily.

Aj just got up and walked out. He couldn't understand her at the moment he wasn't about to get in to it with her. "Teri, I'm going to the office. See you later," Amanda said walking out the door.

Teri knew how much Amanda's feelings for AJ was growing, but she was too scared to admit them. "Baby, what's wrong?" Brian asked her looking deep into her eyes.

"Bri, the way she is right now. I don't understand. Why she is so mad at Aj and not Justin. She likes him. Damn," Teri said.

At Amanda's office~~
Amanda sat there crying. She had no idea why she was yelling at Aj. He didn't do anything wrong. *Knock* "Come in," Amanda called.

"Hey Amanda. Can we talk?" Jace, Howie's girlfriend, asked walking into the office.

"Sure bout what?" Jace was in line for Amanda's job if Amanda got assistant manager.

"Well Howie and mine's six month anniversary is coming up in five hours and I was wondering if I could leave early so I could get ready,' Jace asked.

"Go right ahead Jace. You are free to go."

"You are the best Amanda. Some guy Justin is here to see you," Amanda took a deep breathe and told Jace to let him in.

"Amanda, can we talk?" Justin asked.

"Sure," she said.

"I'm sorry what I said was wrong," Justin said. He walked over to Amanda and kissed her the kiss began to deepen the next thing clothes are flying off. Aj not realizing what was happening opened the door.

"Amanda I just want to apol......" Aj said just before he saw them on her couch in the office naked.

Justin got up put his clothes. "See you later baby," he said walking out.

"Aj why don't you knock," Amanda said not very happy.

"I'm sorry," Aj said with his heart broken into a million pieces.

"Aj, what do you want?"

"To tell you Amanda that, your heart is about to be broken into a million pieces that guy does not care for you one bit," Aj said.

"GOD DAMNIT AJ! Since when are you the official watcher of me. What guy I see or whatever I care to do with is none of your business. Maybe just maybe I was wrong for telling at you, but you act as if no one is good enough for me. AJ maybe I'm not good enough for them. AJ just stay out of my life from here on out. Only time we talk his here at the office now please go," Amanda said. Aj walked out his heart broken into 10,000,000 pieces. Amanda slammed the door behind him and fell to the ground crying "Why do I have to be in love with him? Why?" Amanda cried.

1 month later~~~Teri and Brian's Engagement Party
Amanda hadn't spoke to Aj since that day besides for work. Things between her and Justin absolutely sucked! He wouldn't let her hang out with Teri and he got mad at her so easily once Amanda lied and said she was going to visit her mom, but went to see Teri and Brian. That nite when she got home he hit her. Amanda was so frightened of him now.

"Hey Justin and Amanda how are you two?" Brian asked coming and shaking Justin's hand.

"Great. Congratulations Man. I guess you are one lucky guy to have Teri."

"I'll be right back Justin have to go to the bathroom," she interrupted him he loked so pissed.

"Unlike the whore of a girlfriend I have."

"Justin, shut the fuck up. How you dare talk about my best friend. Get the fuck out my house. Leave her the fuck alone. You don't deserve her. Quite frankly she doesn't deserve being treated the way you are. You are such a fuckin bastard," Teri yelled at him.

"You little bitch. Going sticking up for her. Damn you are so fucking fiesty. She must be good in bed, huh Brian?"

"Shut the fuck up and GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!" he yelled.

"Why are you kicking him out?" Amanda asked.

"He's an asshole. He doesn't deserve you Amanda," Teri said.

"No, I don't deserve him. Forget me being your maid of honor or even coming near your wedding. Teri you have no right to run my life and tell me what to do. We are no longer friends," Amanda said walked out the door with Justin.

"Justin wait I have to go talk to Teri and apologize," Amanda said starting to walk back towards Teri's and Brian's door.

"NO!" he yelled. He then slapped her knocking her to the ground.

Meanwhile inside...
Teri had went into her bathroom and cried her eyes out she had just lost her best friend. "T, baby let me in," Brian said. She opened the door.

"Bri, how could she say that. She no longer wants me to be her best friend," Teri said crying.

"She's just confused honey," he said hugging her and giving her a peck on the cheek. All the sudden Teri had a queasy feeling in her stomach. She got away from Brian's embrace and threw up in the toilet.

"You ok honey?" he asked.

"Fine," she said. They walked back into the party. Teri's stomach was fine now. All the sudden she heard sirens. She walked out of her house. It was an ambulance. She saw Amanda on the ground bleeding next thing before anyone could blink Teri passed out.

~Chapter 7~

"Oh fuck!" Brian yelled as he kneeled down next to Teri. "Baby! Come on baby wake up!" Brian said. One of the paramedics waved some smelling salts under her nose and she was quickly revived.

"Are you okay ma'am?" the paramedic asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. But is she okay?" Teri asked pointing towards Amanda who was now on a stretcher being loaded into the ambulance.

"We think so. But she's been hit pretty badly. She's gonna have bruises and feel very sore tomorrow. Umm does she have any family?" the paramedic answered.

"I'm her only family." Teri said almost whispering. Just then Brian looked behind him to see Aj walking towards the front door he stood up and moved into Aj's way.

"What's going on, B-Rok?" Aj asked.

"It's nothing Bone."

"Is that amanda?"

"Umm no."

"What happened B-rok tell me."

"All I know is that she's been hit pretty badly."

"I'll kill him."

"Aj, listen to me. Don't do anything. It'll only make her hate you more."

"How can she be with that jerk?"

"I don't know Bone. I just don't know. In her eyes he can do no wrong."

"Why can't she look at me the way she does at him?"

"She will. Someday."

"I don't want to wait. I want it now."

"Well talk to her."

Brian walked back over to Teri and asked, "Wanna go to the hospital with Amanda?" she nodded her head yes but the paramedics said she couldn't. So she, brian and Aj got into Brian's car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

A few minutes after amanda was admitted into the hospital she was ready to be discharged. As she sat in on a bed in one of the sections in the emergency room. Aj walked over and sat next to her bed.

"I need you to listen to me for at least 2 minutes. Do you think you can do that?" Aj asked.

She placed her hands over her face as she nodded. "Ever since I met you I've been in love with you. I would have done anything for you. Hell I actually did do something for you. You broke my heart over and over again and then broke it again. I've watched you tell your best friend off just for someone who did this to you. I could give you everything you wanted and more just to hear you say 'I Love You Aj.' I look at Brian and Teri and wish that could be me and you. I watch you as your eyes light up when you smile and think would she ever look at me like that. Would her eyes ever light up just for me and it brings me great pain to see you destroy yourself like this. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but I love you Amanda. I always have and I always will. I don't want to lose you ever."

"Protect me Aj."


"I need you to protect me. Just look at me Aj, look at my face. I'm so scared Aj. What am I letting him do to me. A month ago I thought he was exactly what I wanted. Then I started to realize I had feelings for you but i just hid them. What am i gonna do Aj? How am I gonna get Teri to forgive me? How am I gonna get you to forgive me for what I've done with you?"

"I've already forgiven you. And I don't think it'll be too hard to get Teri to forgive you. I just have to ask you a question. What do you want now?"

"I really don't know. So where's Teri and Brian?"

"Well Teri is seeing a doctor right now."


"She hasn't really been feeling well lately."

"Ms. Randolph? Mr.Litrell? I've got some news for you. Congratulations. You are gonna have a baby. Teri you are apparently a month pregnant." The doctor then left the two alone as they started to hug each other.

"Oh, baby! This is so wonderful." Brian said.

"Yeah it is." Teri said as her voice started to crack.

"Oh whats wrong Ter?"

"Amanda hates me and that means she can't be the godmother."

"I'm sure she doesn't. Why don't we go visit her?"

"Can we?"

"Yeah. She's gonna be discharged soon."

Brian and Teri then walked over to where Amanda and Aj were. "Teri! You don't hate me, do you?" Amanda asked.

"You don't hate me, do you?"


"Me neither."

"Teri I'm sorry. You were only looking out for me, you all were and I treated you all like shit and I apologize."

"It's okay girl! Me and Brian have some more news. You tell them Bri."

"Well me and Ter are gonna be having a baby! And we want you two to be the godparents. And we won't take no for an answer."

"I'm so touched. And forget about what I said back at your house Ter. I plead temporary insanity."
