Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely

Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

[Chapter 1: Drinking]

Jill laid there with all her emotion drained out of her. She had just gotten back from the hospital. It had been a long nite, nothing was going right. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep one of her many attemps at this, but nothing seemed to be working.

Jill got up and went into her living room. Her house seemed so empty now, even with all the people there with her. She tooked the bottle from her bar and poured herself drink. Jill went to her couch and sat down with the glass in hand and the bottle in the other. Jill hardly ever took a drink, but now she couldn't.

Jill's baby brother, Justin was asleep is his room and the rest of *N Sync was asleep in the 2 guests rooms. *N Sync was the group Justin was in. His friends Jc, Joey, Lance, and Chris. they were the sweetest guys she knew.

As Jill sat there she heard a noise from down the hall. "Justin? Jill? Is that you?" the voice called. Jill quickly pushed the glass and bottle under the couch.

"Hey Jilly-Bear couldn't sleep?" Jc asked.

"Yeah, why are you up?" Jill said back.

"I was worried about you Jilly," Jc said.

"Don't be," she said.

"I think I should be, for someone who hardly ever takes a drink and the bottle is almost gone," Jc said.

"Jc that is none of your business," Jill said raising her voice.

"You are my friend and I care about you," Jc argued with her.

"I just lost Wes, please let me deal with this my way," Jill argued back. Jill got up grabbed her jacket and went to the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"None of yur business," she said walking out the door. Jill didn't know where she was going she just had to get away.

[Chapter 2: Lost]

Jill finally reached her destination of choice, Happy Hour, it was a 24 hour club that some of her friends had told her about. Happy Hour was right outside of Orlando. Jill got to the door and almost forgot why she was there, but she knew now. She had to forget about everything. All her pain and loss. She missed Wes so much. He'd only been gone for a few hours, but she'd still never see him again. The love of her life, her soul mate, her world.

Jill walked into the club. She took a seat at a table and waited for her waitress or waiter to come by and take her order. "What would you like miss?" the waiter asked.

"A strawberry daquiri," she said.

"Ok, anything else?"

"No that's all for now."

"Ok I'll have right out," he said and walked over to the bar and placed the order.

Jill felt like being wild tonite. She just didn't want to be herself someone totally different. Who didn't have to deal with the pain she had.

Jill sat in the waiting room wating for word on Wes. Earlier that nite on his way home from work he was hit by a drunk driver. She had gotten the call from Wes's little sister who was only 16. She was scared out of her mind. Wes was in very critical condition so when Jill went into see him the his heart monitor went off and she was rushed out of the room and told to go to the waiting room.

"Ms. Timberlake," the doctor said standing before her.

"Yes," Jill said getting up.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but your boyfriend Wesley Andrews is dead," the doctor said then walking away. The words repeated over and over in her head.
*End of Flashback*

Jill was brought out of her nitemare as the waiter sat the drink on her table. "Here you go," he said.

"Thanks," Jill said.

"Hey, sweeti how about we go for a drink after I get off work," the waiter.

"I don't go out with strangers," Jill said almost forgetting who she was.

"I'm Mark, and now I'm not a stranger," Mark said.

"I'm Jill and whenever you get off work I'm ready." she said.

"Ok, let me go clock out and we'll get out of here." Mark said.

*the Next morning*
Jill woke up in her room not knowing were she was. She then remembered coming home. She heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"Who the heck are you? " she heard Justin yell.

"I'm a friend of Jill's," she heard another voice say. Now remembering that she came home with Mark being so drunk.

"Is this true Jill?" Justin asked as he saw her walk in.

"Yes, is that a problem Justin," Jill asked him.

"You just can't bring guys home," Justin said.

"Justin it's none of your business who I bring in my house," Jill said.

"I'm worried about you Jilly," Jusitn said.

"Me too," Jc said walking into the kitchen.

"What are you two gonna gang up on me now?" Jill said.

"She's a grown woman, she can take care of herself. So little brother of hers and friend of little brother leave her alone," Mark said glaring at Jc.

"Names Justin."

"Names Jc, who are you to say anyways taking avantage of a girl who is so drunk she hardly remembers anything," Jc said.

"How dare you Jc," Jill yelled.

"You have no rite," Mark said taking a swing at Jc. Jc dunked and swung back hitting him.

"Mark!" Jill said.

[Chapter 3: Alone]

"Jc why did you do that?" Jill asked.

"He swung at me first. So now is this my fault?" Jc said growing angry.

"Jill this guy swung at Jc first," Justin said sticking up for his best friend. By now everyone was awake and saw what had happened.

"Little brother has a lot of little gay friends doesn't he?" Mark said making Justin and everyone else mad, except Jill.

"Mark, let me clean that up and maybe we could go out at a different time," Jill said.

"Ok, baby," Mark said kissing her. Justin was about ready to attack him when Joey grabbed him.

"Look they are expressing being gay how cute," Mark said this making everyone angry again except Jill.

When Mark had left Jill came into the kitchen where everyone was sitting silently. "Jc, may I have a word with you?" Jill asked.

"Sure what is it?" Jc asked.

"Privately?" Jill asked.

"Why to smack me and tell me my comment about Mark taking advantage of you? You are going tell me I was wrong. Well how drunk you were when you left here was probably enough to make you forget, but you probably went to a bar then," Jc said not missing thing. It was all true, but how could she admit it. All this did was send her running. Jill went into her room and crashed on her bed crying.

"Jc, why'd you say all those things?" Justin asked wanting to defend his sister now.

"When she left about 2 last nite she was out of it before she walked out the door," Jc said.

"And you let her go?" Joey asked.

"I couldn't stop her. She got mad at me because I was worried about how much she was drinking." Jc said. Jc got up from the table and wallked toward Jill's room. He knocked on the door. "Jill?" he called. She opened the door.

"What?" she asked trying to get the tears to vanish.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, come in here," Jill said.

"I'm sorry I just want you to be okay. Jill you are so close to me."

"Jc I know. It's just I lost Wes and I'm so frustrated with myself. I can't do anything right. You are so right I don't remember anything that happened last nite," Jill said breaking down in tears. "I feel so alone and drinking makes me feel so much better until I wake up."

"It's okay Jill. You aren't alone we are here for you," Jc said. hugging her.

*Later that nite at Happy Hour*
Jc walked into the club looking for Mark. Jill had told him that was were he worked and without anyone knowing he left to find him. He hurt Jill and no one does that.

Jc was on MMC and the new kid Justin and him had become friends. Now Jc was going to meet his family. There she stood a beautiful girl around his age stood. "Jc this is my big sis, Jilly-Bear," Justin said, her face turning a little red. She couldn't believe her little brother was doing this he knew that she had a crush on Jc.

"Hi, Jilly-Bear it's nice to meet you. Justin talks about you all the time. It's like I already know you," Jc said.

"Hi," Jill said shyly.
*End of Flashback*

He still couldn't believe how beautiful his freind Jilly-Bear was. Millions of times he wanted to tell her, but it was never the rite time. Jc was in love Jill he knew that, but couldn't tell anyone first off his best friend Justin was her brother and he'd probably say something to her.

"Excuse I'm looking for Mark?" Jc asked the bartender.

"Hi little brother's gay friend," Mark said.

Jc turned around, "Name is Jc and I'm here to tell you to leave Jill alone," Jc said.

"So little boy is in love with the little slut," Mark said.

"Just leave her alone. She's not a slut," Jc said.

"Oh wait she's a whore that I'm willing to do again," Mark said.

"Don't talk about my sister that way," Justin said coming up behind Jc.

"Please will you two leave," the manager asked. They left after saying a few words to Mark. This made Mark mad. He knew just what to do.

*Later @ Jill's Place*
There was a knock on the door. Jill answered it. "Can I help you?" Jill asked the 2 police officers.

"I'm looking for Jc Chasez," one of them said.

"Yes," Jc said.

"Mr. Chasez, you are under arrest for assault on Mr. Mark Gibbons. Justin Timberlake you are also under arrest for assault."

"What?" Justin and Jc said.

The police put handcuffs on them and took them in. In five minutes this had at the media.

[Chapter 4: Lies]

Jill raced down to the station after Jc and Justin were taken in, Jc knew that the media would be over this in no time.


Jill watched as she the news not believing her eyes or hears that Mark was saying Jc was in love with her or for that matter that her baby brother was fighting with Mark. "Ms. Timberlake you can go see them now," the officer said. Walking down the hall brought memories to Jill.

Jc walked to the door he was hoping Jill would answer and she did. "Hi, Jc," Jill said letting him in.

"Hi my Jilly-Bear," Jc said back to her giving her a hug and her returning it.

"So you and Justin doing something tonite?" Jill asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Yea, we were gonna go meet this guy that Justin knows about starting a group," Jc said. Jc sat next to Jill and looked at her and noticed from the moment she walked into his life how beautiful she was.

"You look beautiful tonite, Jilly" Jc said taking her hand.

Jill blushed and smiled. "Thanks, you don't look bad either," Jill said. Jc leaned in and kissed her and their kiss ensued until Justin interupted them.

"See you later Jilly."

"Bye Josh," Jill said.
*End of Flashback*

*N Sync were beginning their tour and were leaving today. Jill was so sad Justin her baby brother would be going then her boyfriend Josh or Jc whatever she called him at the moment was going to. She was in love with him and decided she should tell him.

Jill said her goodbyes to Jusitn. Then it came to Jc. "Josh, I'll miss you baby. I..." Jill began, but couldn't find the words.

"Jilly you okay..I hope me going away won't mess us up," Jc said. Jill by now was scared he'd forget her and decided to run away from the love and break his heart.

"Josh, I think we should.." Jill began trying to find the heart to say it.

"What Jilly-Bear?" Jc asked.

"We should call it quits at least for now," Jill said.

"Oh," was all Jc said then kissed her lips then left her there. Watching him leave broke her heart.
*End of Flashback*


*N Sync was coming home from their European tour it was a big success. Justin, Jc, Chris, and Justin's Mom Lynne walked through the door. They were now sharing a home. Jill was making her way over to see her mom and baby bro not knowing Jc would be there so she could introduce them to Wes.

"Jc, man Jilly is coming over," Justin said.

"Really," Jc said remembering his broken heart that was still not mended. Every time he began to get close to a girl none of them compared to Jill.

Jill walked through door arm and arm with Wes. Jc was asleep. "Mom, Justin, Chris this is Wes my new boyfriend," Jill said just as Jc walked down from his room.

"I thought I heard your lovely voice. Hi good to see you. Lynne, Justin, Chris I'm gonna go visit some friends. I'll be home later. Nice to meet you Wes, I'm Jc. Bye you two," Jc said walking out the door. As soon as he reached his jeep got in he began to cry. It broke his heart to see Jill with another guy.
*End of Flashback*

"Justin, Jc," Jill exclaimed as she saw them in 2 cells rite next to each other.

"It's all lies Jilly-Bear," Justin began.

"He's rite all Mark said that was true was what happened this morning and us going to Happy Hour. We were asked to leave by the manager after Justin got there," Jc said looking Jill in the eyes and grabbing her hands.

"Jill, I've loved you since I met you and I still do. I wanna be with you," Jc said.
*End of Flashback*

Jill stood there in daze of her realization.

[Chapter 5: Rekindled]

"Jill you okay?" Justin asked.

"I'm fine, why you askin baby bro?" Jill said.

"No reason," Justin said watching the way Jill looked at his best friend.

"Jc, I'm with Wes now. I care for him so much," Jill said watching his heart break again.

"But I love you. I know you love me too. I know it Jill," Jc said holding Jill's hands. Jill didn't know how to answer, she still loved Jc, but her feelings for Wes were growing, and she thought she might have a chance with this one.

"Josh, please I love him. I have something with him I never had with you," Jill said.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time Jilly-Bear," Jc said then walking back inside his house. Jill watched the man she loved walk out of her life again, but this time she knew they'd never be together again.
*End of Flashback*

"Earth to Jill," Jc said.

"Sorry just thinking," Jill said trying to focus on this new found problem of hers Mark. "Guys the police want me to make a statement, so I'll be back in a little bit," Jill said kissing Justin on the cheek.

"Ms. Timberlake, what happened this morning at your house?" the officer asked.

"I woke up this morning to the sound of arguing and I went into my kitchen and it was my brother and Mark arguing and I got in there and tried to calm Justin down. Well, my brother's friend and also a friend of mine came in, Jc and he, and Mark began to argue and Mark swung at Jc first and then Jc dunk and hit Mark...that's all that happened," Jill explained to the cops.

"Is it true that you and Mr. Chasez used to be involved?"

"Yes, a few years ago we went out and when him, my brother, and their friends left for Europe we broke up," Jill said. The cops continued to ask a few questions then Jill left.

The next morning Justin and Jc were released. The media hounded them the whole day one headline that caught everyones eye was 'Timberlake (Jill) and Chasez Back Together'
By:Kaylee Arnold
Last nite Jc Chasez and Justin Timberlake of the pop group *N Sync were arrested for assault, but the police dropped charges when witnesses turned out to be payed by Mr. Mark Gibbons. Timberlake and Chasez have known each other since Timberlake starting workin on the Mickey Mouse Club. Then Chasez met Timberlake's older sister Jill Timberlake. Reportedly that Ms. Timberlake and Mr. Chasez became romantically involved just as *N Sync was beginning to form. Also known that the day *N Sync left Ms. Timberlake broke up with Mr. Chasez leaving Chasez heartbroken.' Continued on Page 4C

Joey put the paper down when he saw Jc walk to the kitchen. "So Jill, why did we break up?" Jc asked the question pulling at Jill's heart.

"Maybe we should go," Joey said.

"No Joe stay," Jill said. "Josh, it's hard to explain," Jill said.

"It's been awhile since you called me Josh," Jc said remebering that day.

"I know Josh, I was scared...I was scared of losing you. That we would grow apart, but to tell you the truth Josh we keep growing and growing to each other. I miss us. I miss you...I miss our long talks. Josh, I never got to tell you something," Jill said taking a breathe everyone still listening to her.

"What Jilly?" Jc asked.

"That day I said good bye to you at the airport the day we broke up. I was going to tell you that.....Josh I love you...I think I've loved you since I first met you. We were meant to be, but I got scared of losing you so i decided to run," Jill said with the tears coming from her eyes.

Jc grabbed her hand. "I still love you, Jilly-Bear," Jc said.

"And I still love you Josh," Jill said then they went into an embrace and then a passionate kiss.

[Chapter 6: Broken Heart]

Jill and Jc gave into the passion that they had wanted for so long. As their kiss grew all the guys snuck out. Justin was so happy to see his sister and his best friend back together, the way they should have been so long.

Jill was the first to pull away. She had wanted that to happen for so long ago. "Josh, I want to be with you again," Jill said looking into his eyes.

"Jilly, I want to be with you too, but I don't know if I can," Jc said the words breaking his heart.

"Josh, what do you mean?"

"Jill, I love you very much, but when you said that what we had could never compare to what you and Wes had it hurt. I'm still hurt." Jc said.

"Josh, but I love you and I was wrong. I'm so sorry. Please I need you," Jill said beginning to cry.

"Please don't cry. I love you too, but I can't we can't. I'm sorry," Jc said walking out of the house. Jill's heart broke in 2. She couldn't believe what had happened.

"Hey sis. Where's Jc?" Justin asked walking into the room.

"He left," Jill said trying to hide her tears.

"Jilly, what's wrong? What happened?" Justin asked hugging his sister.

"He's hurting too bad to let us be together," Jill said crying on his shoulder.

"Jill you gotta give him time. He love's you as much as he did back then. but you can't expect him to come running now. You broke his heart. Not just once, but twice," Justin said.

"How'd you know bout the 2nd time?" Jill asked.

"Jc is my best friend. He told me what happened, he cried Jill. Of all the time I knew Jc that was the first time I saw him cry. Jill...he's loved you never let it be heard to you because he was afraid it'd scare you," Justin said.

"It wouldn't have. Why can't he move on?" Jill asked.

"Jill he needs time. Just give him time. If you two were meant to be you will be. Trust me sis," Justin said.

"I trust you baby bro," Jill said hugging her brother tighter.

*Later @ the Beach*
Jc walked on the beach looking out into ocean. Jc did love Jill, but didn't want that chance to get hurt again. "Hey Jc," he heard a voice yell. He turned around to see Justin, his best friend, the person he loved brother.

"Justin what are you doind here?" Jc asked.

"To talk to you my friend," Justin said. "Why are you doing this?" Justin asked.

"What are you talking about?" Jc asked.

"Why are yo walking away from the girl you loved?" Justin asked.

"Justin you can't understand. I love Jill, but I don't want to get hurt."

"If you really loved her you wouldn't walk away from her," Justin said pleading to his best friend.

"Justin, dammit I need time. I love Jill with all my heart. I'm scared okay...I'm scared of losing her again like I did the day we left for Europe," Jc said tears forming in his eyes.

"If you honestly love her, like I know you do you will go back there and tell her you love her and kiss her and hold her until morning," Justin said.

Jc thought of what Justin said. "I will Justin I will tell her," Jc said.

*Meanwhile @ Jill's House*
The rest of the guys were out. Jill sat in the kitchen staring at the bottle. She was tempted to take a drink, but she held back.

Jill heard someone at the door she walked into the living room. She saw someone she never expect to see.
